问题是从脉络膜(tela choroidea)开始的。
先看《Rhoton's Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches》(2007)的描述(三脑室顶壁部分)——
The tela choroidea forms two of the three layers in the roof below the layer formed by the fornix. The tela choroidea consists of two thin, semiopaque membranes derived from the pia mater, which are interconnected by loosely organized&The velum interpositum is the space between the two layers of tela choroidea in the roof of the
再看《Gray's Anatomy》(41ed,2016)的描述,配图如下——
The vascular pia mater in the roofs of the third and fourth ventricles, and in the medial wall of the lateral ventricle along the line of the choroid fissure, is closely apposed to the ependymal lining of the ventricles, without any intervening brain tissue. It forms the tela choroidea, which gives rise to the highly vascularized choroid plexuses from which CSF is secreted into the lateral, third and fourth ventricles.
观点A(Rhoton为例)——脉络膜分两层,软脑膜来源,中间隔有小梁,这一间隙为中间帆(velum interpositum)。此观点主要是针对三脑室顶结构的描述。
先来看图(左上及右上《THIEME Atlas of Anatomy:Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy》2ed.2016,左下《Sobotta Atlas Of Anatomy ( Vol.3 ) Head,Neck & Neuroanatomy》15ed.2011,右下《Rhoton's Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches》2007)
Taenia fornicis 穹窿带
Taenia choroidea 脉络带
Taenia thalami 丘脑带
不是很多嘛……不急,再看段文字(《Techniques in Epilepsy Surgery》2015,关于前颞叶切除术的手术学解剖)
The tela choroidea spans the space between the fimbria and the stria terminalis, attached to the two white matter bundles by their teania. A triangular space of tela choroidea called the velum terminale is formed at the anterior extent of the choroid fissure, anterior to the
origin of the choroid plexus. It is bounded by the teania of the stria terminalis and fimbria as they unite on the intralimbic gyrus of the uncus.
teania of the stria terminalis 终纹带
teania of the fimbria 伞带
velum terminale 终帆(暂且这么翻译吧,查遍中文资料未见相关翻译)
一个膜(tela):tela choroidea 脉络膜
一个裂(fissure):choroidal fissure = choroid fissure = fissura choroidea 脉络裂
走的结构两个帆(velum):velum interpositum 中间帆,velum terminale 终帆
两个纹(stria):stria terminalis 终纹,striar medullaris thalami 丘脑髓纹
五个带(teania):Taenia fornicis 穹窿带,Taenia choroidea 脉络带,Taenia thalami 丘脑带,teania of the stria terminalis 终纹带,teania of the fimbria 伞带
《The Human Hippocampus》4ed.2013
《Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle》2006
左图为颞角脉络膜结构示意图,此图真正展示了Gray解剖学中关于“脉络膜是软脑膜+室管膜”的描述,以及各种“带”的形态;右图则在侧脑室转变为三脑室的关键部位,展示了中间帆之所以为“帆”(而非“空腔”)的理念。这里留意一个结构——fissura transversa 大脑横裂,这个名词后面会提到。
由此可见,丘脑(2,此层面为丘脑的外侧膝状体)和穹窿(4,此层面为穹窿伞部)之间为脉络裂fissura choroidea,由双层结构的脉络膜tela choroidea(10,红边缘+黑边缘)封闭。
带Teania(紫三角11和12)可以理解为从主体结构伸向脉络裂、从而使得脉络膜得以依附的结构。其命名完全跟随主体结构——从终纹(3)延伸出来的就是终纹带teania of the stria terminalis(11),从穹窿伞(4)延伸出来的就是伞带teania of the fimbria(12)。随着穹窿由伞带移行为其他分段时,命名就随之改变,但总的都叫穹窿带taenia fornicis。
终纹stria terminalis是分隔尾状核和丘脑之间的一条白质纤维带,位于丘脑的外缘、尾状核的内缘交界处,其功能是杏仁核的传导束。这里要说的是,在颞角脉络膜刚刚起始的部位,脉络膜附着于丘脑的地方刚好就是终纹,后者延伸出的结构就是终纹带teania of the stria terminalis。那么终帆velum terminale又是什么结构呢,这需要在下面讲完中间帆后再说。
在这个部位,穹窿和尾状核这两个C形结构的下肢恰好走到了最相邻——如图,1和2之间隔着3,4和2之间也是隔着3。然而随着两个C继续向后、向上走行,两者逐渐分道扬镳,穹窿更偏向内侧,而尾状核则偏向外侧(终纹跟随尾状核),使得终纹不再是脉络膜附着于丘脑的部位了。而除了终纹以外,在侧脑室的其他部位,丘脑侧的脉络膜就没啥特殊的结构好依附了,于是就只能叫脉络带taenia choroidea。(这段废了不小劲儿想通,下图略有帮助,上方《Rhoton's Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches》2007,下方《THIEME Atlas of Anatomy:Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy》2ed.2016)