书童1 丫鬟1
旁白: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Nice to meet you!
“Have you ever heard of an old story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai before?” It was
a very sad story. We all feel very sorry for them. Now I’m going to tell you a new story abou t Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Two years ago, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai came to Tongxian gVacationalEnglishSchoolto study English together. It was a very good place for them to learn En glish. Liang Shanbo loves English very much and he learned American spoken English from Deng Dafu. And Liang Shanbo was very good at imitating Martin Road’lecture.
梁:(暂停: 梁山伯作自我介绍:)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Liang Shanbo, I’m so happy to come to Jiao Yu Cit y Middle School this evening. My favourite lessons are Chinese and English. I like Chinese Kongf u, too. I have a dream, I want to study English well and I want to become the president the USA. And then I’ll try my best to make 台湾 come back to China.)
旁白: Zhu Yingtai loves English, too.
祝: (暂停:祝英台作自我介绍:)
Hello, everyone, good evening. I am Zhu Yingtai, I have a dream, too. I want to study Englis h well and become a member of BBC. Then I can visit many interesting and famous places all ove r the world. I’ll report all the good news from China.)
旁: Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai studies very hard and they got very good grades. Finally, Zhu Yingtai got high marks of Tofu and GRE and went to study in Glombia University, in America. On that day she left, Liang Shanbo saw her off at Baiyun Airport.
丫鬟1:there ,there is you liangshanbo .(两人小跑到梁山伯面前)
梁: Yingtai, I love you so much that I can’t live without you. And I miss you every minutes. Plea se call me five times every day.
祝: Me, too. Shanbo, I love you, too. You are my all. Don’t worry, (唱:I love you so we togeth baby---) I’ll marry you as soon as I come back. Just wait for me ---
梁: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean.
祝: And I’ll kiss you from the other side of the world. Bye -------------bye, bobo.
丫鬟1:he has gone far, don’t look again.(掰过祝英台的脸)
英母:darling darling。。。。(拉住英父)
英父:怒气转身No matter what you Say, it is useless. The child's wedding could not be so hasty(仓促的).
英母:but dearling ,Mawencai was so cool and so rich, There is no doubt that this is matched(相匹配的) for marriage.And……..被英父打断
英父:I told you many times, we could not decide yingtai”s wedding.
英母:darling….The Furthest Distance in The World Is not between life and death .But when I stand in front of you ,Yet you do not known he is so handsome.The furthest distance in the world Is not between poor and rich,but when I stand in front of you,Yet you can not see his love to yingtai.
丫鬟1:master,don’t u know MaWencai have more maney .
英父:Oh, honey,you are so konwledegable, 哼哼,give me a kiss,give me a kiss.
英母:嘘……..look,too many people…作害羞状
丫鬟1:ah! not another teen movie.i have to go!!(双手遮脸,含羞跑走)
旁白:Half a year ,MaWencai come to ZhuYingtai’s house with 3 million dollar going to a match-making.
马:I love yingtai so much. I hope I can make it .(面向观众说完后,转身看到英母)
书童1:childe,wait me for a while ,you went too fast.(跑出来,气喘吁吁的)
英母:oh,That was you,come in ,sit down please!
丫鬟1:lady ,you are alo sit .you stand ,we have a lot of pressure.
书童1:childe,I think you should calm down ,you ….
马:shut up!(打断书童的话)get lost .this is my life event ,(然后做害羞状)。
马:aunt, I love yingtai so much,you know . here are my gifts。
英父:Do you see yourself? you look like a pig who know nothing? (转向英母)You ask me to Take yingtai to marry him how I can trust him ?
英母:I have no words.
马:but aunt have accepted my 3 million dollars and gifts.
父:money ?You think money can buy everything?True love is priceless!Only 3
milli on dollar…. only 3 million dollar…. only 3 million dollar…. (逐渐反应过味来)
OK OK You give me 3 million dollar and yingtai belongs to you .
丫鬟1:oh my god,Miss,so many maney,you are married!!(做激动状,抓着英台)
英台:you married!(转身离开)
丫鬟1:are you serious??i’m recluctant to marry.(转身看着马文才,双手合十,眨眼睛。)
书童1:your cool. (嫌弃的推开丫鬟1,激动地转向马文才)childe,congratlations,give you a joy!i am so happy.(兴奋的抱着马文才一边说一边跳)
马:stop,stop!i am marry what are you doing so excited.(无奈的看着书童。)
书童1:you marry is like I am marry.(摸着头说)
白: A week later, Zhu Yingtai gave a phone call from the USA.
梁: Hello, is that Yingtai? Oh, sweetie, I miss you so much, miss you every day, every minute, e very second. My dear, are you OK? Are you listening to me?
祝: Listen, Liang Shanbo, I’m calling you to tell you (that) I loved you! But I think, you’d better find another girl. Find a better one.
梁: (很惊讶地) What? What did you say? (挖一挖耳朵后)Pardon?
