Diplomatic English外交词汇    国宴 state banquet    午宴 luncheon  祝酒词 toast 
交换意见 exchange views      友好外交 friendship diplomacy      外交准则diplomatic norms 
外交惯例 diplomatic practice  外交特权diplomatic privileges        外交辞令diplomatic parlance
外交使节 diplomatic envoy      领事馆 consulate        大使馆 embassy      总领事consul-general
普通照会verbal note  正式照会formal note  条约treaty 议定书protocol 会谈纪要minutes of meetings
最后通牒ultimatum [,ʌlti'meitəm]      最惠国 the most-favored nation    礼仪之邦a nation of etiquette
坚持独立自主的和平外交政策 stick to the independent foreign policy of peace
和平共处五项原则 five principles of peaceful coexistence
互相尊重主权和领土完整mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 
互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression 互不干涉内政non-interference in each other's internal affairs
平等互利\和平共处 equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence
中国不参加军备竞赛\不搞军事扩张china will never participate in any arms race, nor will it engage in military expansion
中国坚决反对任何形式的霸权主义\强权政治和侵略扩张行为china is firmly opposed to hegemony[hi'ɡeməni], powder political and expansion in whatever form
中国不以社会制度和意识形态的不同来决定国家关系的亲疏China will not allow difference in social systems and ideology to affect state-to-state relations
在国际性和地区性问题上有许多共同处 have much in common on international and re
gional issues
建立国际政治经济新秩序 establish a new international political and economic order
严格遵守国际关系基本准则strictly observe the basic norms governing international relations
联合国宪章的宗旨和原则 the purposes and principles of the UN Charter
公认的国际关系基本准则the accepted norms of international relations
政治多元化和经济自由化political pluralism and economic liberalization
经济全球化是不可抗拒的历史潮流economic globalization has become an irreversible trend
和平和发展是当今世界的两大主题peace and development remain the two overriding issues
营造长期稳定\安全可靠的国际和平环境create an international environment of durable peace ,stability and security
坚决反对和谴责一切形式的国际恐怖主义we firmly condemn and oppose all forms of terrorism
国际恐怖主义已经构成对世界和平与发展的重大威胁international terrorism is a serious threat to world peace and stability         
促进共同繁荣和发展promote common prosperity and development    用和平方式解决争端 settle disputes by peaceful means  通过外交途径进行谈判negotiate through diplomatic channels  不结盟non-alignment    不对抗non-confrontation 和睦相处live with each other in harmony  民族意识/国家尊严nation identity/dignity
实行全方位的对外开放政策carry out an all-dimensional opening up policy
承担作为一个发展中国家应该承担的义务 undertake the obligations as a developing country
发展睦邻友好develope good-neighbourly friendship      促进南北对话 promote north-south dialogue
冷战思维a cold war mentality      人体 suicide bomber        流血事件bloodshed event
奉行胡萝卜加大棒政策 pursue a carrot-and-stick policy    否认和歪曲历史 deny and distort history
建立\中断\断绝外交关系establish\suspend\sever diplomatic relations
无视中方的反对领事馆大使馆 disregard the opposition of Chinese side 
确保长期稳定和繁荣 ensure long-term stability and prosperity       
中日邦交正常化 normalization of relations between China and Japan
一衣带水的友好邦邻 good neighbours separated by only a strip of water
以史为鉴,面向未来 use history as a guide and mirror and look forward to  the future
以平等\互信为基础的中俄战略协作伙伴关系 the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partnership based on equality and mutual trust
两国高层领导互访和定期会晤制度 the exchange of high level visits and the mechanism of regular meetings between the two countries
尊重他们根据自己国情自主选择政治制度和发展道路respect their choice of political system and development path suited to their own national conditions 
顺应时代要求和世界发展潮流to meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development
恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty over ['sɔvrənti, 'sʌv-] 
经历百年沧桑go through one century of vicissitudes  [vi'sisitju:dz]
台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分Taiwan is an inalienable[in'eiljənəbl] part of the inviolable[in'vaiələbl] territory of China
完成祖国统一大业accomplish the great cause of national reunification 
在一个中国原则的前提下结束敌对状态end the state of  hostility[hɔ'stiləti] under the principle of one China
中国政府不放弃使用武力解决台湾问题China will never give up the option of using force in setting the Taiwan issue.
