Beautiful Day
The heart is a bloom 心变成一朵花
Shoots up through the stony ground 疯狂生长钻出无情坚硬的大地
There's no room 没有立足点
No space to rent in this town 在这小城里不到地方入睡
You're out of luck 你运气很糟糕
And the reason that you had to care 你不得不去弄懂这到底是怎么了
The traffic is stuck 交通堵塞
And you're not moving anywhere 你无法自由行动
You thought you'd found a friend 你以为你能到一个朋友
To take you out of this place 他能带你离开这个地方
Someone you could lend a hand 你也愿意帮他
In return for grace 是为了对他的报答
It's a beautiful day 美好的一天
Sky falls, you feel like 天空倒塌,你发觉
It's a beautiful day 这是美好的一天
Don't let it get away 珍惜它教师节手工制作礼物简单又好看
You're on the road 你在走着
But you've got no destination 却不知道走向何方
You're in the mud 你陷入沼泽
In the maze of her imagination 在她虚构的迷宫中迷失方向
You love this town 你喜欢这个城镇
Even if that doesn't ring true 即使听起来不那么自然
You've been all over 你觉得自己无处不在
And it's been all over you 而它也贯穿你的全身
It's a beautiful day 美好的一天
Don't let it get away 别让它溜走
It's a beautiful day 这是美好的一天
Touch me 触摸我
Take me to that other place 带我去那个地方
Teach me 教导我
I know I'm not a hopeless case 我知道我知道我还有希望
See the world in green and blue 看世界花花绿绿
See China right in front of you 看神秘的东方在你眼前呈现
See the canyons broken by cloud 看峡谷被乌云给摧毁
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out 看金鱼把大海给扫空
See the Bedouin fires at night 看游牧的阿拉伯人夜晚被火映照的通红
See the oil fields at first light 看油田被点燃
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth 看咬着一片树叶的鸟儿在飞翔
After the flood all the colors came out 灾难后是一盘混沌的绚烂
It was a beautiful day 曾经美好的一天
Don't let it get away 别让它溜走
Beautiful day 美好的一天
Touch me 触摸我
Take me to that other place 带我去那个地方
Reach me 抓住我
I know I'm not a hopeless case 我知道我还有希望
What you don't have you don't need it now 你没有的你现在不需要
What you don't know you can feel it somehow 你不理解的你现在可以感觉得到
What you don't have you don't need it now 你没有的你现在不需要
Don't need it now 现在不需要
Was a beautiful day 美好的一天

You Belong With Me我们在一起才合适
Written by Swift/Rose
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset你和女朋友在电话上聊天,她很失落
she's going off about something that you said因为不懂你在和她说什么
‘Cause she doesn't get your humour like I do她不像我那样懂得你的幽默
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night我在房间里,这是一个很平常的周二晚上
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like听着她不喜欢听那种类型的歌曲
And she'll never know your story like I do她是永远不会像我这样了解你的故事的
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts她穿着短裙,我着穿T
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长,我在看台上
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find梦想着有一天当你发觉的时候你会发现
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time你在寻的人一直都在你身边
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you要是你能觉察到,我是那个很了解你的人
Been here all along so why can't you see?一直都在你左右为什么你视而不见?
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
Walking the streets with you in your worn out jeans和你走在街上,还有你的破旧的牛仔裤
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be我不禁在幻想那(一起走在街上)会是怎样的情景
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself坐在公园的长椅上傻笑,想到我自己
Hey isn't this easy?这倒不是很容易吗?开封府门票
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town你脸上的笑容照亮了整个城镇
I haven't seen it in awhile, since she brought you down自从她使你低落来,那笑容我很久没看见了
You say you find I know you better than that你说你发现我比你更加了解你的笑容
Hey,what you doing with a girl like that你为什么和那样的女孩在一起呢?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers她穿着高跟鞋,我穿着旅游鞋
上海人民广播电台She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers她是拉拉队长,我在看台上
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time你在寻的一直都在你身边
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you你会发现我是那个很了解你的人
Been here all along so why can't you see?我一直在你身边 你为什么视而不见?
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
Standin by, waiting at your back door站在你家后门等待着
All this time how could you not know that?一直以来都在等待,你怎么还没发觉呢?
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night哦,还记得你半夜开车来我家
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?难道你还不明白我就是那个懂你的人吗?
Been here all along so why can't you see? 一直都在你的身边为什么你视而不见?
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
Standing by or waiting at your back door站在你家后门等待着
All this time how could you not know that一直以来都在等待,你怎么还没发觉呢?
