This Is Us is about the family lives and connections of several people who all share the same birthday and
the ways in which they are similar and different.The series follows siblings Kevin, Kate and Randall as their
lives intertwine. Kevin and Kate were originally part of a triplet pregnancy. Their due date was October 12,
1980, but they were born six weeks early on August 31. Their biological brother was stillborn. Their parents,
Jack and Rebecca, intent on bringing home three babies, decide to adopt another newborn: Randall, a black
child born the same day and brought to the same hospital after his biological father abandoned him at a fire station.
《论语》中说:“三⼗⽽⽴,四⼗不惑。” 36岁,⼀个不上不下的年纪,已过⽽⽴之年,对世事有了体察和洞悉,但
Jack 36岁⽣⽇这天,他和妻⼦Rebecca的三胞胎宝宝即将出⽣,新的⽣活即将拉开序幕。
对Jack⽽⾔, 36岁⽣⽇这天,妻⼦Rebecca给了他最好的⽣⽇礼物,那就
And life is full of color .And we each get to come along and we add our own color to the painting.You know? And even though it's not very big, the painting ,you sort of have to figure that it goes on forever, you know, in each direction. So, like to infinity, you know? Cause that's kind of like life,right?
⽣活充满了⾊彩。我们每个⼈⼀边⾛着, ⼀边在这画上加上属于⾃⼰的颜⾊。嗯,这画也许不是什么⼤师级作品,你得想办法让这颜⾊向各个⽅向延伸,⼀直延伸,⽆限延伸。因为这就是所谓的⽣活,你说是吧?
And it's really crazy, if you think about it, isn't it? A hundred years ago, some guy that I never met came to this country with a suitcase. He has a son, who has a son, who has me. So, at first, when I was painting, I was thinking, you know that was that guy's part of the painting and then, you know,down there, that's my part of the painting. And then I started to think, well, what if we are all in t
he painting, everywhere? And-and what if we are in the painting before we are born? What if we are in it after we die? And these colors we keep adding, what if they just keep getting added on top of one another until eventually, we are not even different colors anymore?
你好好想想,真是不可思议。 ⼀百年前,⼀个我不曾相识的⼈拖着⾏李箱来到这个国家。 他⽣了个⼉⼦,⼉⼦⼜有了⼉⼦,然后有了我。所以,⼀开始我画这幅画的时候,我在想啊:画⾥的某个位置就是这个⼈⼈⽣的开始 下边那个位置,是我在这画⾥所处的位置。然后,我开始思考。假如说,我们都在这幅画上呢? 如果出⽣以前,我们的⼈⽣轨迹就已经在这画上画好了呢?如果我们死了,才能在这画上出现,⼜会是怎样呢? 如果我们⼀直在添加的这些颜⾊,只不过是简单地覆盖在别⼈的颜⾊之上,到了最后,每个⼈的颜⾊都没有什么不同,会是什么样呢?
We one thing.One painting. I mean, my dad is not with us anymore. He's not alive, but he's with us. He's with me every day. It all just sort of fits somehow.And even if you don't understand how yet, people will die in our lives, people that we love, in the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now.I mean, it's kind
of beautiful, right?If you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn't mean they are not still in the painting.I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing.
我们都是⼀体的,⼀幅画⽽已。我爸已经不在我们⾝边了。他虽然离开了⼈世,但它仍与我们同在,每天都和我同在。 ⼀切都像是安排好了⼀样。 尽管你不知道是以怎样的⽅式,我们⽣命中的每⼀个⼈,终有⼀天会死去。未来的某⼀天,也可能就是明天。也许⼏年后。你看,细细想来,这也是件美好的事情,不是吗? 你仔细想想,就因为他们死了,你再也不能和他们说话, 他们就不在这画⾥了吗? 我想可能⼀切的意义就在于此了。
There's no dying. There's no you or me or them. It's just us.And this sloppy, wild, colorful painting that has no beginning, it has no end. This right here, I think it's us.
没有所谓的死亡。没有你、我,他们这样独⽴的存在。只有“我们”⼀起。这幅混乱的,狂野的,缤纷的画,没有起点,也没有终点 你眼前的这幅画啊,我觉得就是我们的⼈⽣。
How does it feel to be dying?知道⾃⼰就要死了,是怎样的体验
It feels, like all these beautiful pieces of life are flying around me and I'm trying to catch them. When my granddaughter falls asleep in my lap, I try to catch the feeling of her breathing against me. And when my made my son laugh, I try to catch the sound of him laughing. How it rolls up from his chest
But the pieces are moving faster now, and I can't catch them all. I can feel them slipping through my fingertips.And soon where there used to be my granddaughter breathing and my son laughing, there will be nothing.
I know it feels like you have all the time in the world. But you don't.So stop playing so cool. Catch the
moment of your life. Catch them while you're young and quick. Because sooner than you know it, you'll be old and slow.And there'll be no more of them to catch.