In many English houses, people eat four m  66  a day. They are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
Breakfast takes p 67  at any time from 7:00 to 9:00 in the m  68  . They usually have eggs, bread with butter, cheese and so on. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. L  69  comes at one o’clock. It can be a hamburger or a three-course meal. Afternoon tea is b 70  4: and 5: Dinner b 71  at about half past seven. The first course is soup. The n  72  is often meat or fish with vegetables. Then come fruits of d  73 kinds: apples, pears, bananas and so on. But not all English people eat like that. Some of these have their dinner in the m  74  of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and s  75  . And all these meals are usually simple.
.66. meals  67. place  68. morning  69. Lunch  70. between  71. begins 
72. next  73. different  74. middle  75. supper
76. 如果你想把英语学好,就要像那些英语好的人一样做。
  If he want to learn English well, do ___ those who are good at it ____.
77. 这台新机器用来制作面条
The new machine ______ _____ ______making noodles.
78. 会议是昨天在学校大厅举行的。
The meeting ______ ______ in the school hall yesterday.
79. 最初房间很冷,但我打开暖气机后很快就变热了起来。
The room was cold at first, but soon began to ___ ____after I turn on the warming machine.
80. 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到最前
A black horse was ahead of the others ___ ____ ___ ___ the race
移动积分怎么换话费?76. as, do  77. is used for  78. was held  79. heat up  80. at the start of
Many people choose Piccadilly Circus a the center of London. This is because it is not only central but also the heart of Londons entertainment world. Within a few hundred yards of it we find most of Londons best-known theatres and cinemas, the most famous restaurants and the most luxurious night-clubs.
In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue, the statue of the god of love. Piccadilly Circus at night is colourful sight. Under Piccadilly Circus there is an important subway station. It is particularly in the evening that Piccadilly Circus is full of people going to the theatre or the cinema, or perhaps to a restaurant. Many others have come for an evening stroll(散步); they will probably have a cup of coffee or a glass of beer before they go home. 
word目录怎么做66. as  67. because  68. heart  69. find  70. heart    71. middle  72. night  73. station  74. evening  75. cup
In the open air
76. 如果你想把英语学好,就要像那些英语好的人一样做。
  If he want to learn English well, do ___ those who are good at it ____.
77. 这台新机器用来制作面条
The new machine ______ _____ ______making noodles.
78. 会议是昨天举行的。
The meeting ______ ______ in the school hall yesterday.
79. 最初房间很冷,但我打开暖气机后很快就变热了起来。
The room was cold at first, but soon began to ___ ____after I turn on the warming machine.
80. 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到最前
A black horse was ahead of the others ___ ____ ___ ___ the race
1. 这座城市或旅游景点的地理位置及游客情况。
2. 对这座城市或景点的风景进行描写。
3. 80词左右。
八年级(下)Module 4 能力测试书面表达写作指导佳能打印机哪个好
    …is one of the most famous; is famous for;  it is in…;
The yellow mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the s
outh of Anhui Province. Every year, it welcome thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors.
The Yellow Mountain is not far from our school. It only takes three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by plane or by train.
The Yellow Mountain is famous for its seas of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks. While climbing the mountains, you can enjoy all these and many other beautiful views. If you are lucky enough, you can also enjoy the wonderful sunrise in the morning. Its really a nice place to visit. Im sure you will enjoy your trip. 
Listening and speaking are very i__61__ for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first l 62  to others. Then they try to imitate and s 63  . We can listen to English p64  on the radio. You may just understand few words. It doesn’t m 65 . Try to catch every word.
Somebody may be a good listener but not a good speaker because he or she is a_66__ of making mistakes. You know sometimes we a 67 make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. If you really want to learn English w 68 , you must try to speak with people who know English. It is important to open your m 69 and speak. If there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to y 70 in English. It is interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English.
