Fangte wild adventure
西安有什么好玩的地方或者景点Fangte wild adventure makes up by 15 theme project area including sunshine square, fangte jolly street, fisherman’wharf, outer space world, mysterious water valley, Vesuvius, lost empire, sprites valley, mysterious west, dino-rampage, conch bay, duludubi farm, kids zone, underwater kingdom, fireball, among them, sunshine square, fangte jolly street and fisherman’wharf are areas for all open, tourist can visit for free. The totally number of theme project、the entertainment project﹑leisure and landscape project is more than 300. these include a lot of world-class large projects, most of them are suitable for people of ages. There has word-stranded fly high simulation project experience project named as fly over limit﹔large dynamic space fight project—the interstellar flight﹔the first and biggest water curtain three-dimensional interactive adventure program Solomonˊs seal; the initiate large volcanic through adventure programs in china Vesuvius; the china’s largest adventure project with the theme of Maya called mysterious valley;the biggest scale of disaster experience program in Asian named as crisis of dinosaur.
