
Unit 1Winter Holidays
Lesson 1 What did you do in the holidays?
winter holiday 寒假  a little difficult有点困难 a beautiful place 一个美丽的地方  learned Beijing Opera学了京剧  swim in the sea在海里游泳have a good time玩得很高兴enjoy your holiday假期过得愉快
went to Hainan去了海南 went back to Canada 回到了加拿大
visited my friends 拜访了我的朋友们 have a look 看一看
took many pictures 照了许多照片
Lesson 2 I didn’t ski.
so beautiful 太漂亮了 play…with和……一起玩 got a big fish得到了一条大鱼so many beautiful dogs那么多漂亮的狗on the lake在湖上
加拿大的冬季运动项目:play ice hockey 玩冰球运动   
go dog sledding 玩狗拉雪橇运动 go ice fishing  去冰钓
go skating 去滑冰  ski  滑雪
Lesson3 Everyone was happy that day.
Lantern Festival 元宵节  元宵节的活动:
visit his grandparents 看望了他的祖父母have yuanxiao 吃了元宵  watch a parade观看列队表演learn the yangge dance 学秧歌
无锡哪里好玩join the parade 加入了列队表演 act like the Monkey King 表演猴王
watch the beautiful lanterns 看灯笼guess a riddle 猜了谜语
get a prize得了一个奖品
1. A: Did you do in the holidays?  你在假期干了什么? 
B: I learned Beijing Opera. 我学了京剧
2.A: What did Wang Hong do ? 王红干了什么?
B: She learned the yangge dance.她学了秧歌。
3.A: What did Peter do in the holidays? 彼得在假期中干了什么?
B: He played ice hockey. 他玩了冰球运动
4. A: What sports is this?  这是什么运动?
B:It’s dog sledding.狗拉雪橇运动。
5. A: What did Li Ming have? 李明吃了什么?
B. He had yuanxiaodnf升级攻略.他吃了元宵。
6.A: Where did you take them? 你在哪儿拍的照片?   
B:I took them in Ottawa. 我在渥太华拍的照片。
7.A: Where are you in the picture? 照片中你在哪儿?
超好听的英文歌曲B: I’m behind the tall boy.我在那个高个男孩后面。
8.A: How were your winter holidays? 你假期过得怎么样?
    B: So wonderful! 太精彩了!
9.A: How did you go there? 你怎样去的那里?
    B:I went there by bus. 我坐公共汽车去的那里。
10.A:Who did Peter go dog sledding with?  彼得和谁玩的狗拉雪橇运动? B: My dad. (和)我爸爸。
11. A: When did they watch the beautiful lanterns?他们什么时候看的漂亮的花灯? B:In the evening. 在晚上。   
12. A: Did you enjoy your holidays? 你假期玩得很愉快吗 B: Yes, I did.
13.A: Did Wang Hong swim in the sea?王红在海里游泳了吗?
B: Yes, she did.
14.A:Did Peter get a big fish? 彼得得到了一条大鱼吗?B: Yes, he did. 
15.A: Did they have a good time? 他们玩得很高兴吗?B: Yes, they did. 
16. A: Was he very excited?  他很激动吗?  B: Yes, he was.
17.A: Was it fun? 它很有趣吗?B: Yes, it was.   
18.A: Can I have a look? 我能看一看吗?
B: Sure. / Yes, you can. 当然可以。
Unit 2 Good Behaviour
Lesson 1 Let’s stop and wait.
go to the zoo 去动物园 see the pandas看熊猫hurry up 快点
so many cars这么多的小汽车 get on the bus 上车  wait in line排队等候cross the street穿过马路
Lesson 2 Don’t shout, please.
take this seat =sit here 坐这儿  take my seat 坐我的座位
put …on… 把……放到……上 get off 下车 at the next stop在下一站 
Lesson 3 They are in the zoo.
in the zoo 在动物园里  on the grass在草地上feed it 喂它
give it an apple给它一个苹果  go to see the deer 去看鹿 
give them some grass 给他们一些草  too much 太多
马天宇 杨幂句子:
1. 等信号灯的三个交通规则:
晚安的话The light is red. Stop and Wait, please. = Please stop and wait.
= Let’s stop and wait. 让我们停下来等一等。
The light is yellow. Please wait. =Wait, lease. = Let’s wait.
The light is green. Let’s go.=Let’s cross the street.
2. Look before you cross the street.过马路前先看一看。
3.Let’s get on the bus.让我们上车吧。Let’s wait in line.让我们排队等候。
Let’s take a picture with them.让我们给它们拍一些照片吧。
4. Don’t push. 不要挤。Don’t shout.不要喊叫。
Don’t put your bag on the seat.不要把你的书包放在座位上。
Don’t run. 不要跑。Don’t walk on the grass.不要践踏草坪
Don’t feed it, please.请不要喂它。Don’t feed them too much.请不要喂它们太多。
5. A:What do you want to do today?你今天想要干什么?
B:I want to go to the zoo. I want to see the pandas.
我想去动物园。        我想去看熊猫。
6. A: Is the zoo far? 动物园远吗?B: No,it’s near. 不,它很近。
7. Li Mei wants to give it an apple.李梅想给它一个苹果。
