adobe captivate 5界面中文翻译
adobe captivate 5.5 中文教程(帮助)5.9-幻灯片备注
2011-6-20 14:54:01 来源: 原创 作者:唐科 录入:admin 访问:1191 次 被顶:1 次 字号:【大 中 小】
Slide notes
You can add slide notes and convert them into an audio file using the text-to-speech converter in Adobe Captivate. You can also convert slide notes to closed captioned text. Unlike slide notes, closed captioned text appears on the slide during runtime.
你可以使用Adobe Captivate的TTS转换将幻灯片备注转换为声音文件,你也可以将幻灯片备注转换为隐藏式字幕的文字。在执行阶段,隐藏式字幕的文字会出现在幻灯片上,这与幻灯片备注不同。
You can also use slide notes to communicate with users who do not have any audio equipment or are hearing impaired. Slide notes are a good location for adding extra infor
mation about a slide, such as numerical details, supporting materials, or footnote text.
Add slide notes
1.    Select Window > Slide Notes.
选择 窗口>幻灯片备注
2.    In the Slide Notes panel, click the + icon to add a new slide note.
3.    Type the slide notes
Slide notes can act as instructions for developers or as reminders for unfinished items. Notes are not displayed when the movie is played.
Slide notes are automatically imported when you import slides from Microsoft PowerPoint.
当你从Microsoft PowerPoint导入幻灯片时,会自动导入幻灯片备注。
If you export your project to Microsoft Word to create handouts, you have the option to include slide notes in the document. This can be useful when you want to add extra information for reviewers when you publish the project as a Microsoft Word document.
如果你导出项目到Microsoft Word中创建讲义,你可以选择在文档中包含幻灯片备注。当你将项目发布为Microsoft Word 文件时,如果你想要为查阅者加入额外的信息,这个功能很有用。
Convert slide notes to speech or closed captioned text
You can convert text in the slide notes into an audio file using text-to-speech software from NeoSpeech™ or Loquendo™. You can install these software using the Adobe Captivate installation CD or download them from the Adobe website. For detailed instructions on how to install these text-to-speech converters, see Install text to speech converters.
你可以用NeoSpeech™ or Loquendo™的TTS软件将幻灯片备注的文本转换为声音文件。你可以使用Adobe Captivate安装光盘或从Adobe 网站上下载这些软件并安装它们。有关如何安装这些TTS转换的详细说明,请查看 安装TTS转换。
You can also use third-party voices or the voices installed with your operating system. See Using third-party voices for speech text.
你还可以使用第三方的声音或者与你的操作系统上安装的声音。请查看 使用语音文本的第三方声音。
When you convert text to speech, the audio file is inserted into the corresponding slide. Multiple slide notes are merged into a single audio file and appear on the Timeline as a single object. You can also convert slide notes in the panel to closed captions in a single click.
The audio file pauses at locations where you have inserted commas or periods in the slide notes.
When you play the movie:
§  The slide notes are read aloud to the user.
§  The closed caption text on the slide is displayed to the user.
世界手表品牌排行榜1.    To convert the slide notes to audio:
a.    Select the check boxes in the text-to-speech column and corresponds to the notes you want to convert to audio.
