中职英语美文 十篇翻译
jiazhaoWhat is the secret ingredient of tough people that enanble them to succeed?Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them?why do they win when others lose,why do they soar when others sink?
The answer is very simple.It is all in how they perceive their problems.Yes,every living person has problems.A problem-free life is an illsion-a mirage in the desert.Accept that fact.
铠Every mountain has a peak.Every valley has its low point.Life has its ups and downs,its peaks and its valleys.No one is up all the time,nor are they down all the time.Problems do end,they are all resolved in time.
You may not be able to control the times,but you can compose your response.You can turn your pain into provanity or into poetry.The choice is up to you.You may not have chosen your tough time,but you can choose how you will react to it.For instance,what is the positive
蚕宝宝怎么养reaction to a terrible financial setback?Would it be a positive reaction to cop out or run away?Escape through alcohol?No!Such negative reactions only produce greater problems by promising a temporary"solution"to the pressing problem.The positve solution to a problem may require courage to initiate it.When you control your reaction to the seemingly uncontrolable problem of life,then in fact you do control the problem's effect on you.Your reaction to the problem is the last word!That is bottom line.What will you let this problem do to you?It can make you tender or tough.It can make you better or bitter.It all depends on you.
In the final analysis,tough people who survive the tough times do so because they have chosen to react positvely to their predicament.Tough times never last,but tough people do.Tough people stick it out.History teach us that each problem has a lifespan.No problem is permanent.Storms always give way to the sun.Winters always thaws into springtime.Your storm will pass.Your winter will thaw.Your problem would be solved.
It is a plain fact that we are in a world where competition is going on in all areas and at all levels.This is exciting.Yet,on the other hand,competition breeze a pragmatic attitude.People choose to learn things that are useful,and do things that are profitable.Todays'college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism.Many college students choose business nor computing programming as their majors convinced that this professions are where the big money is.It is not unusual to see the college students taking a part time jobs as a warming up for the real battle.
I often see my friends taking GRE tests,working on English or computer certificates and taking the driving licence to get a licence.Well,I have nothing against being practical.As the competition in the job market gets more and more intense,students do have reasons to be practical.However,we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training.Just imagine,if your utilitarianism is prevails on campus,living no space for the cultivation of students'minds,or nurturing of their soul.We will see university is training out well trained spiritless working machines.If utilitarianism prevails society,we will see people bond by mind-forged medicals lost in the money-making ventures;we will see humality lossing their grace and dignity,and that would be disastrous.I'd like to think society as a courage and people persumed for profit or fame as a horese that pulls the courage.Yet without the driver picking direction the courage would go straight and may even end out in a precarious situation.A certificate may give you some advantage,but broad horizons,positive attitudes and personal integrities,these are assets you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way.In today's world,whether highest level of competition is not of skills or expertise,but vision and strategy.Your intellectual quality largely determinds how far you can go in your career.
Each year, elite American universities and liberal arts colleges, such as Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Amherst and Wellesley, offer a number of scholarships to Chinese high school graduates to study in their undergraduate programs. Four years ago, I received such a scholarship from Yale.