  Today is the May 1st Labour Day holiday. I go to the hometown - huizhou jiang garden visit grandparents. We got off the bus, treasure way China at this time, the day has rainstorm, the sky thunder and lightning. I and the daddy, mother rushed out of the car and rushed into the station. I gave the battle and father and mother like soldiers, be defeated and flee. Rushed into the station, the mother patted the rain, said: "the rain will stop half a no, not as good as to buy an umbrella." Dad looked at seems to be under continual rain said: "ok, you go to buy, I wait here!" My mother and I quickly rushed to a small shop, with 10 yuan to buy a blue umbrella. We gave the umbrella to father, father took the umbrella, and open the umbrella, in the three of us under the overpass. Dad asked hundreds of taxi drivers, willing to jiang mix garden, only a few department to 30 yuan. It is, my heart began to whisper: last time came to 11, 12 yuan, how all of a sudden rise in price? All of a sudden, I suddenly realize, the price of the holiday by taxi is more expensive than usual, but it has gone too far! My father as much as possible the bargain with a taxi driver, in the end, the coarse uncle car drivers with just 25 yuan he sent us to the river with the garden. The road, we know fro
关于五一的英语作文m the mouth of the drivers, with jiang garden is their retrograde direction, because many of the coarse car can't go to river garden. I looked out of the window, saw only a piece of white mist. The rain washed the streets. We take a taxi because of the too fast, base on water, like a phoenix wings. Sidewalk pedestrians have opened the umbrella and walked quickly forward, seems to want to race and the heavy rain. After a while, we went to the river with the garden, just out of the car was wet from the rain, and we quickly rushed to grandparents home.
  今天,是五一劳动节。我到家乡——惠州的江拌花园探望外公外婆。 我们下了宝路华大巴,这时,天已经下起倾盆大雨,天空电闪雷鸣。我和爸爸,妈妈急忙下了车,冲进了车站。我和爸爸以及妈妈像打了败仗的士兵,落荒而逃。冲进了车站后,妈妈一边拍了拍身上的雨水,一边说:“这雨一时半会停不了,不如去买把伞。”爸爸看了看似乎下不停的雨说:“好吧,你们去买,我在这里等!”我和妈妈快步冲到一个小店,用10块钱买了一把蓝的雨伞。我们把伞给了爸爸,爸爸接过伞,并打开了伞,我们三个急冲到天桥底下。爸爸问了许很多多的出租车司机,只有几部愿意去江拌花园,要30元。这是,我心里开始嘀咕起来:上次来的时候才11,12元,怎么忽然涨价呢?突然,我恍然大悟,节日坐出租车
