Safety Data Sheet
1.产品和公司信息Product and company information:
产品名称Product name:
Name, addresses, and phone numbers of the manufacturer or supplier:
Emergency contact phone numbers/fax numbers:
2.成分辨识信息Ingredients identification information:
化学名称(Substance Name) CAS No.
PET膜(PET film)25038-59-9
丙烯酸丁酯(butyl acrylate)141-32-2
丙烯酸异辛酯(2 ethylhexyl acrylate)29590-42-9
丙烯酸(Acrylic acid)79-10-7
3.危害辨识资料Hazards identification information:
健康危害效应Adverse health effects: 没有特殊的危险性No Health Hazards
and Reactions
最重要危害效环境影响Environmental effects: 无法在自然环境中被生物分解.Can not
应The most Decomposition In Natural Environment
important 物理性及化学性危害Physical and chemical effects: 固态、比重1.6g/cm3, hazardous effect 遇火易燃烧,燃烧时会放出烟雾. Solid state, in case of fire, easy
combustion, the combustion will emit smoke.
特殊危害Specific hazards: 无None
主要症状Main symptoms: 头晕dizzy
物品危害分类Hazard classification of the product: 无None
4.急救措施First-aid Measures:
·不同暴露途径之急救方法The first-aid measures for different exposure routes:
·吸入Inhalation: 无妨碍Without hindrance
·皮肤接触Skin contact: 清洗Wash
·眼睛接触Eye contact: 不需要Non-essential;
最重要症状及危害效应The most important symptoms and hazardous effects: 燃烧时会刺激眼睛It will stimulate the eyes if get fire.
对急救人员之防护The protection of first aiders: 不需要Non-essential
对医师之提示Notes to physicians: 正常接触只需用清水清洗Wash with water
5.灭火措施Fire-fighting measures:
适用灭火剂Suitable fire extinguishing media: 泡沫,干粉,CO2;Foam extinguisher, dry powder extinguisher and CO2
灭火时可能遭遇之特殊危害Specific hazards may be encountered during fire-fighting: CO2,CO 令人中毒而死亡 CO2, CO poisoning and death
特殊灭火程序Specific fire-fighting methods: 使用合适的灭火剂,救火者须着防护衣及呼吸器
Use the right extinguisher and wear protective clothing and ventilation
消防人员之特殊防护装备Special equipment for the protection of firefighters:消防人员必须配戴全身化学防护衣及空气呼吸器(必要时外加抗闪火铝质被覆外套.) Firemen must wear full chemical protective clothing and breathing apparatus (when necessary and anti flash aluminum coated coat.)
6.泄漏处理方法Spill response measures:
个人应注意事项Personal precautions: 胶带使用后的塑料内芯可回收利用,废弃胶带应集中处理,勿燃烧。Plastics inner core recyclable use, waste tape should be centralized treatment, not combustion.
环境注意事项Environmental precautions: 通知环保相关部门Notify the environmental
清理方法Methods for cleaning up: 回收再利用Recycling
7.安全处置与储存方法Safe handling and storage measures:
处置Handling: 1.使用时也应保持远离火源 Be kept away from fire when it used
2.避免包装袋受撞击损害Avoid packing bag impact damage
储存Storage . 储存于阴凉,干燥,通风良好的区域,避免阳光直射并远离不兼容物(火源、有机溶剂)Stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated area, avoid direct sunlight and away from incompatible object (fire, organic solvent)
8.暴露预防措施Exposure controls:
工程控制Engineering control: 尽可能避免受光和热的影响Avoid being influenced by light and heat
个人防护设备Personal protective equipment: 穿防护服Wear protective clothing
·呼吸防护Respiratory protection: 戴口罩Wear a mask
·手部防护Hand protection: 橡胶手套Rubber gloves
·眼睛防护Eye protection: 不需要Non-essential
·皮肤及身体防护Skin and body protection: 不需要 Non-essential
卫生措施Hygiene measures: 穿戴前清洗或丢弃Wash before wearing or discarded
9.物理及化学性质Physical and chemical properties:
物质状态 Physical state: 固状 solid state 气味Odor: 无味Tasteless
PH value pH 值: 6.2~6.8 沸点/沸点范围Boiling point/Boiling range: 不适合(ND)
temperature: No decomposition
闪火点Flash point:不适合 (ND)
自燃温度Autoignition temperature: 400℃爆炸界限Explosion limits: 在标准条件下没有爆炸界限No explosion limits under standard conditions
蒸气压Vapor pressure:(ND) 蒸气密度Vapor density: (ND)
密度Density: 1.6g/cm3 溶解度Solubility: (ND)
10.性及反应性 Stability and reactivity:
性Stability:正常情况下Stable under normal conditions
特殊状况下可能之危害反应Possible hazardous reactions occurring under specific conditions: 火灾时会产生一定的烟雾It will produce some smoke when get fire
应避免之状况Conditions to avoid: 避免接触火源、有机溶剂Avoid contact with ignition, organic 应避免之物质Materials to avoid: 强酸Strong acid, 强碱strong alkali
危害分解物Hazardous decomposition products: CO
11.毒性资料Toxicological information:
急毒性Acute toxicity: 无None
局部效应Local effects: 无None
致敏感性Sensitization:无 None
慢毒性或长期毒性Chronic toxicity or long term toxicity:无 None
特殊效应Specific effects: 没有证据显示有毒性特性. There is no evidence of toxicity
12.生态资料Ecological information:
可能之环境影响/环境流布Possible environmental effects/environmental mobility: 无法在
自然环境中发被生物分解Can not Decomposition In Natural Environment
13.废弃处置方法Waste disposal measures:
废弃处置方法Methods of waste disposal: 由环保局统一处理或回收利用Disposal or recycling by the Environmental Protection Bureau unified
14.运送资料Transport information:
国际运送规定International regulations for transport: 并无危险分类No hazard classification 联合国编号United Nation number (UN No.): 无None
国内运输规定Domestic regulations for transport: 并无危险分类No hazard classification
特殊运送方法及注意事项Specific transport measures and precautionary conditions: 避免高温Avoid high temperature
15.法规资料Regulatory information:
适用法规Applicable regulations: ROHS
16.其他信息 Other information:
注册公司需要的资料参考文献 Literature SDS
职称Job title: 姓名Name:
Person who
prepared the SDS
Date that the SDS
was prepared