土和于读什么Internet connection does not work with an IP address space of x from ISP, router, or manual configuration
Products Affected
AirPort, Apple TV (1st generation), Apple TV (2nd generation), Bonjour, , Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5, , iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
家庭暴力的危害Your Mac, iOS device, or Apple TV cannot access the Internet with an IP address of x (where xxx represents a number from 0 to 255).
The symptoms of this issue include:
Safari, iChat, and other Internet-dependent applications in Mac OS X may display the message "You are not connected to the Internet."
Mail may put all of your email accounts into an "Offline" status.
iOS devices cannot use other Internet features, such as the App Store.
Apple TV may be able to use Home Sharing with computers on your local network, but not any features that require
Internet access, such as movie trailers or rentals.
In Mac OS X, an AirPort menu bar icon with an exclamation point may appear, and the AirPort menu may state "Alert: No Internet Connection…".
Use this article if:
Your Mac, iOS device, or Apple TV is connected to a network that should provide access to the Internet, and which has a functioning DHCP server (such as an AirPort base station in default configuration).
Your Mac, iOS device, or Apple TV is assigned an IP address of x by your DHCP server, or you have
manually assigned it an IP address of x.
Your Internet-facing router is being assigned an IP address of x by your ISP.
Make sure your Your Mac, iOS device, or Apple TV is properly connected to your home Wi-Fi network (or via Ethernet if
your Mac or Apple TV uses an Ethernet cable).
Make sure your router (such as an AirPort base station in default configuration) is working properly and is assigning IP
addresses to your devices via DHCP.  See  article for details.
If your ISP is assigning your Internet facing router, Mac, or iOS device an IP address of x, contact the ISP
support staff and ask for a proper IP address to access the Internet.
If the DHCP server has been configured to issue an IP address of x, contact the administrator of the DHCP server and ask that they issue a proper IP address to access the Internet, such as what is issued by an AirPort base
怎么消灭蟑螂station in default configuration ( or similar). A DHCP server should not be issuing an IP address of
If you have manually configured your Mac or device with an IP address of x, reconfigure your device to use
a proper IP address to access the Internet.
Additional Information
The x IP address space is reserved for self-assigning or link-local IP addresses. They are used when your
device is not connected to any network at all or a network that has no DHCP server, so that devices can assign their own IP
address. When these devices use , they can create their own DNS name resolution on the network. This is useful when you are connected to a network that is completely isolated; you will be able to network to other devices and even see their share names and Bonjour advertised services.
张卫健与张茜covers the details of this IP address space. Section 1.6 covers the "Alternate Use Prohibition" of this IP space.
Note: In certain situations, a computer or wireless device may create an ad-hoc Wi-Fi network for setup or file sharing purposes.
These Wi-Fi networks do not typically provide Internet connectivity. Common network names for some ad-hoc networks may
include "Free Public WiFi", "HP Setup", or "default".
选择系统偏好设置 --> ⽹络 --> 点击WiFi(如果WiFi是关闭状态先打开) --> ⾼级 --> 点击 TCP/IP 选项卡,在“配置IPv4”选项⾥选择“使⽤DHCP(⼿动设定地址)”
这时在第⼆⾏“IPv4地址” 填⼊“”,当然,这个IP地址你⾃⼰设定,不⼀定要和我的相同。单击“好”,单击“应⽤”。
回到系统偏好设置 --> 共享 --> 互联⽹共享 --> 共享以下来源的连接, 选择PPPoE(当然看你的⽹络⽽定),然后下⾯的的“⽤以下端⼝共享给电脑”,勾选WiFi(你也可以使⽤其他端⼝,这⾥只是举例)。当然,如果你想给WiFi加个密码什么的,可以选择Wi-Fi后点击右下⾓的“Wi-Fi选项..”来设置。
然后,把左边的“互联⽹共享”勾选上就可以了。(回去系统偏好设置 --> ⽹络,看看WiFi是不是已经变为绿⾊了,状态为“已连接”,原本的“Wi-Fi有⾃分配的....”已经变为““Wi-Fi”已连接⾄....”)
