泰山介绍 保利商务宾馆简介
保利商务宾馆位于泰安市温泉路北首,北依泰山,坐拥城市中心区,周围环境静谧幽雅,山清水秀,是休闲、度假的理想之地。 宾馆所处的宝龙城市广场是泰安市重点打造的旅游项目,总投资逾20亿元,是集五星级大酒店、大卖场、星级影院、泰山美食街、旅游购物街于一体的旅游文化商业中心。宾馆交通便捷,温泉路、环山路、岱道庵路、岱宗大街环绕四周,西临红门和岱庙景区;东靠“新泰山三景”,方特欢乐世界、泰山封禅大典和花样年华三大旅游项目。
《 杭 州 溪 杏 苑 精 品 酒 店 简 介 》
Introduction of Hangzhou Xixinyuan Boutique Hotel
杭州溪杏苑酒店 让精品不再遥远
Hangzhou Xixinyuan Boutique HotelQuality is no longer distant
一次驻足 一生眷恋
A stop Love life
Liuxia town formerly known as xixi city, is a town in one thousand, was in the outer reaches of the west lake tourist resort. SongGaoZong through the Xixi,
based in to this, the phoenix mountain later, hence cloud “Xixi and Liuxia”, “Liuxia” renown from this. Although after the passage, but only stay in the city of great saphenous beautiful scenery to linger over the world. Hangzhou Xixinyuan
Boutique Hotel in this garden was hidden in the mountains between streams quietly bloomed jiangnan town.
The hotel is located in the west of Hangzhou Xixi business. Adjacent to the famous Ha
ngzhou Xixi wetland park countryand was praised as” paradise “of the west lake scenic area. Convenient transportation: only 5 km from the central city, the railway station 12 km , Xiaoshan airport 41 km and city intersection, high speed kilometers 0.8 km.
杭州溪杏苑精品酒店的品牌创意源于法国诺曼底小镇GINGKO酒店低调的浪漫时尚及德国同名乐队纯净、质朴及抚慰心灵的乡村音乐元素。秉持“精致不粗、高雅不俗、舒适不累”的设计理念,将“韵致江南”和“现代商务”融为一体, 以高雅温馨却不失简约内敛的设计风格,将人文与自然完美融和。
Hangzhou Xixinyuan Boutique Hotel brand creativity comes from the French
Normandy GINGKO hotel low-key romantic town, fashion and Germany the band pure and simple and placatory heart music elements of the country. Grasps “the delicate not thick, elegant not common, comfortable not tired” design concept, will “charm jiangnan” and “modern business” is an organic whole, with decorous
warm but do not break contracted inside collect design style, the human and the natural perfect harmony.
精心打造221 套风格特异的客房,每间客房的面积均在36平方米以上,宾客可享受到一系列尊贵服务,如品牌舒压床、卫星电视、免费使用无线和宽带上网等设施,同时提供贴心且性价比高的管家式服务。9款经典房型满足客户多元化需求 。 Carefully build 221 sets of the specific style rooms, each room in the area of 36 square meters above all, guests can enjoy a series of distinguished service, such as brand massage bed, satellite TV, free use wireless and broadband Internet
access and other facilities, and at the same time provide close and cost-effective housekeeper type service. Nine of the classical room to meet customer demand diversity.
The hotel equipped with senior features of western restaurant, Chinese
restaurant and delicate early restaurant. Can accommodate 500 guests. Learn Chinese style garden restaurant essence elements, with China Ming and qing
classic refined traditional furniture fusion modern anacreontic concise design and layout, highlight the noble quality and classical Chinese cultural charm.
The hotel of meeting and banquet facilities are complete, with 420 square meters of function and size 4 conference rooms, equipped with advanced equipment such as hd multimedia projector, for business meeting activity provide print, fax, translation, broadband Internet access and convenient service, to meet the various types of business activities. The business center area reaches 100 square meters, with our considerate service, give your colleagues, customers and participants, a sincere memorable meeting experience
The hotel has rich recreation projects, such as the gym, sauna bath center, chess and, for business busy guests provide easy …delightful sports leisure environment.