When you look at an SAT II U.S. History question, the answer is always right there in front of you, hidden among a selection of incorrect answer choices. There a re t wo m ethods y ou c an u se t o a nswer t he q uestion c orrectly:
Go d irectly t o t he r ight a nswer.
Eliminate w rong a nswers u ntil t here’s o nly o ne a nswer l eft.
In a p erfect w orld, y ou w ould a lways k now t he r ight a nswer. A nd f or m any o f t he questions on the test, this will probably be the case. But for questions you’re uncertain about you can also work backwards, crossing out choices you know can’t b e r ight.
Eliminating W rong A nswers
We’ve already explained how thinking contextually can help your studying, and help you spot correct answers. It can also help you eliminate wrong answers. Let’s s ay y ou c ome a cross t his q uestion:
Between the 1860s and 1890s, the United States changed in all of the following w ays E XCEPT:
(A) it b ecame i ncreasingly u rban
(B) labor unions became a powerful force in politics and in business, and gained w idespread p opular s upport
(C) immigration s ignificantly b oosted t he s upply o f w orkers
(D) big corporations and monopolies thrived, often unchecked by the government
会计专业实习报告范文(E) more w omen b egan t o w ork o utside o f t he h ome
What if you look at this question and just don’t know the answer? Take a step back: first identify the era the question covers to help you put the question into some historical context. In this case, knowing that “Between the 1860s and 1890s” r oughly c orresponds t o t he I ndustrial R evolution w ill h elp y ou r emember the themes of that time period. What comes to mind when you think of industrialization? Perhaps big business and a rise in urbanization
and immigration? I f s o, y ou c an p roceed t o c heck o ff (A) a nd (C),
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