一.听力 (10分)
(1)A. She's 1.52 metres.
B.She wear size 40 shoes
C.She's taller than me.
(2)A. He played the piano.
B.I played the piano.
C.She played the piano.
(3)A. I was fine.
B. It was OK.
C.I was very big,
(4)A. I rode a bike.
B.I went to a forest park.
C.I rode a bike.
(5)A. It's five tons
B.My shoes are size 37.
C.I'm 1.3 metres.
A. in the evening
C. 12
D. went
E. lived on
Tom is   years old. He lives in the city. He has an uncle who works at a farm. Last weekend, Tom   his uncle's farm. He went there by bus. At the farm, there is a lov
ely yellow dog, Coco. Tom likes Coco very much. And Coco also likes   with Tom. They   fishing together in the day and watched TV together   . They both had a good time.
5.(2分)选出符合图片意思的一项。(  )
A.heavier    B.taller    C.thinner
6.(2分)选出符合图片意思的一项.(  )
A.read a book    B.slept   
C.had a cold
7.(2分)选出符合图片意思的一项。(  )
A.bigger    B.shorter    C.smaller
8.(2分)选出符合图片意思的一项.(  )
A.washed my clothes    B.saw a film   
C.cleaned my room
9.(2分)选出符合图片意思的一项.(  )
A.went boating    B.stayed at home   
C.did something else
10.(2分)I ______  my homework last Sunday.(  )
A.do    B.did    C.does
11.(2分)﹣______?            ﹣I'm 12 years old.(  )
A.How heavy is it?    B.How tall are you?   
C.How old are you?
12.(2分)Did she____a cold yesterday?(  )
A.has    B.had    C.have
13.(2分)﹣Did you visit your aunt last weekend?    ﹣______(  )
A.Yes, I do.    B.No, I didn't.   
C.No, I don't.
14.(2分)Wu Yifan is 15 years old. I'm 10 years old. I'm ______ than him.(  )
A.older    B.younger    C.bigger
Sarah:Hi, Mike. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.(1)   
Mike:I went to the bookshop. There were many new books in it.
Mike:Yes, I did. And I bought some story books.(3)   
Sarah:I went to the park with my parents.
Sarah:I took lots of pictures there and rowed a boat.
Mike:It was fun. What do you want to do now? Let's play football.
A. How about you?
B. What did you do there?
C. That sounds great!
D. Where did you go?
E. Did you read any storybooks?
16.(2分)did, you, do, Monday, last, what (?)
17.(2分)you, heavy , are, how (?)
18.(2分)yesterday, swimming, I, went (.)
19.(2分)did, go, who, you, with (?)
20.(2分)am, than, you, I, heavier (.)
    Mr and Mrs Red want to go hiking this weekend. They bought a lot of things for the hiking a few days ago.
    First, they each bought a pair of hiking shoes. Mr Red's feet are much bigger than Mrs Red's. He wears size 42 shoes! Mrs Red just wears size 36 shoes.
    Second, they bought a tent for camping. There were two tents in the shop. One was green with a big window. The other was brown with two small windows. The green one was bigger but shorter than the brown one. Mr Red is very tall. He is 1.8 metres. And Mrs Red likes watching the beautiful mountains. She thought two windows were much better. Finally they bought one. Which tent did they buy? Can you guess?
how are you是什么意思
(1)What did Mr and Mrs Red do for the hiking?   
A. They cooked a good meal.
B. They had a good sleep.
C. They bought something for the hiking.
(2)What size hiking shoes do Mr and Mrs Red wear?   
A. Size 36 and size 42.
B. Size 42 and size 36.
C. Size 36 and size 36.
(3)What does "tent" mean?   
A. 帐篷
B. 房子
C. 大卡车
(4)The brown tent is _____ and _____ than the green tent.   
A. smaller; taller
B. bigger; taller
C. smaller; shorter
(5)Which tent did they buy? Can you guess?   
A. The green one.
B. The brown one.
C. They bought nothing.
    Hi, I'm Jenny.Last weekend, I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou.I went there by bus.I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning.Then my aunt, my cousin﹣﹣Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖).We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver.We rowed the boat on the lake.Then we went to the Taiziwan Park on foot. It was a hot day.The sun was shining in the sky.We felt hot and hungry.We sat under a big tree and had our lunch.We ate bread, orange juice, hamburger,milk and some bananas.Tony saw a fish in the water.So we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread.More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths.We fed them.We were very happy that day.
