专题17 任务型阅读 考点3 完成句子或表格-2022年中考英语真题分项汇编...
专题17 任务型阅读
考点3 完成句子或表格
The term Start of Summer appeared over 2200 years ago. Since it is an important time for the harvest (收获) of summer plants, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties paid special attention to it.
In the Zhou Dynasty (1050-221 BC), the emperor led his officers to celebrate the Start of Summer and encouraged his people to do farm work in time. Everything, including the emperor’s and the officers’ dress, the horses and the flags, was decorated (装饰) in the color red, in order to show respect to the god of summer and hope for a good harvest.
One of the most interesting customs (风俗) is weighing people at the Start of Summer. It began to be celebrated from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180) and is getting popular in South China today.
It was believed that this custom would bring heath and good luck to the people who were weighed. After lunch on the day of Start of Summer, the young and old took turns to get weighed while receiving good wishes from the people around him. It is said that those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer and that those who weren’t would get back sooner or later.
Information about the term Start of Summer
The Start of Summer is important because it is the time for the harvest of summer _____41_____.
In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor celebrated the day with his officers and encouraged his people to do farm work _____42_____.
Weighing people at the Start of Summer started in the Three Kingdoms Period and _____43_____ in South China today.
People took turns to _____44_____ with people offering good wishes because they believed they would be
____45____ in the hot summer if they were weighed.
42.in time
43.got popular
44.get weighed
根据“Since it is an important time for the harvest (收获) of summer plants, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties paid special attention to it.”可知,由于立夏是夏季植物丰收的重要时节,中国历代帝王都对立夏格外重视。故填plants。
根据“In the Zhou Dynasty ( 1050-221 BC ), the emperor led his officers to celebrate the Start of Summer and encouraged his people to do farm work in time.”可知,在周朝,皇帝带领他的官员庆祝立夏,并鼓励他的人民及时做农活。故填in time。
根据“One of the most interesting customs (风俗) is weighing people at the Start of Summer. It began to be celebrated from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180) and is getting popular in South China today.”可知,最有趣的风俗之一是在立夏给人称重,它始于三国时期,如今在中国南方越来越流行。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填got popular。
根据“After lunch on the day of Start of Summer, the young and old took turns to get weighed while receiving good wishes from the people around him.”可知,立夏这一天,吃过午饭后,老人和年轻人轮流称重,同时接受周围人的祝福。故填get weighed。
根据“It is said that those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer”可知,据说,那些
China impresses the world in the year 2022. In the past months, we have seen several important events that showed the world a strong China. Here we take a look back at them.
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games closed on February 20. Themed “Together for a Shared Future”, the Games drew attention of the world successfully. Athletes (运动员) competed bravely on the ice and snow, achieving their dreams. They encouraged people around the world with their spirits. Behind stage, Chinese food and culture impressed international athletes. Many shared photos and videos of their life on social media, telling Chinese stories to the world. Beijing 2022 gave the world a window on China.
While Beijing 2022 reflects rich Chinese culture, the great progress in science and technology shows the ability to innovate (创新). On April 16, China welcomed three heroic astronauts home. After flying
around Earth for six months, they came back home safely. During the stay in space, they gave lively science lessons from the Tiangong space station. That made millions of children fall in love with space science. What’s more, on June 5, the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft rose into space and another three astronauts were sent into the space station. They will make a further step in the exploration (探索) of space.
All these great achievements show the power of China. We’re proud of our country. We strongly believe that China will surely move forward to an even brighter future.
China impresses the world in the year 2022. And the world sees a ___19___ China. Beijing held the 2022 Winter Olympic Games successfully. Athletes competed bravely and ___20___ people around the world. Besides, they told Chinese stories on social media. That let the world know more about Chinese food and ___21___. China also keeps innovating in science and technology. On April 16, three heroic astronauts returned home ___22___. The lively lessons they gave from space rose children’s interest in space science. With the Shenzhou XIV rising into space on June 5, China will continue with a further space exploration. As Chinese, we feel ___23___ of our country for all these great achievements. We believe China will have an even brighter future.
根据“In the past months, we have seen several important events that showed the world a strong China.”可知,在过去的几个月里,我们看到了一些向世界展示中国强大的重要事件。故填strong。
根据“They encouraged people around the world with their spirits.”可知,他们用自己的精神鼓励世界各地的人们。故填encouraged。
根据“Behind stage, Chinese food and culture impressed international athletes.”可知,中国的饮食和文化给国际运动员留下了深刻的印象。故填culture。
根据“After flying around Earth for six months, they came back home safely.”可知,在绕地球飞行了六个月之后,他们安全回到了家。故填safely。
根据“We’re proud of our country.”可知,我们为我们的国家感到骄傲。故填proud。
Environmental protection is one of the hottest topics nowadays. It was also something that ancient Chinese paid great attention to. In fact, the world’s earliest environmental protection idea, ministry(部门)and law were all born in China. How did the ancient Chinese protect the environment?
The world’s earliest idea of “managing state affairs(政事)through environmental protection”
Xunzi, a famous thinker in the Warring States Period, came up with the idea of “managing state affairs through environmental protection”. He wrote in his book that vegetation(植被)should be protected well by humans.
Guan Zhong, a government officer 400 years ahead of Xunzi, was also an environmental protection expert. He
said “a king who cannot protect his vegetation is not doing a good job”.
The world’s earliest “environmental protection ministry”
Nine ministries set up by Shun, an ancient Chinese emperor, included “Yu”(虞), an environmental protection ministry. The first “Yu” leader was Boyi, an environmental protection expert. He invented wells so people could drink clean water. He knew a lot about animals and also called for animal prote
The world’s earliest “environmental protection law”
Over 4,000 years ago, Dayu, an ancient Chinese water-control expert and also an emperor, made a rule, not allowing people to cut down trees in March or catch fish in June, because it was the time when they grew quickly.
Almost 3,000 years ago, Tianlü, the first environmental protection law, appeared in Qin. It recorded many ancient environmental protection rules. Two of them were interesting: firstly, rivers should not be blocked (堵塞); secondly, grass and trees should not be burned to be fertilizer(肥料)except for summer. The second one is inspiring even for today. It can help to keep air clean and fresh.
