2023年单独招生考试英语试卷(含答案) (10)
1. To repair or improve the appearance of something is to fix it ______.
A. out    B. off    C. up    D. over
2. – Are you enjoying the studies here?
---Yes, very much. I wish I ________ have to leave so soon.
3. – What are you going to do next year?
---I don’t know. But it’s time ______ something.
A. I decided    B. I deciding  C. I’ll decide  D. I’d decide
4. –David is buying some apples for Maria.
--- I’d like some for _______.
A. myself    B. me  C. she    D. herself
5. Today’s libraries differ greatly from _______.
A. the past    B. those of the past    C. that are past  D. those past
6. – Is Bush over his cold yet?
--- He ________. He went ice-skating yesterday.
A. must be    B. ought to    C. will be    D. has to
7. – Shall I mail this letter for you?
---Yes. I’ll appreciate _________.
A. that you do    B. this    C. you to do it  D. it
8. It ____ five years since he ____ to study French.(  )
A. was, began      B. is, has begun      C. will be, begins  D. is, began
9. Father _____ today’s newspaper yet. ______ to bring it to him.(  )
A. hasn’t read, Don’t forget      B. didn’t reads, Not forget
C. hadn’t read, Don’t forget      D. doesn’t read, Do forget
10. How much does personality change in adulthood? Are declines in intellectual functioning typical or ________ with aging?
A. impossible          B. reliable        C. believable        D. inevitable
11. They talked nearly two hours about the people and the things _____they remembered in the village.
A. who    B. that        C. which      D. as
12. He has been ill for several weeks. He has_____ in catching up with the others.
A. many difficulties              B. some difficulty
C. a lot of troubles                D. a great trouble
13.___is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing.
A. It        B. As      C. That      D. What
14. "John, come on !" Wait a moment, mum. I_____ ”
A. get just dressing              B. got just dressed
C. am just getting dressed          D. have just dressed
15. Use the umbrella to_____ you from the sun.
A. prevent      B. keep      C. save      D. protect
16. Mr Brown and his wife expect that by the year 2015 they _____ in Beijing rather than in other cities.
A. are living    B. will be living  C. have lived      D. will have lived
17. The football players in the local team were ______ with money for their efforts in winning the competition
A. rewarded      B. awarded      C. praised        D. valued
18. Bungee jumping is an exciting activity, very popular among young adults, _______ courage matters more than strength.
A. whose        B. that          C. of which        D. where
19.When he heard that his job application had been rejected, he struggled to ______ his feelings.
A. get rid of      B. get over      C. smooth away    D. push away
20. The temperature on the inside of the car can be adjusted to suit the driver’s_____ in winter and summer.
A. pleasure      B. preference      C. measurement    D. selection
1.The French usually drink__( 酒) their main meal.
2. It is no doubt that only those who face up to challenges are more likelyto____ ( 成功)
3. England's woolen sweaters are famous for their____ ( 质量)
4. Please make an____ ( 额外的) key for our front door.
5. Share your___ ( 进步) and filures with the people around you, and you'll find help from them.
1. 她一定是哭过了,这从眼睛可以看出来.(which 引导的定语从句)
2.尽管他年纪大了,从不放弃学习英语.(in spite of)
3.明天会上要讨论的第一个问题是下一步做什么.(the first problem…is… )
5. 直到昨天,他们才告知这个宾馆里的房间已全部预订完了.(Not until)
(彗星) is heading towards the Earth . Most of it will miss our planet , but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth .
On 17 July , a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s atmosphere (大气层) with a massive explosion . About half of the piece is destroyed , but the remaining part hits the S
outh Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound . The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed . Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole . The wall of water , a kilometer high , rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour . Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned .
