2018年6月B 级考试全真试题Par t I Listening Comprehension [25 minutes] Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Sect ion A
Directions: 兀is section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions
in it. After each question, t加·e is a pause. 吓e questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you slwuld decide on the co rrect answer from the 4 choices marked A ), B), C) and D) given in your test pap 砑;Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer . Sheet with a single line through tlie center.
Exam ple: You wil l hear:
You will read: A) I'm not sure. �) Yo u'r e rig ht
C) Yes, certainly .
., D) That's interesting. From the question we learn that t加speaker is asking . the listener ·to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certai11ly is the cor r ect answe r . You should mark CJ on the Answe r Sheet with a single line through the center.
[A][BJ图[D J
Now the test will begin.
1. A ) Fine. And you?B)I like it very much.
2.A) Take care.B)It's great.
3.A) See you tomorrow. :)写给自己的生日朋友圈
B)Ok, it doesn't matter.
4.A) Yes, please.
B)Have a nice day.
5.A) H urry up .
B)So long.
A ) Coffe e, please .B)Yes. Here you are.
7.A) Don't worry.
B )G ood luck!C)Sit down please.C)My  ple asu re.D)Oh, yes. Please.D)Th is w ay , please.C)Here is the room ·key.D)Sorry, all our rooms are booked.C)Don't do it.D)Let's go.C)Certainly. Is Friday OK?D)Mind ·your steps.C)Your telephone number, please.D)I'm fine, thank you.C)Al l rig _扯·\ D)Never . mind./,1; I ,, ,
Sect ion B
D irections: This s ec tion势tq ... t est::. y qur: a bility . to . understa叫S加7i�(l.ialpgues.There ar e 7 1-e co讨ed ,. , . , , ·dialogues i n 札A 府r .,e cu;fi 1,ialo匹e,.there is a戏co,;<f,.f!<t.q'H�stion,1,B o t h t he dialogues and
1; ques t io 邓W�f t �e SP.Q妇印o times .. :Whe?i you he a:r,..;a ,.!J'µe sfi,o 叫\ur u ide •. Q肛妒corr ect a 吩w er from the 4 choices ma rk ed A ), BJ_,:.(;) a叫\;J)入航ven in . your t est pa p织
The n you shou ld,_1;11迈忱,加,,p orres p on <!,in g .. l etter叨:,加l!心叩红;;Sheet叭th ,a, 戏ngle
; , lfrt, ,,,,. t h r p四h t he C 叩陌;o N.o 初l 树邻1.t o f h f:l ; di 咄妞兀{:!S,I 儿)1;'i<, 小沁,r !、l '. '.', I'' I 、8.
A ) By bus. 9. A ) A repo rt.10.A) H
. e IS an engm eer.B) By taxi . B)A design.C) On foot.D)By bicycle.,.0)-A p )皿·旧叩)Jo•, lH .'/O D,),�p � 担��,..,,., C)He is a manager.
B)He is a doctor.11.A) Writing work reports.
B)Working on weekends.12.A) To do business.B)To see a doctor.13.A) It had a flat tire.B)It was out of fuel.14.A) Read newspapers.B)Attend a job fair.D)He is a programmer.C)Giving presentations.D)Dealing with angry customers.C)To take a holiday.D)To visit friends.C)Its front window was broken.D)The engine didn't work C)Visit the website.D)Ask her friends for help.
Section C Directions: In this section, ther e  are 2 recorded co1ive1·sations. After each conversation, t加噜e are some recorded questio 邓.Both t加conve1·sations and questions will be spoken two times. W酝you hear a question, you slwuld decide on the co 订ect answe1·from the 4 choices marked A), B. 入CJ a叫D)given in your test paper. 吓en you slwu囚mark the c01Tesponding letter on the Answer S. 如et with a single l!ne through the center. Now listen to the conversations. C onversation 1 15.A) To report a case.B)To book a hotel room.16.A) Her srnartphone .B)Her passport.C o nversatmn 2 17.A) She has coughed a lot.B)She has a high fever.
18.A) This morning.B)This afternoon 19.A) Take her blood pressure.B)Give her some m edicine .C)To ask for sick leave.D)To order a meal.C)Her watch.D)Her computer.
