时代少年团元宵晚会2022 (1).重新启动路由节点。
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [kernel] in
< Press any key other than return >清华投毒事件
ok boot –s // boot -s需要手工输入
时代少年团元宵晚会2022 (1).重新启动路由节点。
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [kernel] in
< Press any key other than return >清华投毒事件
ok boot –s // boot -s需要手工输入
注:有时候“any other key for command prompt”这里可能是按space键。具体请根据提示操作。
Enter full pathname of shell or 'recovery' for root password recovery or RETURN for /bin/sh: recovery // 手工输入recovery
NOTE: Once in the CLI, you will need to enter configuration mode using
NOTE: the 'configure' command to make any required changes. For example,
NOTE: to reset the root password, type:
NOTE: configure
NOTE: set system root-authentication plain-text-password
NOTE: (enter the new password when asked)
NOTE: commit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: When you exit the CLI, you will be asked if you want to reboot
NOTE: the system
NOTE: Once in the CLI, you will need to enter configuration mode using
NOTE: the 'configure' command to make any required changes. For example,
NOTE: to reset the root password, type:
NOTE: configure
NOTE: set system root-authentication plain-text-password
NOTE: (enter the new password when asked)
NOTE: commit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: exit
NOTE: When you exit the CLI, you will be asked if you want to reboot
NOTE: the system
Starting CLI ...赛尔号s级雷伊
root> configure
Entering configuration mode
root# 奚梦瑶 维多利亚的秘密delete system root-authentication
root@router# commit
commit complete
root@router# exit
root> configure
Entering configuration mode
root# 奚梦瑶 维多利亚的秘密delete system root-authentication
root@router# commit
commit complete
root@router# exit
Exiting configuration mode
10086积分兑换流量 root@kenny> exit
Reboot the system? [y/n] y
10086积分兑换流量 root@kenny> exit
Reboot the system? [y/n] y