Pa rt I Lis ten ing Co mp r ehe n s ion
Direc tions:This part is to test your listen ing abilit y. It consi sts of 4 sectio ns.
Sec tio n A
[25 m in utes]
Dire ction s: This secti on is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it: .I\加·each quest i on, ti砑e is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When
y ou h e ar a q u estion, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked
A J, BJ, CJ and D J g iven in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding letter
on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Exam ple: You will hear:
You will read: A) I'm not sure. C) Yes, certainly.
B)You're right.D)That's interesting.
Fro m the questio n we learn toot the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message.
The refore, C) Yes, certainly is the corr�ct answer. You should mark C J on the Answer Sheet
with a single line through the center.
Now the test will begin.
1.A) It's kind of you.
B)Take care.
2.A) Never mind.
3.A) None of your business.
B)I'm fme.
4.A) No problem.
B)It's over there.汽车保险杠修复
5.A) All right.
B)Glad to se�you.
6.A) Yes, I can.
B)No idea
7.A) On foot.
B)In cash. Section B C)M血your step.、
C)You're welcome.
D)Don't mention it.
C)Here you are.
D)It doesn't matter.
C)This way, please.
D)Not at all.
C)Take it easy.
D)Go along the street.
C)Yes, please.
交通事故保险理赔D)Good luck.
C)By bus.
D)On Sunday.
Directions: This section is w te s t y our ability to understand s加rt dialogues, Tl叩O戏7戏corded dia­logues in it. Aji阮each diaf,ogµe, there is a recorded question. B ot�the dialo砰es. and ques-
tions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you s加以d decide on the correct
answer from the 4 c加ices m a rked 4J, BJ, CJ and DJ given in your test paper. Then y ou
s加uld mar k the corresponding letter on . the Answer Sheet矶th a single line through the
cen阮.Now listen to the dialogues.
8.A) A movie ticket.C)A flight.
B)A meeting room.D)A table.
B 19.12一1
9.A) He has been promoted.
B)He has passed the road test.
10.A) To see off a customer.
B)To visit 11.is friend.
11.A) It w as too noisy.
B)It was too fai·away.
12.A) Friendly.
13.A) Make a complaiJ. 让
B)App l y fo r a j ob.
14.A) Sign a contract.
B)Meet new clients. Section C C)He has got a job offer.
D)He has bought a new car.
C)To meet his paren岱.
D)To pick up his luggage.
C)It was too large.
D)It was too crowded.
C)See a doctor.
D)Place an order.
C)Tour the city.
D)See his friends.
Directions: In this section, ti砌e are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions.·Both th conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you
hear a question, you should decide�n the co竹ect answer from the 4 choices marked A),
BJ, CJ an d DJ given in your test pa p er. Then y ou should mark the co竹esponding letter on
加Answer Sheet with a single line through .t he center.Now listen to the conversations.
Conversation 1
15 ...A) Computer science.
B)The latest software.
16.A) He will meet his lawyer.
B)He w出be away on business. Conversation 2
17.A) It can't start.
B)Its keyboard doesn't w ork.
18.A) Three days ago.B)Six days ago.C) Big Data in marketing.
D)The importance of education.
C)He has been busy with his paper.
D)Hew诅pay a visit to his parents.
C)It gives no sound.
D)I岱screen is broken.
C)A month ago.D)Three months ago.
19.A) His ID card.B)His busmess card.C)His address.D)His receipt. Section D
Directions: In this section you will hear a re co rded short passage. The passage is prin ted in the test paper, but with some words or phras e s missing. The passage will be read three times. D皿
ing the second readi ng, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the A九-
swer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The thi兀t? 它a.ding
is for you to check your writing. Now the p邸sage will begin.
I should say that teaching English ,in China is a real job, and the schools 20 you to be pro-fessional and you have t,o·21 . If you don't meet their reqttlremerits, it is easy to get fired. Bu t with 22 and the right attitude, it will be a very good experience where you will 23 about China and yourself! I am so happy that I took this 24 when I had it, and the memories will be with me for the rest of my life.
B 19.12-2
Part II Vocabulary & Stru ct ure [10 minutes] Direction s: Tliis part is to test your ability to constntc l correct and meaningf ul sentence s. It consists 。if2 sections.
Section A
Directions: In this section, them are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by
d ec iding on ti花most approp戏at
e word or words from the 4 choices marked A), BJ, C) and
D). Tl芘n you sho讥d mark ti芘co11·esponding letter on t加Answer Sheet with a single line
through t加center.
25.Once customern come to rely these systems, they almost never take their business elsewhere.
A)on B)at C)of
26.Detailed preparation must be before you sign a contract.
A)也lked B)looked C)carried D)by D)done
27.It is with the help of Tom our team has completed the project ahead of time.
