The Good, The Bad And The Eww Of Earwax Removal
Ears are supposed to be self-cleaning. So what's behind the fascination some people have to help nature along?
Some 12 million Americans visit medical professionals annually for earwax removal. Millions more have it done at spas and ear-candling parlors, which theoretically suck out earwax with a lighted candle. North Americans also spent $63 million last year on home ear-cleaning products, from drops to irrigation kits, according to market research firm Euromonitor International.
约1,200万美国人为了清除耳垢而每年看医生。还有上百万人在水疗院和耳烛美容院清除耳垢,后者理论上是借助点燃的蜡烛把耳垢吸出来。根据市场研究机构欧睿国际(Euromonitor International)的数据,去年,北美人还花了6,300鼠年吉祥话万美元购买各类家用清除耳垢产品,从滴耳
On Internet health forums, people wax rhapsodic about the guilty pleasure of having their earwax removed -- though some wonder if it's wrong to enjoy it so much.
Others are unabashed. 'I absolutely love to have my ears cleaned, ' says Holly Kile, an online business manager from Indianapolis who says she uses cotton swabs daily and has her ears candled every couple of months, as does her 12-year-old son. 'It's generally a competition to see who has the grossest things come out, ' she says.
还有些人不以为然。印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)的网络商务经理霍利•凯尔(Holly Kile)说:“我很喜欢把耳朵掏干净。”她说,她每天用棉签掏耳朵,每隔几个月用耳烛吸一次耳垢,她12岁的儿子也是如此。她说:“我们通常会比赛,看谁掏出的耳垢最多。”
Doctors strongly discourage using cotton swabs or ear candling to remove earwax and sa
y that unless it's causing bothersome symptoms, earwax should be left alone.
Officially known as cerumen, earwax is part of the ear's own cleaning system, designed to stop incoming dust, dirt, bacteria -- even bugs -- in the ear canal and ferry them out again. The wax and trapped debris are propelled along by the movements of the jaw, at about the same speed that fingernails grow. When it reaches the ear opening, the wax usually dries, flakes and falls out, often without the human host noticing.
The process isn't always smooth. Having too much earwax, or wax that is too dry or too s
ticky, can create a buildup. Much of that is genetically determined. 'When it comes to earwax, choose your parents well, ' says Richard Rosenfeld, chair of otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.
这个过程并非总是一帆风顺。耳垢太多、太干或太黏都会导致耳垢堆积。这主要是由基因决定的。位于布鲁克林最新中学生广播体操(Brooklyn)的纽约州立大学下州医学中心(SUNY Downstate Medical Center)的耳鼻喉科主任理查德•罗森菲尔德(Richard Rosenfeld)说:“在耳垢这个问题上,要选好父母。”
Wearing ear-bud headphones, hearing aids or ear plugs for long periods can also interfere with orderly extrusion.
When excess earwax hardens or gets pushed back down the canal, it can become impacted, which afflicts approximately 10% of children, 5% of healthy adults and up to 57% of older patients in nursing homes, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery.
当多余的耳垢变硬或被挤回耳道下方时,可能会导致耳塞。根据美国耳鼻喉-头颈外科学会(American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery)的数据,儿童的耳塞发病率约为10%,健康成人的耳塞发病率约为5%,而养老院中的老人耳塞发病率高达57%。
Symptoms of earwax buildup include a feeling of fullness, itching, vertigo, pain, tinnitus (a persistent ringing in the ears) or coughing -- due to a nerve pathway that connects the ear with the diaphragm, explains Dr. Rosenfeld, who co-authored the American Academy of Otolaryngology's 2008 guidelines for treating earwax.
Excess earwax is also the most common cause of partial hearing loss -- and the most treatable.
'Those are the happiest patients of my day. You clean out their ears and they say, 'Oh my God, I can hear!', ' says Sarah Stackpole, an otolaryngologist (also known as an ear, nose and throat specialist) in New York City.
纽约的耳鼻喉科医生萨拉•斯塔克波尔(Sarah Stackpole)说:“他们是我一天中见到的最高兴的病人。你为他们清除耳垢后,他们说:‘哦,天哪,我能听见了!’”
Removing it at home is an option -- if you can do it safely.
That doesn't mean poking cotton swabs, bobby pins or any other implement into the ear to retrieve it, doctors implore. Putting anything into the ear canal risks piercing the eardrum. In fact, attempts to dig earwax out generally pack it in further -- 'like loading a Civil War cannon, ' says Rod Moser, a physician assistant at Sutter Roseville Pediatrics, Roseville, Calif.
汽车合格证图片入耳道都有令鼓膜穿孔的危险。实际上,越想把耳垢挖出来,通常越会把它捅得更深──加利福尼亚州罗斯维尔(Roseville)Sutter Roseville Pediatrics的医师助理罗德•莫泽(Rod Moser)说:“就像为加农炮装弹一样。”
火灾自救方法'Do not go mining for it, ' adds Mr. Moser, who writes the Family Webicine blog for WebMD.
为WebMD撰写“家庭网络医药”(Family Webicine)博客专栏的莫泽说:“不要去挖它。”