1. The company found a way to circumvent the regulations and continue their unethical practices.(公司到了一种方法规避法规并继续他们的不道德行为。)
2. The burglar attempted to circumvent the alarm system, but was caught by the police.(小偷试图绕过警报系统,但被警方抓住了。)
3. The new law is designed to circumvent the loopholes in the current legislation.(新法律旨在绕开现行立法中的漏洞。)
4. The hacker was able to circumvent the security measures and access sensitive information.(黑客成功地规避了安全措施并获取了敏感信息。)
5. The company used a loophole in the tax code to circumvent paying taxes.(公司利用税收法规中的漏洞来逃避纳税。)
6. The athlete tried to circumvent doping controls by using performance-enhancing drugs.(运动员试图通过使用增强剂来规避禁药检测。)
7. The smugglers attempted to circumvent customs by hiding contraband in innocent-looking packages.(走私者试图通过将违禁品藏在看似无辜的包裹中来规避海关检查。)
8. The company created a complex network of shell companies to circumvent financial regulations and avoid taxes.(公司创建了一个复杂的壳公司网络来规避金融监管和逃税。)
感叹时光流逝的诗句9. The student tried to circumvent plagiarism rules by changing a few words in a copied essay.(学生试图通过更改抄袭论文中的几个单词来规避剽窃规则。)
10. The criminal used a false identity to circumvent background checks and gain employment.(罪犯使用虚假身份来规避背景调查并获得就业机会。)
11. The company found a way to circumvent the ban on their product by rebranding it under a different name.(公司到了一种方法,通过将其产品重新命名为不同的名称来规
12. The politician tried to circumvent campaign finance laws by accepting donations from anonymous sources.(政治家试图通过接受匿名捐赠来规避竞选资金法律。)
13. The company used offshore accounts to circumvent tax laws in their home country.(公司利用离岸账户来规避本国税法。)
14. The criminals attempted to circumvent border controls by digging a tunnel under the fence.(罪犯试图通过在栅栏下挖隧道来规避边境管控。)
15. The company found a way to circumvent labor laws by outsourcing jobs to countries with lower wages and fewer protections for workers.(公司到了一种方法,通过将工作外包到工资更低、劳动者保护更少的国家来规避劳动法律。)
16. The student tried to circumvent the professor's plagiarism detection software by using synonyms for key words in their paper.(学生试图通过使用论文中关键词的同义词来规避教授的剽窃检测软件。)
17. The company used a legal loophole to circumvent environmental regulations and continue polluting the air and water.(公司利用法律漏洞来规避环境法规并继续污染空气和水源。)
18. The criminal tried to circumvent the law by bribing a judge and escaping punishment.(罪犯试图通过贿赂法官来规避法律制裁。)
19. The company found a way to circumvent import tariffs by shipping their products through a third country.(公司到了一种方法,通过将其产品通过第三国运输来规避进口关税。)
中国移动福建营业厅20. The hacker used a backdoor to circumvent the security measures put in place by the company.(黑客使用后门来规避公司实施的安全措施。)
21. The politician tried to circumvent transparency laws by conducting government business on private email servers.(政治家试图通过在私人服务器上处理政府业务来规避透明度法律。)
22. The company created fake invoices to circumvent tax laws and avoid paying their fair share of taxes.(公司创建虚来规避税收法律并逃避纳税责任。)
23. The smuggler tried to circumvent border controls by hiding illegal drugs in food shipments.(走私者试图通过将非法药物藏在食品货物中来规避边境管制。)
情侣戒指24. The company found a way to circumvent labor laws by classifying their workers as independent contractors instead of employees.(公司到了一种方法,通过将其工人分类为独立承包商而不是雇员来规避劳动法律。)
25. The criminal tried to circumvent the law by using a fake ID to get into a nightclub.(罪犯试图通过使用进入夜总会来规避法律。)
26. The company used offshore tax havens to circumvent paying taxes in their home country.(公司利用离岸税收避税天堂来规避在本国纳税。)
27. The politician tried to circumvent campaign finance laws by funneling donations through a non-profit organization.(政治家试图通过将捐款通过非营利组织进行筹集来规避
28. The company found a way to circumvent safety regulations by cutting corners and ignoring potential hazards.(公司到了一种方法,通过走捷径和忽视潜在危险来规避安全法规。)
29. The smugglers attempted to circumvent border controls by bribing customs officials at the checkpoint.(走私者试图通过贿赂关卡的海关官员来规避边境管制。)
30. The company used creative accounting methods to circumvent financial regulations and inflate their profits.(公司使用创意会计方法来规避金融监管并增加其利润。)
31. The hacker was able to circumvent two-factor authentication and gain access to sensitive information.(黑客成功地规避了双重认证并获取了敏感信息。)
32. The company found a way to circumvent anti-trust laws by merging with their biggest competitor.(公司通过与其最大的竞争对手合并来规避反垄断法律。)塞翁失马文言文
33. The criminal tried to circumvent the law by hiding evidence and lying to investigators.(罪犯试图通过隐藏证据和向调查人员撒谎来规避法律责任。)
34. The company used lobbyists to circumvent environmental regulations and continue polluting the environment.(公司利用游说者来规避环境法规并继续污染环境。)
35. The smugglers attempted to circumvent border controls by using fake passports and visas.(走私者试图通过使用假护照和签证来规避边境管制。)有关道德的名言