1.限制:limit, restrict, confine, define, narrow, tighten(使变紧,), constrict(使缩紧2限制),
cap, tie
< We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view. 缩小差距
< We’re working to narrow down the list of possible suspects.
< The smoking causes the same diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death
rates is narrowing.
define (v.):这个词大家以前熟悉的意思是给……下定义, 这个意思和限制并不矛盾,什么叫下定义?就是描述出一个事物的轮廓,所以定义就是在一个给定的范围内给一个事物限定的特定的意思。(define的英文解释:If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like)
< The Supreme Court decision could define how far Congress can go in trying to determine the
outcome of court cases.
cap (n./v.): 这个词最常用的意思是帽子的意思,作为限制的意思再形象不过了。E.g. The government has placed a cap on local council spending.
snow-capped mountains
present的同义词补充信息:魔兽世界(WOW)的资料片燃烧的远征(TBC)刚刚推出的时候,在上就有这么句话:An increase in the level cap to 70 大家不妨体会下这句话中的cap的意思(当然了,有游戏功底的理解起来相当的easy,再次强调本人的原则:游戏不是坏事,能学以致用就好)
2.集中,聚焦于:focus on, concentrate on, aim, spotlight(1聚光灯2attention from newspapers (3)
特别关注), be engrossed in,with(全神贯注), lay/place/put emphasis on, deal only with, highlight,
< A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities.
< The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime.
< Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.
< The article spotlights the problems of the homeless.
engross (v.): 全神贯注于某事
< The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.
< He was so engrossed in his book that he didn’t hear her come in.
< The incident has served to highlight the problems of urban deprivation.|
highlight 作名词用表示一系列事情的亮点,高潮,最精彩所在,
< That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
< The highlight of the trip was visiting the Great Wall of China.
3.现代的,最新的:contemporary, modern, current, present, recent, up-to-date, latest
< They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.
latest (a.):最新的
< the latest fashions from the Paris catwalks.
4.增长:grow, increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend, rocket,
soar (v.):飙升
< The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.
rocket(v./n.):作名词是火箭的意思, 动词: 直线上升
< Stock prices rocketed to their highest level yesterday.这组词在阅读和写作当中可能会发生词性的
grow-growing-growth; increase-increasing-increase; expand-expanding-expansion;
rise-rising-rise; improve-improved-improvement; extend-extended- extension;
5.悲观的,忧郁的:pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, depressing, hopeless, sad, blue, unhappy,
low-spirited, mournful, dismal, miserable, glum, broken-hearted , down in the dumps(informal),
< Doctors are pessimistic about his chances of making a full recovery.
gloomy (a.):衰退的, 忧郁的,
< Frank dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.
blue (a.): 这个词可以解释为蓝调即悲伤忧郁的音乐,不过只能用复数形式blues
< She usually calls her mother when she’s feeling blue.
blue这个词还有高贵的意思,例如这个短语:blue-blooded 表示出生于皇室家族或者社会地位很高的家族blue book这个词大家可千万不要多想,它一般指英国官方发布的蓝皮书(封面通常是蓝的)(yellow pages 黄页即包含电话号码和的黄封面的书)
blue movie,不过这种用法差不多已经过时了,现在一般都说porn movie
blue chip 蓝筹股即表现优异的,或者值得投资的股票
blue collar蓝领
6.加速,前进:accelerate, speed up, advance, hasten v, quicken, develop, hurry,
< The decline of her health seemed to suddenly accelerate.
develop (v.): 发展,也就是说现在的速度比原先的快才能叫发展,所以develop和和加速这个意思是属于相关词
develop liver disease 得病
develop the pictures 冲照片
advance(v.): 进步,前进
< The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
7.相似的,相同的similar, alike, resemble类似, same,, identical, still(这个词需要体会),
analogous, twin,
alike (a.): E.g. The two versions of the text are alike in many ways.
resemble (v.): E.g. Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely resemble real combat.
identical (a.): E.g. This house is almost identical to the one where I lived as a child.
analogous (a.): E.g. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
twin (n./v./a.): 记住阿娇和阿萨就记住这个单词了,本意是双胞胎的意思
< identical twin
< the twin problems of poverty and unemployment/Meet my twin sister.
< The opera twins the themes of love and death.
< Chichester in England is twinned with Chartres in France.
8.颜colour(red, blue, brown, etc.),hue, pigment, shade, tint, tone, dye,
hue (n.):彩/观点,信念
< Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.
