advice  luggage  bread  damage  food  equipment  furniture  hair  homework  housework  information  knowledge  progress  population 
means  series  species  works 
police  mankind  people  cattle  audience 
brother-in-law (单数)  brothers-in-law (复数)
注册公司法人要求passer-by (单数)      passers-by (复数)
story-teller (单数)    story-tellers (复数)
appear  turn  feel  become  stay  look  come  prove  grow  go  get  keep
alone  lonely          alive  living  live
clean  clear          considerate  considerable
continual  continuous  dead  deadly
economical  economic  efficient  effective
healthful  healthy      intense  intensive
imaginary  imaginable  imaginative
sensitive  sensible      successful  successive
valuable  invaluable  priceless
valueless  worthless    historical  historic     
respectable  respectful  respective
like  likely  alike
high  highly      just  justly    hard  hardly
free  freely      late  lately    most  mostly
near  nearly     
lively  lovely  lonely  friendly  ugly  costly  silly
hard  hardly    like  likely      bare  barely
外资企业bad  badly    scarce  scarcely
1)名词 + about
concern about  remark about  complaint about 
opinion about  doubt about
2)名词 + for
ambition for  anxiety for  cause for  desire for
hope for      need for    sorry for    reason for
talent for
3)名词 + from
absence from    difference from    protection from
4)名词 + in
confident in  delight in  difficulty in  experience in
faith in      pride in    success in  trust in
5)名词 + of
account of  capability of  care of  description of
feeling of  habit of  impression of  intention of
number of  pleasure of  possibility of  shortage of
6)名词 + on ( upon )
authority on  dependence on  effect on  remark on
emphasis on  influence on  impression on
stress on
7)名词 + over
advantage over      control over      quarrel over
victory over        worry over
8)名词 + to
answer to  access to    attention to  approach to
contrast to  exception to  gratitude to  invitation to
limit to    objection to  reference to  solution to 伦敦奥运会百米决赛
9)名词 + with
agreement with    contact with    common with
connection with  conversation with  trouble with
2.介词 + 名词的固定搭配
at ease  at first  at last  at crossroads  at least 
at large  at once  at a loss  at present  at will
by accident    by chance    by turns    for certain
in general    in a sense    in theory    in practice
in the way  in the past  in the future  in advance
in return  in turn  in that event  in some respects
in a hurry  in addition  in fact  in place  in sight
in use  in common  in private  in despair  in part
in detail  in particular  in short  on second thoughts
on average  on duty  on vacation 
1)形容词 + about
anxious about  careful about  curious about      concerned about  careless about    certain about 
particular about  doubtful about
2)形容词 + at
angry at  annoyed at  good at  quick at  pleased at
3)形容词 + for
anxious for  convenient for  eager for  famous for  hungry for  known for  late for  necessary for 
uefi bootpossible for  ready for  responsible for  suitable for
4)形容词 + from
absent from  different from  distant from  free from   
far from  protected from
5)形容词 + of
afraid of  aware of  ashamed of  capable of  considerate of    conscious of    composed of  deprived of  full of  fond of  independent of  proud of  regardless of  sick of  short of  tired of thoughtful of
6)形容词 + to
accustomed to  contrary to  convenient to  devoted to  essential to  familiar to  favorable to 
opposed to  peculiar to  relevant to  be used to beneficial to
7)形容词 + in
absorbed in  confident in disappointed in  experienced in  interested in  lacking in  lost in
rich in  successful in
8)形容词 + with
associated with  annoyed with  angry with    busy with  friendly with  nervous with  patient in
satisfied with
一. 单词
1. She has been busy after she became the manager. Her working day often __ well into the night.
A. expands  B. expends  C. extends  D. extents
