小学生:(primary school) pupil;schoolchild;schoolboy (男);schoolgirl (女);primary scholar;
1. 你的弟弟是小学生吗?
Is your brother a pupil?
2. 澳大利亚每个小学生都知道,该国总理陆克文(kevin rudd)是中国以外少数几个普通话流利的领导人之一。
Kevin rudd, as every australian schoolboy knows, is one of the few mandarin-speaking leaders outside beijing.
3. 小学生今年将受益于“以教为先”。摄影:design pics/rex13香 features
Primary school children will benefit from teach first this year. Photograph: design pics/ rex features
4. 她用一个逃学电风扇 不转小学生的神秘态度格格笑着对我说了这件事。
She told me about this with the secretive giggling attitude of an errant schoolgirl.
5. 我那时候是个小学生.
I was an elementary school student then.
6. 现在每个小学生都知道地球是圆的。
That the earth is 肉末豆腐round is now known to every schoolchild.
7. 小学生们很喜欢甲虫。
The pupil like the beetle very much.
8. 李红是个聪明的小学生。
梦见许多坟墓Li hong is an intelligent pupil.
9. 那个小女孩是小学生吗?
Is the little girl a pupil?
10. 冬冬是个快乐的小学生。
Dongdong is a happy pupil.
11. 他十足是个小学生。
He's a pupil out-and out.
12. 就在美国总统奥巴马访问印尼的几天前,他40多年前在印尼拍的一张照片被发现,照片上的奥巴马当时还是个小学生。
A photograph taken more than 40 years ago showing a young barack obama as a schoolboy in 每个月的情人节indonesia has been found,days before he begins his presidential visit to the country.
13. 她们强化一些模式化观念,责备男孩在课堂上表现“愚蠢”,拒绝“像女孩一样乖乖坐着”,以及更喜欢搞“小学生恶作剧”。
They are reinforcing stereotypes that boys are 'silly' in class, refuse to 'sit nicely like the girls' and are more likely toindulge in 'schoolboy pranks'.
14. 哈萨克斯坦的阿斯塔纳当瓦伦蒂娜席瑞科娃(valentina sivryukova)听到一个哈萨克小学生如何形容别人愚蠢时,她觉得她的公共服务信息宣传成功了。
Astana, kazakhstan-valentina sivryukova knew her public service messages were hitting the mark when she heard how onekazakh schoolboy called another stupid.
15. 最近尝试在小学生性教育课堂里使用暴露生殖器的玩偶做教具,引发了很大争议。
Recent experiments with sex lessons for primary school children, using anatomically explicit dolls, caused controversy.