Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017公共英语三级考试阅读真题资源,希望能给大家带来帮助!
Kitchen Design
Over the years economic, social and technological factors have influenced the design of kitchens. Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests, the kitchen requires not only a glamorous look but a practical one. Also, the design elements must meet the needs of the modern family.
Environmental concerns have had an enormous impact on kitchen design. This concern includes recycling of house hold material, as well as energy efficient appliances and the purity of both water and air. Research shows that up to 85 percent of the population is concerned about what might be in their drinking water. They are also often dissatisfied with
the taste and odor of what comes out of their tap. This is why it's important to consider adding a water filter system.
The character of today's kitchen is very different from the way it was thirty years ago. There's more sophistication in food preparation, and more technological help with cooking and clean-up.
When choosing cabinets, first consider the style. Use the architectural style of your house as a guide. Because cabinets are a big investment, it is best to choose quality. Popular styles in kitchen cabinets are framed panel doors with raised or recessed panels of wood, cabinet fronts with glass panes, or simple slab doors in a rich painted or laminated finish. Cabinet pulls, don't be afraid to mix and match styles.
Because many of today's kitchens consist of two of more cooks sharing in the meal preparation, there is a need for more counter space, cooktops and sinks. Although lifestyles are changing, the primary function of the kitchen as an area for preparing food has remained unchanged. The sink remains one of the most used areas in the kitchen as
well as an important decorative statement.
Appliance technology is moving at a very fast pace. Choosing what type of appliances as well as how many will depend on several factors such as how often and how much you cook and the size of your kitchen.
Don't limit yourself to one of each kind of appliance. You can have a refrigerator in one place and a freezer in a separate area or two sets of cooktops, one on the counter next to the wall oven and one on an island. You can even have two dishwashers if size and budget require and permit---think of it as saving time in the long run.
中秋思念已故亲人的诗句1. A well-designed kitchen should be modern, beautiful and practical at the same time.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
2. Being harmless to the environment is the top priority in kitchen design.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
3. Quality matters the most when you are choosing kitchen cabinets.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
4. More counter space, cooktops and sink are needed in today's kitchens because food preparation is more complicated than it used to be.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
5. The design of the sink is indicative of a kitchen designer's intelligence关于雷锋的故事的手抄报
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
龙谷山庄6. Means of saving labor, appliances should be replaced whenever new models come out
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
7. It is the amount of time you can spend in the kitchen that decides how many appliances of the same kind you should buy
你的脚步在天涯A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
Three attitudes to life
__1__. You may approach life with the philosophy of the vegetable, in which case your life will consist in being born, eating, drinking, sleeping mating, growing old, and dying.
__2__. A great many so-called successful men and women believe that life is a business, and they arrange their conduct and behavior accordingly. If you believe that life is a business your first question of life, naturally, is “what do I get out of it?” __3__.
The great majority of human beings today look at life as if it were a business.__4__.
她只是我的妹妹The third attitude toward life is the approach of the artist. Here the basic philosophy is “what can I put into it? ”, and the basic relation of the individual to his follow-men is one of cooperation and common sense.__5__. The more we investigate and the more we learn
about living the more we become convinced that the artistic attitude is the only one which is consistent with human happiness.
工程管理专业A. In a word based on this attitude, happiness becomes a matter of successful competition.