一、研究目的和意义 本文将针对上市公司会计师事务选择机制的影响因素、特点进行研究,并提出相关建议,以期对上市公司的选择机制起到借鉴作用。同时,列举浙江省内一部分上市公司会计事务所选择机制,并对其进行对比归纳,争取做到较为客观的反映浙江省的选择机制现状。希望通过本文的研究,在理论上,希望能够为上市公司会计师事务所选择机制提供来自中国的经验证据,并能够丰富国内相关研究成果、促进我国审计事业的发展。在实务上,对影响我国选择机制的各因素进行甄别,使各相关主体更好地理解来自各方的影响因素,减少供需双方的利益冲突。 |
二、主要研究内容 主要从以下几个方面进行研究:1、审计需求的基本理论。2、会计师事务所选择机制。3、上市公司会计师事务所变更。4、针对发不出去浙江省事务所选择机制情况实证分析,首先就浙江省会计师事务所选择机制具体因素进行分析,然后进行相关样本选取,得出样本的描述性统计结果。5、得出研究结论,表明研究的局限性,并基于该局限性提出研究展望。 |
三、实施方案(调研、实习方案,进度安排等) 实施方案:投资商铺论文研究重点是股权结构对公司绩效的影响,主要通过中国期刊网、万方数据、人民日报图文数据和学校图书馆等地方查相关的文献;在实习中应注意多收集实际数据和资料充实。 进度安排: 第6学期第19-20周至第7学期第1-5周:广泛搜集、研究相关文献资料,完成毕业论文选题。 第7学期第6-14周:根据任务书,撰写开题报告;完成外文翻译、文献综述。 第7学期第15-20周:写作毕业论文,完成初稿。 第7学期寒假:结合毕业论文选题开展调查研究。 第8学期第3-6周:参加毕业实习;开展调查研究;修改、完善论文,完成定稿。 第8学期第7周:进一步修改毕业论文;毕业论文定稿、上交。 第8学期第9-11周:毕业论文答辩。 |
四、推荐阅读文献 [1]十大会计师事务所彭凌.意见分歧导致上市公司变更会计师事务所的成因及对策[J].现代商业.2007(5). [2]张凤元.我国上市公司治理与股权结构优化问题分析[J].黑龙江对外经贸.2009(8). [3]蔡映雪等.上市公司审计需求与审计独立性研究基于我国2007年证券市场的经验证据[D].南京:南京大学,2009. [4]丁平准等.中国注册会计师法律责任案例与研究[M].沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1998. [5]黄世忠.会计数字游戏美国十大财务舞弊案例剖析[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2003. |
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专业班级 财务管理
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iphone以旧换新完成日期 年 月 日
北国之春日语歌词摘 要
China's listed companies within the agency in order to reduce costs and improve corporate reputation, the quality of audit reports of accounting firms in great demand. However, due to accounting firms of listed companies the choice of mechanisms are inadequate, the independent auditing standards system is not perfect, the nature and scale to the enterprise itself, the choices of firms there is a big difference. How to select the mechanism for listed companies research firm, the firm's go, all will be on the future development of the audit market has a great influence.
In this paper, qualitative and quantitative research methods, to present different types of listed companies of the selection mechanism between firms of listed companies in the accounting firm selection mechanism problems. Through research that the nature of listed companies and audit requirements determine the choice of his behavior and change in different behaviors. Zhejiang-based research firm selection mechanism of listed companies, listed companies in the province revealed the reasons for the choices of firms. Hoping to obtain relevant information from the listed companies to improve governa
In this paper, qualitative and quantitative research methods, to present different types of listed companies of the selection mechanism between firms of listed companies in the accounting firm selection mechanism problems. Through research that the nature of listed companies and audit requirements determine the choice of his behavior and change in different behaviors. Zhejiang-based research firm selection mechanism of listed companies, listed companies in the province revealed the reasons for the choices of firms. Hoping to obtain relevant information from the listed companies to improve governa
nce and improve audit quality assurance mechanism for accounting firms to help. Listed companies to further optimize the selection mechanism of the accounting firm to audit listed companies to meet demand and improve the accounting firm's audit of the supply level.