1.  What' s Jim's favourite sport?
2.  What's the weather like now?
3.  Where's the man now?
4.  What' s the man doing?
买货币基金5.  How does Bob go to school today?
6.  What class is Peter in?
A.  Class 2, Grade 2.      B. Class 5, Grade 2.    C. Class 5, Grade 3.
7.  What would Tom like?
A.  A cup of tea.    B. A glass of water.  C. A glass of milk.
8.  How much is the blue coat?
A. ¥79.    B. ¥97.    C. ¥88.
9.  Where are they going to meet?
A. At the park gate.    B. Outside the school gate.    C. In their classroom.
10.  What will Ann give Lucy for her birthday?
A.  A story-book. B.  A nice pen.      C.  A birthday card.
11.  Is there a new library in our school?
A.  Yes, there is. B.  Yes, it is.        C.  No, there isn't.
12.  What's around the library?
A.  A lot of trees. B.  Some flowers.  C.  A white building.
13.  How many reading-rooms are for the students?
A.  One.  B.  Two.    C.  Three.
14.  How often can we borrow books from the library?
A.  Once a day.    B.  Once a week.  C.  Once a month.
15.  How do you like your school library?
A.  A little.  B.  Not at all.        C.  Very much.
16. —Tom, what's on the desk?
—Can't you see? There is      pen on it.
A. a          B. an          C. the          D. I
17. China joined the WTO      December 11, 2001.
A. in          B. on          C. at            D. from
18. 1 came to see her,       she wasn't at home.
A. but        B. and        C. or            D. so
19. This book isn't so      as that one. It's hard to read.
A. new      B. difficult  C. easy        D. easier
20. —Where is Mr Brown?
—Over there. He      the flowers.
A. water    B. watered  C. waters      D. is watering
21. Buses and cars      stop when the traffic lights are red.
A. can        B. must        C. may        D. need
22. The Games of      Olympiad in 2008 will be held in the city of Beijing.
汪峰的歌曲北京北京A. 29        B. the 29    C. 29th        D. the 29th
23. There      some milk in the glass.
A. are        B. is            C. has          D. have
24. —Li Ling could speak English when she was only five years old.
      she was!
A. what clever              B. How clever
C. What beautiful          D. How beautiful
25. One of the two girls is here. Where is      ?
A. another B. other      C. others      D. the other
26. —How do you like Hangzhou, Miss Read?
—Sorry, I      there.
A. have gone                B. have been
C. haven't gone            D. haven't been
27. She has made many friends      she came to our school.
A. before  B. after        C. since        d. until
28. We'll have a picnic if it      tomorrow.
A. rains                        B. will rain
C. doesn't rain              D. won't rain
29. —I want to      a new word. May I use your dictionary?
—Sure. Here you are.
A. look for                  B. look at
C. look up                    D. look out
30. 1 want      eggs. I have eaten too much. 生物医学工程就业
A. no more                  B. some more
C. much more              D. many more
(It's Hellen's turn to see the doctor. )
Doctor:  Morning! Your name, please?
Hellen:    31
Doctor:  What's your trouble?
Hellen;   32
Doctor:    33
Hellen:  I felt weak yesterday.
Doctor:    34
Hellen:  Yes, I coughed the whole night.
Doctor:  Then you've caught cold.  35 Drink more water and have a good rest. You'll get better soon.
Hellen:  Thanks, doctor.
A. But nothing serious.           B. Anything else?
C. Where is your pen?            D. Hellen.
E. I'd like a T-shirt.               F. I've got a headache.
花田里犯了错G. Did you cough a lot last night?高考成绩隔了几年还能查吗     
Some people say they have an answer to the problems of car crowding and pollution (?§ ^ ). In many cities, hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders(骑……人的) have even    36 a group(团体) : Bike for a Better City. They say if    37 people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer cars and less dirty air.
