from that day on, give up, stay in bed, find a way, dream of, be proud of, in one's free time, come true, one another
(1)Many people ________ flying in the sky like a bird.   
(2)When things aren't going well, he encourages me and tells me not to ________   
(3)He likes playing basketball and always plays basketball ________.   
(4)I have many friends and we often help ________.   
(5)You should ________ yourself. You are the best in the match.   
(6)The doctor asked him to ________ for a few days.   
(7)________, I started to believe in miracles(奇迹).   
(8)We must ________ to solve these problems before it's too late.   
(9)If you don't work hard, your dream won't ________.   
【答案】(1)dream of
(2)give up
(3)in his free time
(4)one another
(5)be proud of
(6)stay in bed
(7)From that day on
(8)find a way
(9)come true 
【解析】【分析】from that day on从那天开始;give up放弃;stay in bed生病卧床;find a way发现/到方法;dream of梦想做某事;be proud of以......为骄傲;in one's free time在某人空闲时间;come true实现;one another相互
(1)句意:许多人梦想像鸟一样在空中飞翔。像鸟一样在空中飞翔只是一个梦想,dream of doing sth.梦想做某事,故选dream。of。
(2)句意:当事情进展不顺时,他鼓励我,并且告诉我不要放弃。根据When things aren't going well, he encourages me可知当事情进展不顺时,他鼓励我不要放弃。tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事,故填give,up。
(3)句意:他喜欢打篮球,并且总是在他空闲时间打篮球。in one's free time在某人空闲时间,主语是he,所以用he的形容词性物主代词his,故填in,his,free,time。
(4)句意:我有许多朋友,并且我们经常相互帮助。help one another相互帮助,故填one,another。
(5)句意:你应该为自己感到骄傲,你是这次比赛中最好的。根据You are the best in the match.你是这次比赛中最好的。可知自己应该感到骄傲,be proud of以......为骄傲,should后面用动词原形,故填be,proud,of。
(6)句意:医生让他生病卧床几天。根据常识可知医生给的是建议,所以用stay in bed生病卧床,ask sb. to do sth.让某人做某事,故填stay,in,bed。
(7)句意:从那天开始我相信奇迹。from that day on从那天开始,故填from,that,day,on。
(8)句意:在太晚之前我们应该到方法解决这些问题。根据solve these problems解决这些问题,可知前面是到方法,must后面用动词原形,故填find,a,way。
(9)句意:如果你不努力工作,你的梦想将不会实现。dream意思是梦想,不努力梦想不会实现,所以用come true,won't后面用动词原形,故填come,true。
building site, all night, at the same time, walk through, feel unhappy about, knock on, on one's way, clean up
(1)You must ________ your room before you go out. It is so dirty.   
(2)The noise went on ________. I couldn't get any sleep.   
(3)It was a very strange feeling—l was afraid, but excited ________.   
(4)The little girl ________ the forest to visit her grandmother yesterday.   
(5)Tina came home late yesterday because she met an old friend ________ home and talked with him for a while.   
(6)Many builders are working on the ________ to build a house.   
(7)Jack ________ the door for several times, but nobody answered.   
(8)I didn't pass the exam again and my mother ________ it.   
【答案】(1)clean up
(2)all night
(3)at the same time
(4)walked through
(5)on her way
(6)building site
(7)knocked on
(8)felt unhappy about 
【解析】【分析】building site建筑工地;all night整晚;at the same time与此同时;walk through步行穿过;feel unhappy about对......感觉不满意;knock on敲;on one's way在路上;clean up打扫干净
(1)句意:在你出去之前你必须打扫干净你的房间,它是如此脏。根据It is so dirty.它是如此脏。可知房间脏了需要打扫,must后面用动词原形,故填clean up。
(2)句意:这个噪音持续了一晚上,我没有睡着。根据I couldn't get any sleep.我没有睡着。可知噪音持续了整晚,故填all night。
(3)句意:它是一种奇怪的感情。——我是害怕,同时也是兴奋的。根据句意可知害怕和兴奋两种感情同时出现,故填at the same time。
(4)句意:那个小女孩昨天步行穿过森林去看望她的奶奶。yesterday表明时态是一般过去时,根据the forest森林,可知是步行穿过森林,所以walk用过去式walked,故填walked through。
(5)句意:昨天Tina到家晚了,因为她在回家的路上遇到了老朋友,并且和他谈了会。根据句意可知回家晚的原因是路上碰见朋友。on one's way在路上,主语是Tina,所以one's用her,故填 on her way。
(6)句意:许多建筑工人正在建筑工地上建房子。根据句意可知工人在工地上建房子,building site建筑工地,故填building site建筑工地。
(7)句意:Jack敲了许多次门,但是没人应答。knock on the door敲门,answered表明
时态是一般过去时,所以knock用过去式knocked,故填knocked on。
(8)句意:我又没有通过考试,我的妈妈不满意。考试没通过,所以妈妈不满意,feel unhappy about对......感觉不满意,didn't表明时态是一般过去时,所以feel用过去式felt,故填felt unhappy about。
next to, feel proud of, on the other side of, at the bottom of, all the way, save one's life
clean的过去式(1)The water in the river is so clear that you can see the water plants ________ it.   
(2)Jim's home caught fire last week and a fireman ________.   
(3)My home is ________ a river, so I always go for a walk by the river after supper.   
(4)There's nothing but woods ________ the road.   
(5)I'm a big fan of Jay Chou and l will support him ________.   
