Chinese Double Seventh Festival
P a n ’s  L i f e 盼盼
离婚程序by WJ Long ago, a cowherd on the earth and a fairy (仙女) from the heavens (天国) fell  in  love  with (爱上……) each other. They got  married (结婚) and lived happily with a
son and a daughter.
Today, the Double Seventh Festival, or Qiqiao Festival, is known as Chinese Valentine’s  Day (情人节). It is on July 7th on the Chinese lunar  calendar (阴历).
做梦梦见鱼The origin (起源) of the Double Seventh Festival is a love story between Niulang (the Cowherd (牛郎)) and Zhinv (the Weaving (编织)
判断对错。正确的填T,错误的填F 。
(  ) The Double Seventh Festival is on June 7th on the Chinese lunar calendar.(  ) A cowherd on the earth and a fairy from the heavens fell in love with each other.(  ) Niulang and Zhinv were separated by a river on the earth.(  ) The magpies built a bridge over the river for Niulang and Zhinv.
(  ) Girls will only offer their sewing kits to the Cowherd Star and Weaving Girl Star.
However, their marriage (婚姻) was not allowed (允许) according  to (根据) the law (法律) of the heavens. So they were separated (分开) by a river in the heavens. But the queen of the heavens was moved by their love, so they were allowed to meet each year at the night of July 7th on the lunar calendar.
At that night, all the magpies (喜鹊) on the earth would fly up to the heavens to build a bridge over the river for the couple (夫妻).
According to customs (习俗), at the night of the Double Seventh Festival, girls will offer their sewing  kits (针线包) as well as fruit and flowers to the Cowherd Star and Weaving Girl Star. They
pray  for (祈祷) intelligence (智慧) and smart (敏捷的) skills in needlework (针线活) and a marital (婚姻的) happiness.
To d a y, C h i n e s e  y o u n g  p e o p l e celebrate the Double Seventh Festival as a romantic (浪漫的) Valentine’s Day in China. Many people express (表达) their love to their sweethearts (心上人) with gifts,
chocolates, flowers and romantic dinners.
