Part One晚安的含义是什么
1.Little Bee  小蜜蜂
Little bee,  little bee,  round round round.
Little杭州吃 bee,  little bee, sound sound sound.
Peek,  peek,  peek-a-boo.
Peek,  peek,  I see you.
3.Open,Shut  张,合
Open,  shut,  open,  shut.  Give a little clap.
Creep,  creep,  creep,  creep. Give a little flap.
4.Here Is The Beehive  小小蜂窝
Here is the beehive,Where are the  bees?
Hidden away where no-  body   sees.
Watch and you’ll see  them come out of the hive.
One,  two,  three, four,five.    Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
5.Ten Little Fingers  十个小手指
One little,  two little,  three little fin-gers.
Four little,  five little,  six  little fin-gers.
Seven little,  eight little,  nine little fin-gers.
Ten fingers on my hands.
6.Dance Your Fingers  跳动手指
Dance your fingers  up.      Dance your fingers  down.
Dance your fingers  to the side,  Dance them all around.
Dance them on your shoulders, Dance them on your head.
Dance them on your tummy,  and  put  them all to bed.
7.Two Little Black Birds  两只小黑鸟
Two Little  black birds sitting on a贷款买车要手续费吗 hill.
One named Jack, and one named Jill.
Fly away   Jack,  Fly away Jill.
Come back Jack, Come back  Jill.
8.Jack and Jill  杰克和吉尔
Jack and Jill went up the hill to  fetch a pail of  wa-ter.
Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbing af-ter.
9.The chimney  烟囱
Here is the chimney,Here is the top.
Open the lid,  out santa will pop.
10.Eentsy Weentsy Spide  小蜘蛛
The eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.
And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.
太阳出来,蒸发了水滴。小小蜘蛛, 再爬上水管。
Part Two
1.  Five Little Birds五只小鸟
Five little birds with-out  any home.
Five little  trees  in   a  row.
Come and build your nests in the trees.
We will rock you to  and  fro.
2.    Five Rabbits五只兔子
Five rabbits were  hid-ing  in the woods one day.
One,two,three,four,five jumped out, and then they ran a-way.
3.  Five Little Sausages五根小香肠
Five little  sausages frying in the pan.  The pan got  hot and   one  went怎样炸麻花  bam.
Four little  sausages frying in the pan.  The pan got  hot and   one   went   bam.
Three little sausages frying in the pan.  The pan got   hot and   one   went   bam.
Two little  sausages frying in the pan.  The pan got   hot and   one  went  bam.
One little   sausages frying in the pan.  The pan got   hot and   one  went  “Wait,wait,  put me on your plate and eat me.”
4.  This Little Pig小猪猪
This little pig went to market.    This little pig stayed home.
This little pig had roast beef.    This little  pig had none.
And this little pig cried “wee wee wee” all the way home.
