上海高考英语题型训练: 语法填空
2019-2020学年高三第一学期期末质量抽查 (2020年一模)
. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
      Climbing the world’s highest mountain could not have been further from Xia Boyu’s mind as a 25-year-old in 1974, when the played for the provincial soccer team in Qinghai. But when the Chinese Mountaineering Association announced it was looking for climbers to join an upcoming journey, Xia put in an application so that he (21) ________ at least get a free health check - up.
      After just a few months of training, Xia and his fellow climbers started climbing the 8,848 - metre mountain in January 1975. However, Xia suffered such severe frostbite(冻伤)after lending a teammate his sleeping bag (22) ________ her later lost both of his feet.
      Three years later, a foreign expert (23) ________ (invite) to assess Xia’s condition concluded that with artificial legs, Xia would be able to walk again and even climb mountains. It made him determined to challenge (24) ________ to climb Mount Qomolangma again.
      Xia set himself a demanding schedule, (25) ________ (wake) at to train for five or six hours. Unfortunately, Xia suffered another major setback in 1996, when he (26) ________ (diagnose) with lymphoma(淋巴瘤). He had to undergo another round of amputation(截肢), losing part of his legs.
      It was not until 2014 that he was able to organize a team to make another attempt at scaling the world’s highest mountain. Sadly, his team arrived at Qomolangma Base Camp,
only to be informed that all journeys had been stopped, following an avalanche(雪崩)(27) ________ had killed 16 people.
      The Nepalese government announced a ban on double - amputee climbers on Qomolongma in December 2017, but it didn’t last long after a protest (28) ________ a disabled support group. That allowed Xia, at the age of 69, (29) ________ (climb) to the top on May 14, 2018. The feeling, however, was not (30) ________ he had imagined it would be. “I had thought when I finally reached the summit, I would shout it to the world. I would do all these poses for photos. But when the moment arrived, I just felt clam.” Xia said.
Asleep on a plane: a case for window seats
    I love to sleep on planes, and I have an unusual ability to sleep well on them. There have even been one or two occasions (21) ________ I have fallen asleep before takeoff a
nd awakened upon the impact of landing, not having realized we had even left the ground. So when (22) ________ (book) my flights, I always choose the window seat whenever possible. This allows me to lean my sleepy head against the wall of the plane for a bit (23) ________ (much) comfort.
    Some (24)________ argue that the aisle(走廊)seat is superior for the leg space and the ability to get off swiftly and eye the snack cart. But in reality, we’re all getting our drinks and snacks (25) ________ seconds. Also, I find that if a person knows he’s in a window seat, he’ll choose to use the bathroom before boarding so that he (26) ________ (not need) to disturb his neighbor, which is just considerate. And he’ll seize the opportunity to get up when another seatmate gets up so that the seatmate needn’t (27) ________ (bother) more than once.
    As a photographer and visually oriented person, the window seat gives me the best views of cottony clouds, or a great sunset, or golden sunrise, etc. Most of all, (28) ________ ________ I’ve been flying for years, I still get pleasure of seeing my departing
city or country (29) ________ (shrink) into the distance, and the butterflies in my stomach when I see the horizon of my destination come into view. And those feelings of adventure and excitement are (30) ________ keep me coming back , flight after flight, to my window seat.
A 14-year-old Girl Built an App to Help Alzheimer’s patients (老年痴呆症患者)
For many teenagers, their lives typically might circle around schoolwork and spending time with friends. Not so for Emma Yang. Though the Hong Kong-born girl is only 14, she (21)________(create) her own mobile app for Alzheimer’s patients already.
上海高考时间2020The Timeless app, which Yang spent two years (22)________(develop), comes with several important features. It is an artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition system in the app (23)________helps Alzheimer’s patients identify people in photos and remember who they are. It also allows photos (24)________(group) by individuals as well
as provides a picture-based phone book, which enables a user to tap on photos to call or text a person.
The inspiration to develop an app that would help Alzheimer’s patients connect with their loved ones came to Yang at the age of 12, when her grandmother started forgetting things like (25)________she lived and Yang's birthday.
