Student 1 and 3 students want to study abroad, just yesterday, they received offer from American colleges and universities, and now, the most important aspect is handled student visa。学生1与学生3想出国留学,就在昨天,他们收到了来自美国高校的offer,现在,最重要的环节就是办理留学签证。
学生1Yesterday I received from Brown University and the University of San Diego offer。在昨天我收到了布朗大学和圣地亚哥大学的offer
学生2什么水果清热解毒去火oh, really? congratulation.噢,真的吗?恭喜
学生1yes ,thank  you, and you? Are also received offer?是的,谢谢。你呢?是否也收到了offer
学生2Yes, I received only one school, that is Boston CollegeWhich school are you goin
g to choose it?是的,我只收到了一所学校的,就是波士顿学院的,你打算选择哪所学校呢?
学生1University of San Diego圣地亚哥大学
学生2全世界大学排名Together we can study in the United States over the。那不错,我们可以一起留美了
学生1Yeah, then we can go to apply for a visa, that’s great啊,对呀,那我们可以一起去办理签证了,太好了
学生2Oh, yes, but we do not understand ah visas.噢,是的,但是我们对签证的办理都不了解啊
学生1It does not matter ah, I heard that in the United States Embassy visa office for advice, tomorrow we go to consult it and see what materials need to be prepared.没关系啊,听说在美国领使馆有签证办理咨询处,明天我们一起去咨询一下吧,看看需要准备些什么材料。
学生2Good idea, then, see you tomorrow?好主意,那,明天见?
学生1see you tomorrow.明天见
学生1Sorry, traffic jams, so late.抱歉,堵车了,所以迟到了
学生2It does not matter, it's early, we went to consult it.没关系,现在还早,我们进去咨询吧
Jhello, good morning, what can I help you ?
学生1Hello, yes, we would like to know the process of visa to study abroad.您好,是这样的,我们想了解一下出国留学办理签证的流程
JYou are abroad it?你们是出国留学吗?
JStudy abroad, then you need to apply for F1 visa type, you have received U.S. colleges and universities offer it?出国留学的话你们需要办理F1类型的签证,你们有收到美国高校的offer吗?
学生2Yes, received, a few days ago.是的,收到了,就在前几天
学生1So, we need to apply for F1 what conditions?那么,我们办理私人up主by可乐鸡翅不太甜F1需要些什么条件呢?
JDo you have school admission letter, it received an I20 form, right?你们有学校的录取信,就有收到一张I20表格吧?
学生2Now the school also wrote a letter of recommendation for us.我们现在的学校还写了推荐信
JOh, is it? It would be better to do, you need to embassies material as long as acknowledgment of receipt form DS160 page, SEVIS fee confirmation page, passport, visa photos, and visa application fees, transcripts and admission letters originals哦,是吗?那就更好办了,你们需要交给大使馆的材料只要DS160表格确认页,SEVIS  fee确认页,护照,签证照片以及签证申请费的收据,成绩单和录取信件的原件
学生1what’s the mean of sevis  fee ?方脸适合的发型是什么?
JIs the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, through the Internet for F visa holders and their families tracking system.就是学生和交流访问学者信息系统,是通过互联网对F类签证持有人及家属进行追踪的系统。
学生2Oh, ah, that the visa application fee is about how much is it?哦,这样啊,那签证申请费大概是多少呢?
JGenerally fluctuate in $ 200, you can use a credit card swipe. The main thing is you fill DS160 I20 forms and materials ready to be true and complete.一般在200美元上下浮动,
学生1Oh, understand. So need a visa interview appointment?哦,这个明白。那么办理签证面谈需要预约吗?
JNeed to make an appointment in advance.需要的,是要提前预约的。
学生2That at the time when the visa is better?那在什么时候办理签证时间比较好?
JRecommendations from the school signed in a few months ahead of time to avoid the peak time of appointment signed in difficult situations they sign or refused .建议距开学时间提前几月面签,以避免高峰期面签时间预约困难,或拒签再签的情况
JYou taken the SAT and TOEFL yet?你们考过SAT和托福了吗?
学生12yes, After the test  early考过了的
中国10大悍匪JAwesome, what is unclear?真棒,那还有什么不清楚的吗?
学生王昱珩 作弊1Basic understanding,。基本了解了
学生2we will go to other Internet queries, thank you其他的我们会去上网查询的,谢谢
JYou're welcome, I wish you a successful visa。不客气,祝你们签证顺利
学生1: Hello, Miss I'm here to interview the student visa, this is my visa information这是我的签证资料
签证官A(拿起资料很仔细的看起来,一分多种后问) How many schools have you applied? How many of them accept you?
学生1three  have two univisities accept me.but I choose one, University of San Diego
签证官A : Why do you want to study in USA?
学生1: the education of USA be good for me,it can improve my abilty
签证官A: What's your plan after graduation?
学生1: I will come back to China.
签证官A: Why do you have to be home??
学生1:parents at home, they are my sponsors, I need to do when the obligation of the children . 父母在国内,他们是我的资助人,我需要尽当子女的义务
签证官A: . Who will offer you the money? If the school give you financial aid and scholarships? How much? Your salary income, monthly income, annual income?学校是否给你财政资助和奖学金?多少?你的工资收入情况,月收入,年收入?