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
Have you ever thought just maybe你有想过吗,可能
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
You belong with me我们在一起才合适
One More Night by Maroon5英语歌词带中文翻译:
You and I go hard,我们之间变得生硬
at each other like we going to war如同随时都会点燃战火
You and I go rough,我和你的关系变得粗糙不堪
we keep throwing things and slamming the doors我们不断地摔碎东西 夺门而出 
You and I get sore,我和你之间变得酸楚痛苦
then dysfunctional we stuck keeping score我们都变得有些神经质 斤斤计较
You and I get sick,我们变得彼此厌倦
they all know that we can't do this no more所有人都知道我们已经无以为继
But baby there you go again,但宝贝你又一次做到了
there you go again making me love you你又一次让我继续爱着你
Yeah I stopped using my head,我的大脑停止了思考
using my head let it all go我放掉了一切
Got you stuck on my body,你蛰伏在我的身体里
on my body like a tattoo像是年少时的刺青
And now i'm feeling stupid,而现在我开始觉得这多么愚蠢
feeling stupid crawling back to you我又一次回到了你身边。
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die,我审视着我的心 我用尽全力祈望着
that i'll only stay with you one more night这是我们的最后一夜
And I know i've said it a million times我知道我已经说了成千上百次
But i'll only stay with you one more night但这会成为最后一晚
Trying to tell you no,我试着告诉你 不!
but my body keeps on telling you yes但我的身体不停吼叫着告诉你 是!!
Trying to tell you stop,我试着告诉你 快TM停止!
but your lipstick got me so out of breath但你的唇让我无法呼吸
I'd be waking up,我在早晨醒来
in the morning probably hating myself我厌恶自己
And i'd be waking up,我又一次这样醒来
feeling satified but guilty as hell满足的像是拥有了世界 但却全身负罪
But baby there you go again,但宝贝你又一次做到了
there you go again making me love you你又一次让我继续爱着你
Yeah I stopped using my head,我的大脑停止了思考
using my head let it all go我放掉了一切
Got you stuck on my body,你蛰伏在我的身体里
on my body like a tattoo像是年少时的刺青
And now i'm feeling stupid,而现在我开始觉得这多么愚蠢
feeling stupid crawling back to you我又一次回到了你身边。
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die,我审视着我的心 我用尽全力祈望着
that i'll only stay with you one more night这是我们的最后一夜
And I know i've said it a million times我知道我已经说了成千上百次
But i'll only stay with you one more night但这会成为最后一晚
Yeah baby give me one more night宝贝给我最后一晚
Yeah baby give me one more night最后一晚的爱
Yeah baby give me one more night最后一晚的温暖和疯狂
But baby there you again,但宝贝你又一次做到了
there you again making me love you你又一次让我继续爱着你
Yeah I stopped using my head,我的大脑停止了思考
using my head let it all go我放掉了一切
Got you stuck on my body,你蛰伏在我的身体里
on my body like a tattoo像是年少时的刺青
And now i'm feeling stupid,而现在我开始觉得这多么愚蠢
feeling stupid crawling back to you我又一次回到了你身边。
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die,我审视着我的心 我用尽全力祈望着
that i'll only stay with you one more night这是我们的最后一夜
And I know i've said it a million times我知道我已经说了成千上百次
But i'll only stay with you one more night但这会成为最后一晚
(yeah baby give me one more night)
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die,我审视着我的心我用尽全力祈望着
that i'll only stay with you one more night这是我们的最后一夜
And I know i've said it a million times我知道我已经说了成千上百次
But i'll only stay with you one more night但宝贝这是我最后一晚的爱。
Stronger    Kelly Clarkson
You know the bed feels warmer你知道被窝里的温暖
Sleeping here alone一个人睡在这里也一样
You know I dream in colour你知道我多彩的梦想
And do the things I want我做我想做的事
You think you got the best of me你认为你得到了最好的我
Think you had the last laugh认为你笑到了最后
Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你会觉得所有好事一去不返
Think you left me broken down你以为你让我崩溃
Think that I'd come running back认为我会跑着回来
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong亲爱的你不了解我,因为你错得彻头彻尾
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Stand a little taller站得高一点
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Footsteps even lighter脚步也更加轻松
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you'r gone你的离去并不代表我的结局
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强
Just me, myself and I只做我自己
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Stand a little taller站得高一点
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞怎么设置深模式
You heard that I was starting over with someone new你只听说我和别人有了新的开始
But told you I was moving on over you但告诉你我已经凌驾于你
You didn't think that I'd come back I'd come back swinging你不会想到我会回来,我会惊艳复出
You try to break me what you see你试过击垮我可事实是
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Stand a little taller站得高一点
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Foot steps even lighter脚步也更加轻松
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you'r gone你的离去并不代表我的结局
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚
Just me, myself and I只做我自己
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大
Stand a little taller站得高一点
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞
Thanks to you I've got a new thing started因为你我才有了一个新的开始