祝: You can hear me? I told you to find another girl because I’m going to get married. understand? 梁: Oh, no. Are you OK? Now tell me: Who? With who?
祝: With (英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、玉树淋风的) Ma Wencai. He is so handsome, so tall, so rich, he has more money than Bill Gates(比尔.盖茨). President Bush should listen to him. And he’s good at葵花宝典. As you know, I --- I love his money.
梁: What are you talking about? You wait and see. I’ll give you some color to see see. I wont for give you, never never forgive you.
祝: Forgive me? You forgive me? Hahahahaha -----. You are who? I’m in America, and you, you ’re ---. Hahahahaha---.
旁: Zhu Yingtai’s behavior heart Liang Shanbo deeply. He made a promise that one day he must k ill Zhu Yingtai. He studied harder and harder in order to go to the USA. Every time when he thoug ht of Zhu Yingtai, he was very sorry and angry. But this made him study harder. At last, he passed the Tofu
and he could go to the USA.
A few months later, Liang Shanbo came to America, too. He looked for Zhu Yingtai everywhere. F inally he saw Zhu Yingtai dancing in a party with Ma Wencai happily. He came to Zhu Yingtai --- 梁: Zhu Yingtai, long time no see, do you still remember me? I’m here in the USA now. Do you k now what I want to do here?
祝: Liang ----Shanbo ? (祝英台很惊讶,不敢相信眼前的景象、擦一擦眼睛、很害怕地朵到马文才的身后) Oh, Wencai, Wencai, look at the man, he’s crazy. He’ll kill me. I’m afraid.
书童1:childe,is linaghsanbo ,linagshanbo.(激动的拉着马文才)
马:I have looked.(很嫌弃的推开,立马转向祝英台)
马: Oh, darling, don’t be afraid. (马文才看了看梁山伯,傲慢地说:) You! Get out, get out of here right now! Or I’ll call President 奥巴马!
书童1:You! Get out, get out of here right now! Or I’ll call President 奥巴马!(学马文才的样子)梁: (上下打量了一下马文才,推开书童) You can’t speak to me like that! I’m from China! I’m Liang Shanbo. Don’t you know? Zhu Yi ngtai is mine. You can’t get her from me.
马: What? She is my wife. You said she is yours?
书童1:Get out of here right now! she is my childe’s wife ,did you not hear??
梁: Yes, she is mine. We knew many years ago. Now, I have a dream, if you help me, I’ll………. (看了一眼书童,直接忽略)
马: What dream? You mean that if I help you, then I ---(打断梁山伯)
梁: My dream is that Tai Wang comes back to China soon. Just now you said that you’ll call Pre sident Bush. I think you should call Bush now, you ask him to give Chen Shuibian a call, ask Chen Shuibian to return Tai Wang, understand? Or I’ll ---
马: What? No way!
梁: (梁山伯见马文才不答应,于是拔出了宝剑向他们---)
书童1:No ,no,no ,no ,what do you want to do ? childe,go back ,I protect you .(站到马文才和祝英台前面张开双手)
马: (电话响了) Hello! Yes, this is Ma Wencai. I’m in ---. What? My wife is ill in hospital? Ok, OK, I’m coming ri ght now.
祝 Please don’t leave me, Wencai. He’ll kill me. Just stay, OK?
马: I know, but I stay, he’ll kill me, too.(马文才准备走)
梁:want to go …..It is not so easy(开)
书童1:Oh, no , you can not die ,what would I do if you die..
祝: Oh, you cheat me! I hate you ! (祝英台转向梁山伯) Oh, darling, you won’t kill me, right? 背景音乐《梁山伯与朱丽叶》英文话剧剧本
梁: Yes, I have to. (Sing) because I hate you more than I can say.
祝: (Sing) When we were young, we listened to the MP3, you said you’d love me forever. Don’t ki ll me, OK? I beg you.
梁: No, No way! (sing) Wherever you go, whatever you say, I’ll be right here killing you. I only know I was born to love you or to kill you. Now I can’t love you, I have to kill you.
祝: Long long ago, there was a true love in front me, I didn’t cherish it. If I was to meet him again, I Wish to say I love you. If you ask how long I would love him, I should say ten thousand years. T hat man is you. The only man I love in the world is you.
(sing) Only you.
梁: But the only woman I want to kill is only you. You made me so sad.
祝: Please, Please don’t. You know I love you, just like Lao Shu ai da mi.
梁: Hehehehe, really? To kill or not to kill is really a problem. I can’t decide now, who can tell m e?
梁: You hear this?
祝: All right. (sing) Oh, darling please don’t kill me if you kill me you’ll be lonely.
Oh, my God! Liang Shanbo killed her, and killed himself. It’s said that Ma Wencai died in an acci dent.
Later, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai became a pair of butterflies. They lived happily. They fly back to China and find Taiwang has come back to China. People all over the world have a peace li fe and China has become stronger and stronger.
OK, ladies and gentlemen, the story is over. Thank you for watching. Have a good time.