In our country,many people do not follow the traffic rules when they cross the road.They may think cars will let them go first,so in a group they run a red light.They may think they are fast enough to cross the road before cars get close to them.So traffic accidents often happen in our daily life.In my opinion,we should follow the traffic rules when we cross the street,if everyone follows the traffic rules,there will be fewer traffic accidents.
公安部:明年起机动车闯红灯一次记6分 2012年10月09日02:39 新京报 新京报讯昨日,公安部修订发布了《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规 定》(以下简称123号令),对校车、大中型客货车、危险品运输车等 重点车型驾驶人的严重交通违法行为,提高了记分分值,记分项由 38项增加至52项。除关于校车驾驶人管理的内容外,123号令其他 规定将于2013年1月1日
起施行。关于处罚 大客挡号牌由记6分提高到12分 此次新增2项记12分的记分项,中型以上载客载货汽车、校车、危险物品运输车辆在高速公路、城市快速路上超速20%以上的记12 分;未取得校车驾驶资格驾驶校车的记12分。此外,机动车超速50%以上,中型以上载客汽车和危险物品运输 车辆疲劳驾驶,未悬挂机动车号牌或者故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安 装机动车号牌,营运客车在高速公路车道内违法停车,由记6分提高 到12分。将违反道路交通信号灯通行等违法记分由3分提高到6分。同时,根据《道路交通安全法》修改决定,取消了原醉酒后驾驶 机动车记12分的内容,规定饮酒后驾驶扣12分。关于服务 科目考试合格当日可领驾驶证 123号令还推出6项便民服务措施。其中,将核发和补换领驾驶证的时限由3日缩短为1日。众在驾驶证遗失或损坏后,在申请办理补换证的当日即可领取新的驾驶证,方便众驾车出行。同时,对于申领驾驶证的众,在三个科目考试合格和宣誓仪式后,当日就可领取驾驶证。将驾驶准考证明有效期由2年延长至3年。■ 释疑 为什么要延长驾驶准考证明有效期? 部分人2年内不能完成考试 公安部交管局表示,机动车驾驶证申请人在道路交通安全法律、法规和相关知识考试科目考试合格后,车辆管理所核发《机动车驾驶技能准考证明》,此前规定准考证明有效期为2年。一些众反映由于平时工作较忙,学习驾驶的时间少,参加考试的周期较长,在2年的有效期限不能完成全部科目考
试。为回应众需求,123号令施行后驾驶准考证明有效期将由2年延长至3年,方便众通过法规知识考试后,有更充裕的时间参加驾驶培训。■ 解读 1记满12分 5年禁领大客车驾照 【规定】造成死亡交通事故负同等以上责任、醉酒驾驶记录的终身不得申请;被处以吊销或者撤销驾驶证记录的10年内不得申请;记满12分的5年内不得申请大型客车驾驶证、3年内不得申请牵引车、中型客车驾驶证。【解读】公安部交管局:考虑到取得大中型客货车驾驶证的驾驶人大部分驾驶营运车辆,在社会交通中的交通安全责任重大,有必要规定更为严格的限制条件。被吊销、撤销驾驶证的情形,包括醉酒驾车、造成交通事故逃逸、以欺骗等不正当手段取得驾驶证等严重违法行为,均属故意行为,有必要对当事人再次申请驾驶证时采取更加严格的限制措施。2 3年内曾 不得申请驾照 【规定】 3年内有吸食、注射行为或者解除强制隔离戒毒措施未满3年的,不得申请驾驶证;驾驶人吸食、注射后驾驶机动车或者正在执行社区戒毒、强制隔离戒毒、社区康复措施的,要注销驾驶证。【解读】公安部交管局:原部门规章规定限制申请和注销驾驶证的条件为吸食、注射、长期服用依赖性精神药品成瘾尚未戒除。今年4月22日,一辆大客车在江苏省常合高速公路苏州段突然冲过中央护栏,与对向正常行驶的一辆货车相撞,导致14人死亡20人受伤,经查,大客车驾驶人事发前曾吸食。近年来,后驾驶机动车引发的交通
事故数量呈快速增长趋势,给道路交通安全带来重大隐患。从国外情况看,普遍对驾驶机动车采取了“零容忍”态度。部分一次记12分违法行为 ●饮酒后驾驶机动车的 ●上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的,或者故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安装机动车号牌的 ●驾驶营运客车在高速公路车道内停车的 ●连续驾驶中型以上载客汽车、危险物品运输车辆超过4小时未停车休息或者停车休息时间少于20分钟的 部分一次记6分违法行为 ●驾驶机动车违反道路交通信号灯通行的 ●连续驾驶中型以上载客汽车、危险物品运输车辆以外的机动车超过4小时未停车休息或者停车休息时间少于20分钟的 ●驾驶机动车不按照规定避让校车的
One night Mr Lee was driving his wife home from work.She was a nurse in ahospital.It was almost midnight and she was quite tired out.She soon fellasleep.Mr Lee looked at her and smiled.Mr Lee was a careful and experienced driver.He knew it was safer to driveslowly on a dark night.After some time he noticed a car following him.It wastravelling very fast.Suddenly it overtook his car.The driver of the car was in a hurry.He did not see the approaching lorry.To avoid hitting it, he suddenly tuned his car.It skidded off the road and hita big tree.The driver and his passenger were injured.They were badly cut byglass from the broken windscreen.Mr Lee quickly stopped his car by the side ofthe road.His wife got out of the car to help the injured.The lorry driver alsostopped to help.Mr Lee drove off to telephone the police.About twenty-fiveminutes later, a police car and an ambulance arrived.The injured were carriedinto the ambulance and taken to hospital.The policemen took down details of the accident.Mr Lee and the lorrydriver told them all they could remember.The policemen thanked them for theirhelp.Mr and Mrs Lee got into their car and continued their journey home.有关交通英语初二作文2
