系统: Windows7 x64
虚拟软件: VMware Workstation 7.1.3
纸花篮情况:VMware Network Adapter VMnet1和VMnet8 被防⽕墙认定为[未识别的⽹络-公⽤⽹络],阻隔,⽆法使⽤端⼝映射,虚拟机的80端⼝⽆法传⼊,数据包只能出不能⼊。且公⽤⽹络被限制不能修改为家庭或⼯作⽹络。
解决⽅法:参考VMware的知识库⽂章 [kb.vmware/selfservice/microsites/search.do?
Redefine the VMware virtual NICs as endpoint devices
This procedure is permanent and allows for the continued use of Bridged, NAT, and Host Only networking. However, doing this causes the VMware virtual NICs to disappear from the Network and S
haring Center, even though they remain visible under Network Connections. This also causes the VMware virtual NICs to be exempt from all Windows Firewall access rules. When implemented, the control of virtual machine network access must be done from the guest operating system of each virtual machine. This bypasses the default security model of Windows with respect to the the VMware virtual NICs, and the implications of using this procedure must be carefully considered.
贵州中考成绩查询To redefine the VMware virtual NICs as endpoint devices:
Click Start > Run, type regedit and, click OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control>Class > {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
Caution: VMware recommends that you back up this registry key before proceeding. To backup the registry:
If {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} is not still highlighted, click it.
Go to File > Export.
Pick a location and name for the Registration File (*.reg) .
Click Save.七年级数学上册第一单元测试题
Click 0000.
Look at the content of the Data field associated with the DriverDescentry.
If you see VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet<x>, where<x> is replaced by a number, then:
Right-click an empty space in the right content pane.
Click New > Dword.
Type *NdisDeviceType and press Enter.
Note: Be sure to include the asterisk (*) at the beginning of the entry.电脑销售合同范本
Double-click *NdisDeviceType.
Type 1 and press Enter.
Repeat steps 4-6, replacing 0000 in step 4 with the next entry in numerical order, until you have reached the end of all numerical entries.
Follow the Disable the VMware virtual NICs section of this article above.
Repeat step 8 but click Enable this network device instead.
2,逐项查看其下的[项](0000,0001⾄00xx),看右边哪⼀项的[值]为:"DriverDesc"="VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1"。
4,重复第2步, VMnet8 ,再重复第3步,添加值。
