全球变暖的原因和影响Causes and Effects of Global Warming英语作文_百 ...
Causes and Effects of Global
汽车油耗The emissions of greenhouse gases have caused global warming. One of the many effects of global warming is that it has led to an increase in the planet’s temperatures.
The leading cause of global warming is the release of harmful and toxic gases into the atmosphere. Some of the harmful gases include carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These two gases are the main ones because of the burning of fossil fuels and industrial activities.
There are various effects of global warming. Some of the results are acid rain, climate change and depletion of flora and fauna. Here in this article, we have provided short and long essays on Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay in English. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English for your information and knowledge and aim to help during school assignments or a speech on Causes and Effects of Global Warming.
乌龟饲养Short Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming 250 Words in English
Global warming is one of the biggest concerns of people all around the world. One of the most importa
nt reasons is a concern because of the rising temperatures of the atmosphere every day.
There are many reasons for the increasing temperature of the planet. One of the biggest reasons for global warming is the emission of harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Some greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and methane.
薯条的做法家常最简单做法There has been continuous emission of the greenhouse gases by the activity of the humans. Some of the humans’ activities that cause global
warming are increasing automobiles, industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels. All the activities emit carbon dioxide in the air, which increases the temperature of the planet. The effects of global warming are visible in the environment around us. It is causing glaciers to melt, temperatures to rise, climate changes and unpredictable natural disasters.碧草青青花盛开
The increase in environmental temperature and climate change on the planet has become evident in the last five decades. The concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth has increased.
空间怎么添加背景音乐Gases like water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, sulphur and nitrogen contribute to the gre
enhouse effect increase. People should come together and work toward solving the problem of global warming. The most significant cause of increasing greenhouse gases in the planet’s atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. These fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide in the environment, which leads to an increase in greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases can absorb more heat from various sources and warm the temperature of the planet. The effects that the greenhouse gases have on the environment is called the greenhouse effect.
