Apply for a visa
Flowchart :
paid for the application fee and get the receipt at china citic bank
2.填写非移民签证电子(ds - 160)表格
fill the electronic form(ds-160)
fill the electronic form(ds-160)
(you can find this form at their web)
Schedule your appointment on web page.
You will need three pieces of information in order to schedule your appointment:
∙ 你的护照号码
∙ 你支付费用收据号(中信银行收据)
∙ 于表格ds - 160表确认页面的十(10)位数条形码
∙ Your passport number
∙ Your MRV fee payment receipt number
∙ The ten (10) digit barcode number from your DS-160 confirmation page
4. 面试期间你需要带一份打印稿约见信,你的ds - 160确认页面,最近的一个照片,你当前的护照和所有旧护照。缺少任何一个文件,一切申请都将不被接受。
Visit the U.S. Embassy/Consulate on the date and time of your visa interview. You will need to bring a printed copy of your appointment letter, your DS-160 confirmation page, one recent photograph, your current passport and all old passports. Applications without all of these items will not be accepted.
(It takes 2-3hours to wait for interview , U will be asked some question involve with ur daily life and the purpose to USA , they will tell u immediately,if u are approved )
Two weeks are needed from Schedule appointment to gain the VISA , generally speaking , USA embassy will show u what kinds of documents are needed after U submit the electronic form.
高考查分电话Gentle reminder : All kinds of the documents cloud not be effective factor to be approved ,but ur image and the mood of the consular officer
Required Documents :
可可1. 护照
2. 居留许可
现在出入上海最新规定Residence permit(Living in China for more than a year )
3. 工作证
Work permit (issued by the China exit and entry department )
4. 公函、事项表
Official letter, item table
5. 任务批件
Approval documents task
6. 邀请信(复印件)
Invitation letter (copy,from USA)
7. 预约面谈表2份(必须打印,并详细写明以往申请美国的签证情况,注意常驻地一栏不要写成出生地)
Two copies of Schedule appointment form(completed the situation u applied last time more detail, the blank of Permanent residence should not be filled with ur birth place )
8. 照片1张(必须是白背景,50mmx50mm, 贴在160签证申请表上)
one photograph(white background , size :50mm * 50mm , attach on the DS-160 form)
白沟10元箱包批发9. 中信银行签证受理费(两联)
Application fee payment receipt of china citic bank
2022年立春几点10. 银行历史存折,历史存单,请务必提供半年或以上时间存入的,临时存款的存单不能充分证明是本人的资产
certificates of deposit of bank (It should be deposited recently ,which can prove ur asset )
11. 房产证,汽车行驶证,股票交割单及其他有价证券,这部分资料务必能充分证明你资产状况
House property card, vehicle registration, the registration for stock and other securities(Use for proving ur asset)
12. 公司营业执照(复印件加盖公章),或事业机关代码证,公司介绍资料或公司登在报刊杂志或网上等能说明公司经营状况及规模影响力的相关资料
The company's business license
13. 公司产品简介,与美方公司签定的定单合同
Company profile, the relationship with USA
14. 能证明本人身份的职业证书,荣誉证书或照片:会计资格证,教师职称证,教授职称证
Vocational certificate or qualification (use for proving ur identity )
15. The ministry of foreign affairs Requirement:Nailed the Official letter, item table、Approval documents task、Invitation letter together。
Click www.ustraveldocs/kz_ru/kz-niv-visaapply.asp to get more
Elwin lee