家长对老师的话1智城实践NO.09 2020
智能城市  INTELLIGENT CITY 气候条件对城市规划的影响分析
树木种类王 丽1 周 清2* 朱保美2
(1.山东省德州市气象局,山东 德州 253009;2.山东省齐河县气象局,山东 齐河 251100)
摘 要:利用齐河县气象局1999~2018年的风向、风速、气温、日照、降水等气象资料,运用风玫瑰图、棒影图日照综合分析、统计分析、线性趋势等方法,对主要气象要素特点及对城市规划的影响进行分析。结果表明:(1)齐河县主导风向为SSW风,其次为NE风,工业区宜选择在城区的西北侧。全县日平均风速3级及以下的日数最多,污染风的比例较高,宜发展轻工业和第三产业。(2)考虑到日照和自然通风条件,住宅朝向以正南方向为最适宜。两栋建筑物之间的间距应为前栋楼房高度的1.83倍,才能满足光照需求。(3)年平均气温呈增温趋势,夏季高温日数较多,气候环境较热,宜采取多措施改善城市的热环境。(4)降水多集中在夏季,强度较强,应着重新城区排水设施和排水管道规划,及时合理改造老城区,加强市区排涝防洪能力。
Impact of climate conditions on urban planning——A case study of Qihe
Wang Li Zhou Qing Zhu Bao-mei
Abstract:Based on the meteorological data of wind-direction,wind-speed,temperatuer,sunlight,precipitation from Qihe meteorological bureau from 1999 to 2018,Characteristics of main meteorological elements and their effects on urban planning were calculated and analyzed in detail by using wind direction rose map,stick sunlight shadow chart,statistic analysis metheds and the linear trend approach,etc.The results indicated that:(1)It prevail southwestly wind in Qihe,northeastly wind follows.So the industry is arranged in northwest of Qihe.The average daily wind speed days of level 3 and below are the most,the proportion of polluted wind is higher,it is advisable to develop light industry and tertiary industry. (2)South direction is considered as the proper building orientation.The distance between two buildings is equal or greater than 1.83 times of the height of the front one to compensate the lowest sunlight requirement. (3)annual average temperature is increasing,high temperature days were more in summer,due to the hot climate,some measures were proposed to perfect the environment. (4)Precipitation is concentrated in summer,precipitation intensity is strong,drainage facilities and drainage pipes would be planned in the new urban area,the old urban area should be rebuilt in a timely and reasonable manner,urban flood control and drainage capacity would be strengthened.
Key words:climatic conditions;urban planning;statistical methods;impact analysis