关于五一的英语作文In modern society, the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide concern.Concerning w
ith this problem, different people hold different opinions.As faras I am concerned, to solve this problem, we need to begin with the followingsteps.First, limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solvethe problem of heavy traffic.Private car occupies a larger space and it isresponsible for traffic jam to a large extent.Less private cars will acceleratethe flow of traffic.Second, it is also a good means to open up the specialroads for buses.By doing this, the phenomenon that the buses block the streetwhen passengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again.At the sametime, it will upgrade the efficiency of buses.Finally, reinforcing punishtoward the over-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of trafficaccident, and then decrease traffic jam.To put it in a nutshell, only we put the above advice into practicetogether can we solve the problem of heavy traffic.有关交通英语初二作文3
With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on thestreets.Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem ofheavy traffic in the city.I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, thegovernment should build more roads.This action can decrease the degree ofstreet con
gestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before.But each coin has two sides.If a city builds too many roads, the streets willoccupy much land.We will have little space used for other purposes.Sosecondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added.Thuspeople can go conveniently everywhere they like;they will not ride bikes ordrive cars.In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will begreatly cut down.As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should setup an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea inour traffic work.有关交通英语初二作文4
Nowadays, motorcycles are popular around us.They have become an importantmeans of transport in Chinese cities.Compared with the bike and the car, themotorcycle has its own advantages.First, it is quite flexible.When there is atraffic jam, it can go through the cars that are held up in the street.Besides,it doesn't consume much petrol.Most important of all, it can carry anotherperson at the back.But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are alsoapparent.To begin with, it's very complicated to get qualified fur riding amotorcycle.You'll have to go through a series of procedures to get a ridinglicense.Furthe
rmore, the maintenance is expensive.Worst of all, it costs a bigsum of money to pay fur the license plate, especially in big cities.In conclusion, it has both favorable and unfavorable aspects.However, ifthe authorities concerned simplify the procedures and reduce the cost of thelicense plate, the motorcycle will be accepted by more people.有关交通英语初二作文5