C)She has got a bad cold.D)She has got a pain in the stomach.C)Last night.D)Yesterday.C)Send her to the emerge ncy room.D)Perfor m an operat ion on her at once.S e ction D
Directions: In this section you will hea1j ; a ·recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test pa p er , but with some words or phrases mi ssing. The passage will be read three times. Durin g the second reading , you are required  to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in or如of .the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will be g in. ,,.,,,p V o lwite e rs are our heart and . soul.'lease come an d he ip us b叫d homes for 20 low-inc ome famili es. There is no experience needed and w e supply the 21 . Jus t v olunt eer for a day. It's fun, rewarding and you can learn some '·122·-'! I ! . :', !. , ;, !) If building isn't your !ihfn g ,·:c o m e ·· 的d 1·voluntee r for 1 o ne of '如r even 区面�'i 23•'''' ,;': I i'You must be 24·:i 14·years of 'a ge ··to vol unteer ·antl those'15 y e 邮邸d under 11\llS t'come .,• with . a parent. l" . ; .·; j ..'', •• ll 1l. ,,, C o m e and sign up now I t.o : ,vo lunte e r : 1y our tim e . .
太敏感了怎么办怎么调理好一点. •;.•'I 'I . I •.
Part II Vocabulary & Struct ure [10 minute s] Directions: 77iis par t is to test yoiir ability t o conslntct correct and meaningful s切阮ces.It consist,s of
2 secti01岱.
Section A
Directions: In thi.s section勺there a re 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete e砒hone by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), BJ, CJ and
DJ. 77砌i you should mark the con-esponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line
through the center.
25.Employees would like to work m1der·team leaders wh o good examples.
A)tum B)p ut C)do _D)set
26.Turn to us for legal advice at any tin1e you need it.
A)whe n'B) how·C) where
27.Your pay raise w ll in part your work e x perience and skills.
A)ca ny on B)take on C)depend on D)wh y D)put on
28.You are required to enter the name of the city in which your company.
A)locates B)located C)is locating D)is located
29.Tourists can get the latest information of our city the help of our local tour gui妇
A)on B)with C)under.D) for
30.Let's find people with computer skills to_    a team for the project.
A)look up B) rin g u p C) g iv e up . D) m ake up
31.If I were you, I·the company's website for more detailed information.
A)would visit,. B) will visit C)visit D)h a ve visited
32.No company can afford to bear the of customer confidence.
A)stress B)loss C)worry D)h u rry
33.she has been working in China for only two years, she speaks fluent Chinese.
A)W h en B)I f C)Althou g h D)Until
34.We have read this instruction many times and we are with all the ste p s we should
A)similar··, ·B) u s e ful -·C) hel pful· D)familiar
Sec tion B
Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You s h ould ill in each blank wi th th e严per Jo n 。if the word given in bracke氐Write the wor d or仰泌�n the corresponding space an the
Answer S加et.. I .
35.P a tients can be treated in many (differen ce)settings with various approaches.
36.After taking the tr�g':�UfS�,. _ther:. �ave performe d their duties much (�ell)than加fore.
初,.0.nl Y by (c rea te)� 上a c l eal} e l}咐prun ent�an w e truly encourage, J nore tourists to come,
38.This researc h paper focuse s on (health)lifestyles fo�elderly people,
39.Our new man a g er (ex pe c t)—-to deliver a speech at tomorrow-s, meeting ..
.`、I 气.
Part III Reading C o1nprehe nsion [35 minutes] Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. 九ere a1冷e5 tas妫for you to fulfill. You should
仰ad the忱ading mat窃i als ca可ully and dq ti芘tasfcs as you are instructed.
Task 1
D i rec tio ns:枷.1它ading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished stat叩ents,
numbet·ed 40 to 44. For each question or stat句nent,加re are 4choices marked A), BJ, CJ
and D). You should m咄e ti忆correct clwice and mark ti比correspondin g letter on the
Answe·Sheet wi山a single line tlirnugh the c叨缸.
Your home is the place you feel safe and secure. We understand the importance of your home and the things in it and can help you if something unexpected should happen. Our Home Solutions insurance offers buildings, contents or combined buildings and contents cover.
In an emergency
Call the 24-hour Emergency Homeline. We'll arrange for a repairman to carry out repairs, out of usual business hours. As long as the pol i cy cove rs the damage, .you don't neeq to pay for the repa ir s.
Lost keys
We'll pay for the full cost of replacing loc�on ext叩al(外部的)doors if you lose your keys, if they are stolen or if the lock is accider叫ly damaged. 1:-i
Important events
We automatically increase your valuables (贵重物品)lim it by $3,000 at certain special times, such as your wedding or a festival.
