Global Warming 原因 中英对照
1.人口剧增因素Dramatic increase in the population
The population factor is one of the main reasons in global warming. At the same time, this is a serious danger to the balance between natural environment. So large the population is, each year only the amounts of their own carbon dioxide emissions would be a staggering figure. And th2016金曲奖is result will lead directly to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
2.大气环境污染因素Environmental factors
Nowadays environmental pollution has turned major global problem, also lead to global warming. Now, global climate change research has clearly pointed out that since the end of last century , the Earth's surface temperature has begun to increase . 
3.海洋生态环境恶化因素Deterioration of the marine environment factors
At present, the sea-level was constantly on the rise, according to the experts forecast ,at the middle of the next century, sea levels could rise by 50cm. And if we do not take measures, that will lead to the damage and pollution of fresh water resources .
4.土地遭破坏因素The land damage factors
As is known to all, a good vegetation can prevent the soil and water loss. But due to human activities to get wood and cut down forest, cultivate land for agricultural production, there is still much serious damage to vegetation. And it 新闻传播学can cause floods and dust storms, cause great economic loss to the society and worsen natural 古代神话故事有哪些environment.
5.森林资源锐减因素the sharp drop in forest resources factor
Due to natural or man-made factors, forest resources around the world is significantly reduced. 
6.酸雨危害因素Acid rain
Acid rain’s impact on the environment has drawn more and more attention around the world. Acid rain can do damage to forests, lakes and threaten the biological. At present, acid rain occurred in most developed countries, but in some developing countries, acid rain also happened rapidly.
7.物种加速灭绝因素Speed up the extinction of species on Earth's biological factor
Biological species on Earth's is a valuable resources and biological diversity of species is the basis of human existence and development. However, the biological species on earth is disappearing at an unprecedented rate. 
8.水污染因素Water Pollution factors
According to the Global Environment Monitoring System of私家车使用年限 water, about 10%  river water is polluted. Water consumption is in a sharp increase , water pollution is becoming more and more serious.This shows that taking measures to protect water will be very important and urgent. 
9.有毒废料污染因素 Toxic waste factor
The growing number of toxic chemicals not only 团员自我评议threaten human survival, but also damage the earth's surface environment .
1.火山活动Volcanic activity
2.地球周期性公转轨迹变动The earth periodic track changes