A)which B)what·C) that D)when
28.Tins trade war will tens of·millions of jobs·and many factories.
A)collect B)affect·C) react
29.We should the goals and desires of the clients. and their family members.
A)go along with B)take pa兀in·C)get in touch with D)keep in mind
30.Online banking makes it simple and easy from almost anyone.
A)bank B)banks C)to ban k
A)As long as B)压though C)In order that
32.Will you deliver th�goods do I have to come to collect them?
A)and B)so C)or
33.My first assi g nment as a news reporter was to    a football star.
A)listen B)spea k C)t a l k
34.You have to consider a company structure when .your own business.
A)start B)s tartin g C)started Section B D)banked D)Even though D)then
D)interview D)to start
Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements加e.Yo�should fill in each blank with the prop窃form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the
Answer Sheet.
35.Do you mind (订avel)··such a l�ng dis血ce to work every day?
36.As your bllSiness grows, you may need (employ)workers with different skills.
37.For (addition)resources, please refer to our website or send an email to皿
38.According to the company's policy, employees (allow)to ttse their cell phones only
in emergency.
39.'(General) speaking, employe es of our compan y can get a better pay and more op-
portuni ties for career develop ment.
Part III Reading Comprehension [35 minu t es] Directions: This part仿to test your reading ability. Tl芘re are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read加reading mate讨als carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
Task 1
Directions: 加reading加following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 40 to 44. For each question or stat砌ent,ti芘re are 4 choices marked AJ, BJ, CJ
and DJ. You should m咄e ti花con-ect choice and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet with, a single line through the cent你
S tarting a business尥kes time, and energy一not to mention funding. So it helps if you're enthusiastic about what you do. Some business owners, like Ms Walton, have managed to turn their hobby in­to a business.
Ms Walton is a former personal trainer and the founder and owner of a travel agency for runners of various砬venture(冒险)races. She describes running a business as "a big job" and says there have been lots of difficulties to overcome along the way.
A challen g e for new companies is market i n g, as business owners often need to create a website and develop a brand stra te g y (策略)for the company. 压she explains, being present at these events attracts 如attention of小e public to their business and enables the brand to reach its组rget m釭ket.
She adds that her relationship with her banker has supported her through the ups and downs of run­ning her company. A banker can help with small business fmancing, your business banking requirements and also advise on ways to expand your business.
40.According to the first p扛agraph,to start a business, you should be.
A)heal小y B)wealthy C)efficient D)enthusiastic
41.Why does Ms Walton say running a business is a big job?
A)You have to take part in adventure races.
B)You have many difficulties to overcome.
C)You must travel a lot at home and abroad.
D)You need to work on weekends frequent y.
什么是ui设计42.One thing business owners often need to do for marketing is·.
A)to hire a team of experts C)to build up a brand strategy
B)to expand overseas market D)to find a location downtown
游戏昵称 男生43.The expression "the ups and dow郎"in Para. 4 means.已投档是什么意思是已被录取吗
A)present and past situations C)chances and challeng es
B)good and bad expenences D}hap p y and sad feelings
44.According to the passage, a banker can help small businesses in. /
A)finan cin g B)advertis ing C)hirin g p e rsonnel D)training their staff Task 2
Directions: The following is a poster. A,fter reading it, you will find 3 questio邓or u1沂nished state­ments, numbered 45 to 47.For each question or statement, there·are 4 choices marked A),
BJ, CJ and DJ. You should make the correct choice and mark the correspond ing letter on
the Answer She et with a single line through the center.
B 19.12-4
Notes了1.evacuate撤离尸IN-CASE OF FIRE l
Leave fi「e area immediately.
Close all doors.
Sound the fire alarm.
Pull the manual station.
Evacuate this building using the nearest exit.
D IA L911
日产车有哪些Leave the building by the nearest exit. Close door�behind you.
Take door key.
Stand by and prepare to leave the building. Listen for further
If smoke is heavy in the corridor, it may be safer for you to stay in
your area. Close the doo「and place·a wet towel at the bottom of
the door.
If you encounter smoke in the stairway, use an alternative exit.
45.If you discover a fire, you are advised to
A)call your best friend C)help the people in the area
B)check the area carefully D)leave the area inunediately
46.W地t should you do if you hear a continuous frre alarm?
A)Leave the building by the closest exit. .C)Stand by and get prepared.
B)Listen for further instructions.D)Wait for ti江或ghters'help.
47.If smoke is heavy in the corridor, you are advised to.
A)open the door at once C)lie on the floor
B)stay in your area D)run downstairs
Task 3
Directions: 皮ad the following passage. After reading it, you should complete the i对切叨ation by filling in the b比nks marked 48 to 52 (11 110 more tha11 3 words) in the table below. You should
write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
