West Lake
No doubt, the West Lake is the essence of Hangzhou. The West Lake is not only famous for its exquisite beauty, but also for its history. Numerous poems and legends seemed to come from it.
A thousand years’ histories has made the West Lake to be an elegant lady. When we walk by the bank and look at the water in the West Lake, it is so wonderful that we can’t help reading some lyric poems.
West LakeOne of China’s Five Most Beautiful Lakes恭喜你发财
Traditional “Top Ten” (传统西湖十景)
Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 苏堤春晓
Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden曲院风荷
Autumn Moon Over the Clam Lake平湖秋月
Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge断桥残雪
Orioles Singing in the Willows柳浪闻莺
Viewing Fish at Flower Pond花鸟观鱼
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon三潭印月
Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud双峰插云
Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill南屏晚钟
Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow雷峰夕照
“New Top Ten” 新西湖十景
Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi 云栖竹径
Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manjuelong Village 满陇桂雨
Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley 虎跑梦泉
Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well 龙井问茶
Nice Creeks Meandering through a Misty Forest 九溪烟树
Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill 吴山天风
Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery 阮墩环碧
Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green 黄龙吐翠
Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill 玉皇飞云
Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud 宝石流霞
Two Ancient Causeways across the Lake 跨湖古提
Bai Causeway白堤
Su Cauesway苏堤
Three Fairy Islets in the Lake 湖中仙岛
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 三潭印月
Mid-lake Pavilion 湖心亭
Ruan Gong Islet 阮公堤
Around the Lake 环湖景观
The historical and Cultural Section of Beishan Street北山路历史文化街区
Lakeview Pavilion望湖楼
Broken Bridge断桥
Brocade Ribbon Bridge锦带桥
Autumn Moon over the Clam Lake平湖秋月
Zhejiang Provincial Museum 浙江省博物馆
Zhejiang West Lake Art Gallery 浙江西湖美术馆
Wen Lan Ge 文谰阁
Solitary Hill 孤山
An Echo from a Still Valley 空鼓传声
Zhongshan Park 刘诗诗和杨幂谁漂亮中山公园
Lin Hejing’s Tomb 林和靖墓放鹤亭
Lin Qi Memorial Hall 林社
The West Lake Heavenly Sight 西湖天下景
Low Wai Lou Restaurant 楼外楼
Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society 西泠印社
Liuyi Spring 六一泉
Qiu Jin’s Statue and Tomb 秋瑾墓及塑像
Xiling Bridge西泠桥
Mucai Pavilion 慕才亭
Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 曲院风荷
The Famous Jiangnan Stone Garden 江南名石苑
Mirror Lake Hall 镜湖厅
Guo’s Villa 郭庄
Liu’s Garden 刘庄
Temple to Yu Qian 于谦祠
Huagang Park 花港公园
The Prince Bay Park 太子湾公园
Jingci Temple 净慈寺
The Tomb of Zhang Huangyan 张煌言墓
Long Bridge Park 长桥公园
Orioles Singing in the Willows 柳浪闻莺公园
Lakeside Park 湖滨公园
North of the Lake 湖北景观
Emperor Qin’s Mooring Stone 秦皇缆船石
Baochu Pagoda 宝菽塔
Precious Stone Hill 宝石山
Ge Hill 葛岭 梦见大便
Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞
Purple Cloud Cave 紫云洞
Zhejiang Library 浙江图书馆
Yur Fei’s Temple and Tomb 岳庙、岳坟
West of the Lake 湖西景观
Peak Flying from Afar and its Grotto Carving 飞来峰及石窟造像
Caves at Peak Flying From Afar 飞来峰诸洞
Li Gong Pagoda 理工塔
Cool Spring Pavilion 冷泉亭
Lingyin Temple 灵隐寺
Taoguang Temple 韬光寺
Three Temples at Tianzhu 天竺兰寺
Tea Lover’s Home 茶人之家
Hangzhou Flower Nursery杭州花圃
Hangzhou Botanical Garden 杭州植物园
Jade Spring 玉泉
Visiting Lingfeng for Spring Mume Blossoms 灵蜂探梅
South of the Lake 湖南景观
Wu Hill 吴山
Phoenix Hill 凤凰山
The site of the Southern Song Imperial City 南宋皇城遗址
Stone House Cave 石屋洞
Water Music Cave 水乐洞
Rosy Clound Cave 烟霞洞
Dragon Well Spring 龙井泉
Hangzhou Zoo 杭州动物园
Tiger Spring 虎跑
Pagoda of Six Harmonies 六和塔
The Qiantang River Bridges 钱塘江大桥
White Pagoda 白塔
Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies 九溪十八涧
The Future World 未来世界
East of the Lake 湖东景观
Phoenix Mosque 凤凰寺
Confucian Temple and Hangzhou Steles 孔庙,杭州碑林
Water City Gate Park 水城门公园
The Xixi National Westland Park 西溪国家湿地
West Stream: One of the “Dual-West ” Attractions“双西”之西溪
Misty Water Fishing Village 烟水鱼庄
Autumn Snow Temple 秋雪庵
朋友圈设置三天可见Plum and Bamboo Villa 梅竹山庄
Deep Pool Mouth 深潭口
Xixi Plum Houses西溪梅墅
Xixi Waterside Villas 西溪水阁
五年级数学下册教学计划Xixi Thatched House西溪草堂
The Household in Xixi西溪人家
Wetland Ornamental Plants Area 西溪植物观赏区
Hangzhou Cuisine 杭州风味
Beggar’s Chicken 叫花童鸡
West Lake Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce 西湖醋鱼
Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Green Tea 龙井虾仁
Sister Song’s Fish Broth 宋嫂鱼羹
Dongpo Pork 东坡肉
Honey Ham 蜜汁火方
Wu Hill Crisp Cakes 吴山酥油饼