Alternative accommodation (住处).,')
We'll find somewhere for you and y�ur pets to live if your home'h述been damaged by an : i nsured event and you can't live·'there:'Wit h如\ir buildings'insurance we'll'pay'up to $30,000 for altemati诧accommod啦on,and up·to $20,000 with contents insurance.
40.According to the insurance company, by buying Home Solutions, Y0"1 can get help
A)when your vehicle breaks down on your way to�ork
B)when something unexpected happens to your home
C)when anyone in yo虹family gets hurt or sick
.,I i飞
D)when you want to move to a new·house
41.When y_o u call the Emergency Homeline,.
A)a repairman will·be sent to do the·rep还
B)they w山pa y y ou the repairin g cost first
C)you have to send a photo of the damage
;,,D).y ou w诅be. told tp: w�t for .. a dQctor ·、,.,-., .,,·,·-.\,,,,,,n1, .
铭I f you lo s e y o�k ey s、to加岱因呼�11doo rs,th E;! 画ur an ce�Q�,l>衵Y\哗,�—·
A)pay for the cost of replacing locks C)tell you where to buy new locks
婴儿餐桌椅B)deliv er new locks to yo ur __ h9me D) refuse to pay .f r new locks
• ,'/'.[!, dl,.J,t,•/ 11/1':i r•· ·; I'). \�Il l(!)\'('.f:1,l1\ 1(1 ?) .• ,·1• ••1il1:'(.、r 43.Accordin g to the pass�gE:, u:i a festiv your valuables limit劝11be
, • I i,•. !• ft;,·• II ,11J,/ ,::';/l叫I" ,• •',I : l• i !';、'·,!,'·,,!(<.-tJ f i l I ;,if l')
A)reduced to a certain degree C) automatically increased
1•'·., I! ;ld l1'.·,;;;,1!,l1'1i i S , •\ ,•,; iii'/ 111·11 .,f1t·1,1·• i't, ,1-, l; , ...'I">\
B)re-checked wi thin a week·D) doubled upon request·
,1, ,, .J•'·1, j· 啃I'J·,i•;,., ,I; I
44.What is the company'likely to do yo ur home is damaged盼曲脏函d l'�v ent?,, l,,; . i ,:11n、、心染衣店
A)It will pay you rri啦伍妞梯o,tJ M庄·'",l C ,; (')'/6)'"'�11 i"l'l(J
I will decrease your valuable s'血沺t) l汛
B)It w出help you build a new house.D)It will find somewhere for you to live.
Task 2
三维制图软件有哪些Directions: Tl比foll.o wing is a poster. AJ1er , 它ading it, you will find 3 qu岱tions o,·w finished st.a化nient.s,numbered 45 to 47.Fo1·each question or statement, there am 4 choices marked
AJ, BJ, CJ and D). You should make the con·e ct choice and mark the co1·responding letter
on tlie willi a single line t//mugh the ce11te1:
Postponement of P『esident's Cup 2016
Dear Golfers,
We regret to inform that the President's Cup originally set to be on
20th August 2016 will be postponed to a later date due to an
unforeseen change in our Club President's schedule.
Those who have signed up for the event may continue to play a
social game at the usual members'rates. The golf game,will
commence at 1315h with a shotgun start
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your
kind undo『standing.
1SCC Monooomont
12 Auoum 10
Notc,o;: 1,os小OIW延1111commence开始
m.The not.i ce is to infonn the golfe1芒;of
A)the applicntion for Club membe1-sltlp C)the final result of President's Cup
B)the postponement.of President's Cup D)the activities of Club President
46.The change of tlte gruue date is due to·.
A)n lack of funding C)the terrible weathe r conditions
B)the absence of some golfers D)a change in President's schedule
47.Acco1-ding to tile Notice, tl\e social gan1e will start.
A). . I
m tl\e mommg B) on August 30C)at 13: 15·D)next week
Di本lions:加following passage访�bout a,medicine company, Prime Medicine LLC. 战釬readi�g it, you should complete the i咖而ation by filling in the blanks marked 48 to 52 (in no more
than 3 words) in the table below. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet
At Prin1e Medicine LLC, we have only one p叩ose-we help people to get the medicine they need to feel better and live well.
Our p加nnac-y(药店)experts are working hard to make your medicine cheaper, and your experience easier. Here are the ways of delivering our services.
