2022 年江苏省扬州市中考英语模拟试题
考试时间:100 分钟    满分:120
1. When Tom left ______ college, he got a job as ______ reporter in the newspaper report.
A. the, a
B. /, the
C. /, a
D. the, /
2. We went on a spring outing _____ Mary. She was ill and had to stay at home.
A. with
B. beside
C. behind     
D. except
3. — How do you find your classmates?
— Most are kind, but ______ of them is good to me as Cathy.
  A. none
B. no one   
C. someone
D. everyone
4. The __________ is under control. You dont need to worry about it.
  A. position   
B. condition
C. situation 
D. education
5. — Professor Ma, I wonder ______.
— In fact, I have a great team. Every one of us is outstanding.
A. what is your next goal on your study          B. how you managed to be so successful
C. when I can become a scientist like you    D. which is the right way to achieve my dream
6. It was so hot that he __________ his coat.
A. took off
B. got off 
C. turned off
D. put off
7. You have finished most of the work, so you ________ start working so early tomorrow.
A. couldnt   
B. mustnt
C. neednt   
D. shouldnt
8. ______ everything was going according to the plan, there was no need to worry.
A. Since
B. Although
C. Unless   
D. Before
9. — Why was Jenny so happy this morning?
Because the policeman ________ her lost bike.
A. finds
B. found
C. looks for
D. looked for
10. My grandparents like to live in the house _______ is not very big but bright and comfortable.
A. that   
B. who   
C. what   
D. where
11. The price of vegetables ________ so quickly these days.
A. rushes
B. adds   
C. rises   
D. raises
12. Jenny, do you think the wild animals will disappear from the Earth one day?
Unless humans _________ the wild animals.
A. stop to hunt   
B. stop hunting   
C. will stop to hunt
D. will stop hunting
13. When you are tired, ________in the countryside is a wonderful experience.
A. relaxes
B. relaxed
C. relax       
D. relaxing   
14. What time is it now?   
I cant tell you the time ______, but I know its too late.
A. exactly
B. suddenly 
C. politely 
D. wisely
15. — We can give you a ride into town.   
— ______ Thank you.
A. Yes, why not?                            B. Yes, please.
C. Oh, it would be my pleasure.                D. Oh, that would be great.
As a young man, Mike was a skilled artist with a wife and two sons. One night, his older son developed a serious stomachache.   16  of the couple thought it was some serious illness.   17  , the boy died suddenly that night.
After Mike knew that the death could be   18  , he always felt he was guilty. Later the  matters got   19  . His wife left him alone with his six-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Mike could stand (忍受), and he   20  alcohol (酒精) for help.   21  , Mike became an alcoholic.
As the alcoholism progressed, Mike began to lose   22  he owned his land, house and so on. Finally, Mike died alone in a small bar. Hearing of Mike’s death, I thought, “What a totally wasted life! What a complete   23  !”
As time went by, I began to revalue my earlier rough (草率的)   24  . I knew Mike’s now ad
ult son, Ernie. He is one of the   25  , most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I saw the love between Ernie and his children,   26  where his kindness and caring came from.
One day, I worked up my courage to ask him   27  he became such a special person. “I must thank my   28  ,” Ernie said quietly, “As a child   29  I left home at 18, Father came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, love you, son.”
Tears came to my eyes as I realized what I was a fool to judge Mike as a failure. But he had been a kind loving father, and   30  his best love instead of material possessions.
16. A. Both
B. Either
C. Neither
D. Each
17. A. However
B. Moreover
C. Otherwise
D. Besides
18. A. allowed
B. avoided
C. appeared
D. accepted
19. A. better
B. good
C. worse
D. bad
20. A. 江苏中考时间2022年turned around
B. turned off
C. turned out
D. turned to
21. A. Suddenly
B. Slowly
C. Specially
D. Successfully
22. A. everything
B. something
C. anything
D. nothing
23. A. life
B. situation
C. failure
D. experience
24. A. advice
B. survey
C. warning
D. thought
25. A. cleverest
B. kindest
C. richest
D. healthiest
26. A. wondering 
B. watching
C. hoping
D. celebrating
27. A. what
B. what time
C. how
D. how much
28. A. wife
B. children
C. mother
D. father
29. A. when
B. since
C. after
D. until
30. A. left away
B. left behind
C. left alone
D. left out
There are thirty-four bridges on the Thames in London. The following are among the most famous ones.    
