高三英语复习班学案  C字母部分
1 . cake  a piece of cake  [口]轻松的事, 很容易做到的事
——How do you do that ?
—-Its a piece of cake。 Watch!
2.  call  v.    n. 
call at  sp.  参观,访问 
call for sth。 取; 接; 需求; 要求 
call on [upon] sb.  拜访某人 
call up  打电话; 使忆起; 召集; 应征入伍
1>. Someone is calling ______ help。  有人在大声呼救.。
2〉。This long—distance coach        every stop along its journey。
We can          our former teacher tomorrow.
The occasion calls______ a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑.
3. calm  adj。
keep calm!——- 安静! 保持镇静! 
eg。 The sea was calm after the storm。
比较: 1)calm 2)peaceful 3)quiet  4)still
exercises :1>。 The sky is blue, and the sea is _______
2>.Although she was frightened, she answered with a______voice。
3>.a_______ environment  和平环境。
4>.The classroom is _____  because the students are having a test.
5>.Keep ______ while I brush your hair。
4。 camp  n.  vi. ---go camping  去宿营
5。 can  n罐头  canned food 罐头食品。
v. aux。  ( be able to )  can’t help doing  禁不住
    can’t help but do 不得不
can’t …too…无论怎样都不过分;越来越
eg.  Difficulties can and must be overcome.
Where can he have gone?
Can you hold on a minute, please?
He is a naughty boy, but somehow you can’t help     (like) him。
Don’t stay out  in the sun for too long —-—you can’t be too careful。
It can be quite cold here at night.
You cant be serious?
6. care n. 照料,保护,小心 v。  介意,在乎,担心 
take ~ of  关心处理
care for 喜欢,照顾,照料
with care 小心地
medical care 医疗保健
eg. The first attempt may fail,but we dont           that.
            that you dont drink too much。
  I wonder whether they will         us to go there.
  This delicate(易碎的) glass must be treated _______。
After the earthquake, the injured were cared_________ in the local hospital or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities。(2006  江西23)
A。 of  B。 for    C。 after  D. with
careful  adj.    carefully  adv.        be careful (not )to do
careless  adj.    carelessly adv.    carelessness n.    careless life 无忧无虑的生活
eg。 Be careful not to be late for the train.=Be careful that you are not late for the train.
8。 carry (carried/carried )  v。 1〉。搬,背,扛,抱,提,拿    2>。 运送  3>。 携带
carry on  继续 
carry out one’s plan 实行自己的计划
eg。I never carry much money on me 。
We must carry ________ till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions。
9.case  n。  小学美术教学总结情况,案件
  in case 以防;可能;倘若
  in case of  (+名词/代词/动名词) “如果;万一”
in this/that case 既然这样,假使那样的话
eg。 Take an umbrella in case it should rain.
You probably won’t need to call – but take my number ,just in case。
In case of rainthey can’t go.
1英语四级多少分通过0。 .catch  v. (caught,caught)  1>. 抓住(物体)  2>。赶上 3>. 撞见,当场发现  4〉。 接住(在空中移动的物体)  5> 患病    6〉。 领会
Catch sb。 doing 抓住某人做某事
catch up  (with) 赶上
get /be caught in…陷入,卷入
catch a train/bus/plane 
catch a cold
catch the ball
catch a person's attention引起某人的注意
catch/take sb。 by the arm
catch/get  hold of  抓住
catch sight of  看见
eg。 Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said。 Could you please say it again?
The cook who is caught __________(smoke) in the kitchen will be fired.
11。 cattle  n。  牛(总称)    five _______ of cattle  五头牛
eg.  The cattle ______ in the shed。  牛在牛棚里.
12 。 cause  n原因 动机;事业     
vt。    cause sb。 to do sth。  (result in ,bring about ,lead to )
cause and effect _____________
eg. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood。
Well, I dont mind giving if its for a good cause。_____________________________________。(翻译)
The poor harvest caused prices _________ rise sharply。
13.celebrate  v. 庆祝   
congratulate v。祝贺  congratulate sb. on sth。    Congratulations!祝贺你!
14。 certaiadj  确实的;确信的; 某一(些)    (sure )
for certain/sure 确定
Its certain that .
eg. _________ certain that Pam will come.
15 . chance  n。 机会; 可能性    by chance/accident 偶然
There is a chance that。可能
eg.  I met him by chance(by accident )
  There is a chance that I will see him these days。
女孩的qq名What are her chances ______ survival?
16.  change    vt.   
____________ 改变主意 
    搞笑祝福短信change A ______ B  用A去换B    
changeA _______ B 把A变成B
________________ 变成
_________________ 换衣服
n。 零钱
eg.  I’d like to change these dollars _____ pounds.
Count your change before you leave the counter.
17 charge  v. 1〉.要价;2〉。 指控  n。 费用;控制
_______________ 免费   
______________ 负全责, 在.。。掌管之下
__________________ 由某人负责   
take charge of  ________________
charge (sb.)somemoney for sth。/doing (做)。。。索要(钱)  =offer some money for sth.中国8个传统节日及风俗
