Recently opened the computer, the screen will start flashing, a dark one bright, always flashing incessantly, dont know is wrong, also dont know what to do. Is it right? Have many friends and I also encountered the same situation? Look together computer master is how to explain the causes and coping methods.
Float a, just getting on the computer too much, and sometimes even the icons and text are not clear, but after one or two minutes will return to normal. This phenomenon occurred in wet weather, is to monitor / the internal moisture.
  Solution: to solve this problem, can be used in food packaging moisture-proof sand string together with cotton thread,/ leading to the output voltage ripple is too large, so that the card is not working properly, causing screen flicker, this kind of problem in the thermal performance is not good.
  Solution: turn on the power to replace the switch tube, filter capacitor, or directly for power.
  Three, display tube bad performance,/ leading to high pressure is too high, the screen is too bright white as a sheet, luminance potentiometer serious oxidation resistance, small o
r poor contact, the circuit fault leads to accelerated display color voltage is too high or the cathode voltage is too low, will cause the computer screen flicker phenomenon, especially in the initial phenomenon and your problem now is very similar.
  Solution: boot appeared screen flicker phenomenon, beat display phenomena whether increased (stopped after the phenomenon, do not use too much effort). Increase the display problem, is above the site due to poor contact, the need to find professionals to repair, no is not the problem.
  Four, the graphics interface is bad, bad thermal performance of graphics, and display lin
e contact is not good.
  The solution:
1, unplug the card, check whether the corrosion interface, anhydrous alcohol wipe clean, also omitted the shrapnel up some.
  After 2, wait for a phenomenon immediately shut down, with cotton gloves or cloth unplug the card, try the graphics chip by hand is overheating (generally slightly warm), overheating for the fan, or change the chip, the card. 3, using a multimeter resistance gea
r R*1K gear test display connection is good contact, when testing swaying line, the less likely to bad.
  显示器刷新频率设置得太低................................................................................ 1
显卡驱动咨询题,重装显卡驱动............................................................................ 2
电源变压器离显示器和机箱太近........................................................................ 2
音箱放得离显示器太近........................................................................................ 2
病毒捣蛋................................................................................................................ 2
显示卡接触不良.................................................................................................... 2
电源滤波电容损坏................................................................................................ 2
显卡老化 需要替代.............................................................................................. 3
常见毛病一:开机抖动........................................................................................ 3
常见毛病二:闻其声不见其画............................................................................ 3
常见毛病三:干扰杂波........................................................................................ 3
常见毛病四:显示器花屏。................................................................................ 4
常见毛病五:显示器黑屏。................................................................................ 4
常见毛病六:图像扭曲变形 .................................................................................. 4
常见毛病七:系统无法识别显示器 ...................................................................... 4
常见毛病八: 屏幕闪耀毛病 ................................................................................ 4
液晶显示器常见毛病............................................................................................ 5
