Brocade 300 是一款吞吐量为 8 Gbit/秒的光纤通道交换机,是专为小型 SAN 或大型 SAN 边缘而设计的经济型入门级解决方案。中小型企业借助此解决方案可以简化 IT 基础设施、增强系统性能、最大程度地发挥虚拟服务器部署的价值、降低总体存储成本。
博科300的os是用的linux 2.6的核心,最高权限的管理帐号是root。重置交换机密码就是用这个帐号。
swd77 login: root
Password:  fibranne
Disclaimer for Root and Factory Accounts Usage!
This Fibre Channel switch is equipped with Root and Factory accounts
that are intended for diagnostics and debugging purposes solely by
the Equipment vendor's trained engineers. Improper use of the
functionality made available through the Root or Factory account could
cause significant harm and disruption to the operation of the SAN fabric.
Your use of the functionality made available through the Root or Factory
account is at your sole risk and you assume all liability resulting from
such use. The Equipment vendor shall have no liability for any losses
or damages arising from or relating to the use of the Root or Factory
account (and the functionality enabled thereby) by anyone other than
the Equipment vendor's authorized engineers.
Proceeding with the usage of this switch as the Root or Factory user
explicitly indicates your agreement to the terms of this disclaimer.
Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.
Warning:  Access to  the Root  and Factory accounts may be required  for
proper  support  of  the switch.  Please  ensure  the Root  and  Factory
passwords are  documented in a secure location.  Recovery of a lost Root
or Factory password will result in fabric downtime.
for user - root
Changing password for root
Enter new password:
Password unchanged.
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error多媒体音箱品牌
Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.百科明星人气榜投票
for user - factory
Changing password for factory
Enter new password:唐山地震死多少人
Password unchanged.
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
for user - admin
Changing password for admin
Enter new password:
Password unchanged.
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
元宵节祝福语简短for user - user
Changing password for user
Enter new password:
Password unchanged.
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
swd77:root> passwddefault
Password policies are already set to default.
All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
