the letter of authorization i, zhang san, of (社区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), hereby
appoint li si (passport no. xxxxxx), my mother, of (小区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首
字母大写),(区县)(市), to act in my capacity to do every act of that i may do to
take full responsibility of my daughter wang wu (). this power shall
be in full force and effect on the date from(旅游入境、出境时间)during their visit
the relationship of my mother, my daughter and myself can be certified by the
attached household register. by (委托人姓名)zhang san (signature) (signature to be authorized) (被委托人姓名)li si july 7, 2014
tel:篇二:委托书(英文) 委 托 书 i, _____________________(name), passport/identity card 本 人, (姓名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码 兹 委 托 (姓名) 护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取 my visa application
梦幻模拟战2转职表我 的 签 证 申 请。 on my behalf. ___________________ ____________ signature of applicant date 申 请 人 签 名 、加盖企业公章 日 期篇三:委托收款协议书 致:_________________公司 我单位因业务需要,现委托 ××_________________作为我单位合法委托代理人,授权
单位的行为具有同等法律效力。本单位将承担该代理人行为的全部法律后果和法律责任。 代理人无权转换代理权。特此委托。 代理人姓名: 身份证号: 委托单位法人(签章): 委托单位:××公司
日期: 年 月 日 委托单位工商营业执照复印件(加盖公章) 委托单位法人证明
号:________________!以上情况属实,若由此引起纠纷,由我单位负责处理! 附件一:身份证(复印件,需有持有人签名) 附件二:送货签收清单 ●授权收款委托书
的代理人,代理与贵公司办理银行转账支票、承兑汇票等货款结算的手续。 附:受委托人签名:
委托单位:*****(盖 章) 法定代表人: (签 名) 日期:
(加盖单位公章) ___年__月__日 ●追讨债务委托代理协议书 被委托人:
委托人同意将 合同(发票)项下金额为(大写) (小写:us$ )的欠款委托被委托人以委托人的名
义向下列债务人追讨:?全文 ●设备收款委托书样本 作为超声波清洗行业的一名营销人员,有时为了满足客户的要求,时常也会接触到收款
问题。接触到收现金的情况不是很多,但是也有。营销人在去客户收取现金时,需要提供以 下资料:送货单、po订单号、合同、验收单、送货单、收款委托书等。现将特别重要的
收款委托书格式写出来,供大家在收款时参考:?全文 ■相关链接: ●授权委托书范本汇总 ●个人委托书范本汇总
如何邮件发●法人授权委托书范本 ●法人委托书范本 ●委托书公证详解 ●英文委托书范本汇总篇四:授权委托书-
the letter of authorization (power of attorney) hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are
genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized
by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.
[signature to be authorized] [date]{公司授权收款委托书英文版}.
[print signature in english] [print e-mail address]
[print full title of authorized peron] [print tel number] by [signature] [date]
人力资源的六大模块[print signature in english] [print e-mail address]
[print full title of executing officer] [print tel number]
[print address] 有权签字人委托书 兹全权委托 x x x 先生(女士)和 x x x 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物
x x x x x x(签字样本) x x x x x x(签字样本) 以上代理人的签字在本公司送达贵公司有关变更通知以前,本公司确认其法律效力。
The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)
I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).
Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.
[Signature to be authorized] [Date]
[Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address]
[Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number]
[Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable]
By [Signature] [Date]
[Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address]
[Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number]
[Print address]{公司授权收款委托书英文版}.
兹全权委托 X X X 先生(女士)和 X X X 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。以上代理人的签名样本如下:
X X X X X X(签字样本)
X X X X X X(签字样本){公司授权收款委托书英文版}.
X X X X 有限公司 董事长:X X X(签字)(公司印章) 200X年X月X日
The Letter of Authorization
I, ZHANG San, of (社区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), hereby appoint LI Si (Passport No. XXXXXX), my mother, of (小区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), to act in my capacity to do every act of that I may do to take full responsibility of my daughter WANG Wu (Passport No.XXXX). This power shall be in full force and effect on the date from(旅游入境、出境时间)during their visit to(旅游地).
