姓名:________          班级:________          成绩:________
一、 Read and write. (根据句意和图片所示,在空格 (共6题;共6分)
1. (1分) I'm hungry. I want to eat a h________.
2. (1分) (2020四上·北京期中) We have five new ________(书).
3. (1分) 阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给。
Ben has a dog. The dog's n________ is Sam. It is big and t________. It likes playing with a ball. Ban is h________ to play with his dog. One day, the dog eats Ben's bread. Ben has no bread to eat. He is very angry. He is very s________, too. His mother gives him some milk and cakes. Ben is not h________ or thirsty now. He walks to school happily(开心地).
4. (1分) (2018三下·龙岗期末) 在四线三格上规范地抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号。
(1) i can't find my ball
(2) we have some bread and milk
(3) what do you like, sally
(4) i'm sorry, Mr macDonald
5. (1分) It's r________ in Chongqing today, and will turn c________ tomorrow.
6. (1分) Four m________ are under the tree.
二、 Read and flll阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择 (共1题;共1分)
7. (1分) 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子,每个只限用一次。
English  your    foot    schoolbag    policeman
(1) —What's this?
—It's a yellow ________.
(2) This is my ________ teacher, Mr Wang.
(3) —Is that ________ cap?
—Yes, it's my cap.
(4) Point to your hand and your ________.
(5) My brother is a ________.
三、 Read and choose(选择正确的句子补全对话) (共1题;共1分)
8. (1分) (2018五下·龙岗期末) 补全对话
A. We'll drive there.
B. How will we go there?
C. It's time to go to school.
D. We can go there on foot.
E. It's too late.
F. What time is it, Dad?
G. I have no classes today.
Dad:Get up, get up, Sam!
Dad:It's seven fifty, dear. ________
Sam:It's Saturday, Dad. ________
Dad:Yes. But we'll go to the park today. It's time to go.
Sam:Ah, I forgot(忘记了)it. ________
Dad:________It's too far from here.
Sam:OK. Let's go.
四、 Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断正误。) (共2题;共10分)
9. (5分) 阅读理解
LiuLing's 12th birthday is coming soon . Her uncle always comes on her birthday . He is going to come for this birthday , too
Her uncle has no idea of a present for her . What does she like ? An idea comes to his mind . LiuLing likes music . She will be happy with a music ticket . He is going to buy her a concert ticket . The concert is going to be on this Friday . LiuLing doesn't know what her uncle will give her . What is the present going to be ? She will find out
LiuLing's mother is going to do something for her . She will make some cakes for LiuLing's birthday . LiuLing will like them . All the family will love the cakes , too .
(1) How old will LiuLing be ? She will be ___ years old .
A . fourteen   
B . thirteen   
C . twelve   
(2) Her___always comes on her birthday .
A . grandpa   
B . aunt   
C . uncle   
(3) LiuLing likes _____ .
A . listening to music   
B . drawing pictures   
C . playing football   
(4) When is the concert going to be ?
A . On this Friday .   
B . On her birthday .   
C . On next Friday   
(5) Who will love the cakes ?
A . All the family .   
B . Liu Ling .   
C . LiuLing's uncle .   
10. (5分) 阅读短文,完成句子。
Lychees grow in the south (南方) of China. They are small with red peel (果皮). Most people like to eat them, because they are sweet and full (充满的) of juice.  There is an old story about lychees. Yang Yuhuan loved lychees very much. Lychees have a lot of vitamin C. It is very important for people. Vitamin C can make children more healthy. So many parents often buy lychees for their children. Amy and her mum are in the fruit shop now. What fruit are they going to buy? Look! They are buying lychees
(1) People grow ________ in the south of China.
(2) Lychees are full of sweet ________, so people like to eat them. 
(3) There is ________ vitamin c in lychees.
(4) Vitamin C is very ________ for people.
(5) Amy and her mum are in the ________ shop now.
五、 Read and write. (共1题;共1分)
11. (1分) 暑假就要到了,你有何打算?想去哪儿旅游?写出来与大家分享一下吧。
