特殊教育系department of special education
工学院school of Engineering; the engineering college; technical
农学院agriculture college; school of agriculture
经济管理学院economy management college
商学院business School; school of business
森林系forestry department
造园系garden construction department
社会学系department of sociology
民族学系department of ethnology, department of ethnography
表演系acting department; department of performing arts
病理学系department of pathology
材料科学系department of material science
材料科学与工程学院 a school of material science and engineering
材料与冶金学院school of materials science and metallurgy
财税学系department of public finance and tax
测量系department of survey
成人教育学院school of adult education
城市科技学院city college of science and technology
出国留学人员培训部school of study-abroad language programs
传播与艺术学院school of arts & communication
大气物理系department of atmospheric physics
大学部the university section
大学外语教学部department of foreign languages Teaching
大众传播系department of mass communication
德语系department of German studies
地理系geography department; department of geography
地球科学系department of globe science; department of geosciences
地球物理系geophysics department; department of geophysics
地政系department of land administration
地质系geology department
地质学系department of geology
电机工程系department of electrical engineering
电力工程系department of electric power engineering
电力物理系department of power physics
农业经济管理专业电力系electric power department
电脑通信系department of computer and information
电信工程系department of telecommunication engineering
电影学院 a school of cinema; film department
电子工程系department of electronic engineering
电子物理学系department of electro-physics
电子系electronic department
电子与信息工程学院school of electronics and information engineering 雕塑学系department of sculpture
东亚语言文化学院school of East Asian languages and culture
东方语言文学系department of Oriental languages and literature 东欧语系department of East European languages
俄语系department of Russian studies
儿童福利系department of child welfare
法律系law department; department of law
法学院school of Law; law school
法西语系department of French & Spanish studies
纺织系department of textile technology
高等技术学院school of advanced technology
高等职业技术学院school of higher vocational education
高分子系department of polymer science
高级翻译学院school of advanced translating and interpreting
高职部school of higher vocational education
工程技术学院School of engineering and technology
工程科学系department of engineering science
工程力学系department of engineering mechanics
工程物理系department of engineering physics
工科department of engineering
工商管理学院school of business administration
工业工程系department of industrial engineering
工业管理系department of industrial management
工业设计系department of industrial design
公共管理系department of public administration
公共事务系department of public affairs and service
管理科学系department of management science
管理学院school of administration; school of management 国画系department of traditional Chinese painting
国际关系学系department of international relations
国际贸易系department of international tr ade
国际商学院school of international business
国际文化交流学院school of international cultural exchange
国际学院international school; school of international studies 国际政治系international politics department
国际政治学系department of international politics
国际政治学院school of international politics
海军科学系department of naval science
海事法规及经济学系department of maritime law and economics
海洋气象学系department of ocean meteorology
海洋学系department of oceanography
海洋与地球科学学院 a school of ocean and earth science
海洋运输学系department of marine transportation
汉学院school of Chinese studies
航海技术学系department of maritime technology
航海科学系department of nautical science
航海学系department of navigation
航空工程系department of aeronautical engineering
航空工程学院school of aeronautical engineering
核物理工程系department of nuclear physics engineering
航运管理系department of transportation management
合作经济系department of cooperative economics
森林系forest department
造园系garden construction department
河海工程系department of river and harbor engineering
核能技术研究所Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology
核子工程系department of nuclear engineering
洪堡学院school of Humboldt
护理系department of nursing
护理学院school traditional Chinese nursing
化工机械系department of chemical engineering mechanics
化工系chemical engineering department
化学工程系department of chemical engineering
化学工程学院school of chemical engineering
化学系chemistry department; department of chemistry
环境工程系department of environmental engineering
环境科学与工程学院school of environmental science and engineering
环境与市政工程学院School of Environmental and Munic ipal Engineering
会计统计系department of accounting and statistics
机电工程学院 a mechanical and electrical school
机械工程系department of mechanical engineering
机械工程学院mechanical school
机械工程与自动化学院school of mechanical engineering and automation
机械系department of mechanical engineering
基础学院school of foundation studies
基础医学院school of preclinical medicine
计算机工程与科学系department of computer engineering and science
计算机科学系department of computer science
计算机科学与技术系department of computer science and technology
技术物理学系department of technical physics
继续教育学院school of further education; school of continuing education;
school of continuing studies
家政系department of home economics
建筑工程系department of architecture and civil engineering
建筑与城市规划系department of architecture and urban planning
建筑与城市规划学院school of architecture and urban planning
健康卫生系department of health science
交通管理学院school of communications management
交通管理系department of communications management
交通运输学院school of traffic and transportation
教育系department of education
解剖系department of anatomy
文学院school of arts
理学院school of sciences
经济管理工程系department of economic and management engineering
经济管理学院school of economics and management
经济学系department of economics
精密仪器系department of precision instrument
考古系archaeology department
考古学系department of archaeology
科学学院school of sciences
控制工程系department of control engineering
口腔医疗系department of stomatology
矿业系department of mining
劳工关系系department of labor relations
力学系department of mechanics
力学与建筑工程学院School of Mechanics and Architecture engineering,
历史学系department of history
临床医学院school of clinical medicine
旅馆业行政管理系department of hotel administration and management
旅游事业系department of tourist industry
旅游学院school of tourism
轮机工程系department of marine engineering
水利系department of water resources
食品工业系department of food technology
农学系department of agronomy
农学院school of agriculture
农业工程系department of agricultural engineering
农业化学系department of agricultural chemistry
农业机械系agriculture machinery department
农业教育系department of agricultural education
农业经济系department of agricultural economics
农业推广系department of agricultural extension
农业学院school of Agriculture
女子学院women’s college
培训学院school of education and training
企业管理系department of business administration; department of
business management
汽车工程系department of automobile engineering
汽车营销学院school of automobile marketing
人文科学部school of humanities and science
医学院medical school; medical college
建筑系construction department
美术学院school of arts and design
农学院agriculture college
热能工程系department of thermal engineering
人类学系department of anthropology
人文学院 a research institute for the humanities
软件学院school of software
森林系department of forestry