< political opinions of every hue (= of many kinds)
表示深的形容词:dark, deep, rich
表示浅的形容词:light, pale灰白的, soft柔和的, pastel1粉笔蜡笔,淡雅的颜
表示颜很鲜艳,很亮的形容词:bright, brilliant1。聪颖的技艺高的2.明亮的鲜艳的, vivid清晰的耀眼的鲜艳的,
shade (n.):调,颜的深浅
< a delicate / pale / rich / soft shade of red
pigment, dye (n.):颜料,染料
9.重要的,必要的,必不可少的,关键的,有意义的,important ,significant ,seminal影响深的,weighty
严重的,critical ,momentous重大的,vital essential ,crucial ,indispensable不可缺少的,necessary ,key ,pivotal 中枢的关键的, chief重要的, principal, leading重要的, historic历史上有名的, worth(反义词:unimportant, trivial, minor, irrelevant不相干的, insignificant) 这组词不仅在阅读中很重要,在写作中也尤为值得一提,这组词直接的或者间接的都表示重要的意思。
significant (a. ): E.g. Volunteer tutoring programs can have a significant impact on student achievement.
< A significant number of drivers still refuse to wear seat belts.
critical (a.):至关重要的,危及的
< Foreign trade is of critical importance to the economy.
Eight people were killed and four are still in a critical condition.
题外话:critical point在游戏中可以指暴击点数的意思
momentous(a. ): 有意义的
< The revolution taking place in Eastern Europe must be counted as one of the most
momentous events of this century.
vital (a.): E.g. Regular exercise is vital for your health.
< The tourist industry is of vital importance to the national economy. (of vital
importance= very important)
vital signs: 生命特征(判断一个人是否还活着,例如心跳,体温等)
indispensable (a.): 必不可少的
< International cooperation is indispensable to resolving the problem of the drug trade.
10.紧急的,迫不及待的,临近的urgent, pressing, crucial, critical, immediate, emergent,
pressing(a.): E.g. Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.
immediate (a. ): 急切的,迫切的,接近/临近的(这个词条非常常用,特别是后面接地点的时候,基本上都是表示接近和靠近的意思)
< There is an i mmediate danger of war.
< It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate (=local) area.
immediate family: 直系亲属(父母,子女,兄弟妹等)
11.长期的,慢性的chronic, persistent连续的不断的, long-term, habitual习惯的, long-standing
长期纯在的, 反义词:acute急性的极大的严重的敏锐的
< chronic heart disease
< There is a chronic shortage of teachers.
< He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job. /chronic gambler
的方法,而且在的写作中有很多还可以用得上,何乐而不为,在随后的词条中会陆续介绍)chronometer计时仪(常用语科学领域的)habitual (a.):习惯性的(养成习惯了,那肯定是长期形成的)
< an habitual smoker/drinker/liar/criminal
long-standing (a.): E.g. a long-standing relationship/debate
12.人工的,人造的,合成的artificial, synthetic, false, man-made, manufactured, artificial
intelligence(AI)=machine reasoning
artificial (a.): 人工的
< an artificial limb / flower / sweetener / fertilizer/colours
synthetic (a.): 人工合成的
< synthetic rubber
false (a.): 假的,错误的(在某些时候人工的,合成的,不就是大家眼中的假货么?不是到大家有没有
false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc 假牙/假发/假睫毛
false friend: 就是来自一对不同两个语言的词(或者是两个字母表中的字母)看起来或者是听起来相仿,但是意义完全不同.例如busboy看上去很像是汽车售票员,确是表示餐厅勤杂工的意思(这样的例子还有很多)manufactured (a.):人造的(其实manu-这个前缀本来是表示用手工制造的意思,但是随着时间的推移,这个前缀已经逐渐转变为用机器大批量制造的意思了,例如:The firm manufactures women’s clothing.)
< a news story manufactured by an unscrupulous journalist
13.联系,连接,绑定link, associate, connect, relate, tie, unite联合, attach黏上, bind ,in
conjunction with
tie (v.): E.g. My social life and business life are closely tied.
tie作名词有领结和平局的意思E.g.The first game ended in a tie.
< Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.(=necktie)
tie the knot 结婚(非正式说法,一种很形象化的说法:打上蝴蝶结,类似于我们中文中的说法:结为连理或者走进教堂这种间接的说法)
attach (v.): 附加,固定
< A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.
attachment (n.): E.g. old people's attachment to traditional customs 忠诚
< I'll send the spreadsheet as an attachment. 附件
< a child's attachment to its mother 依恋
bind (v.) 绑定这个词的发音和汉语解释绑定非常的接近,可以帮助大家记忆(Bind on Acquire/Bind on equipment打过魔兽世界的应该很熟悉这两个短语吧:拾取后绑定和装备后绑定)
link A to/with B; associate A with B; connect A to/with B; tie A to B; relate A to B; bind A to B;
14.足够的,充分的,大量的sufficient, adequate, enough, abundant, ample, plenty
of ,considerable, plentiful,
sufficient (a.): E.g. sufficient time/resources/information 反义词:insufficient
< Will the growth in output be sufficient to meet the increased demand?
adequate (a.): E.g. an adequate supply of hot water 反义词:inadequate
< There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students.
abundant (a.): E.g. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.
ample (a.): 这个词一般都放在名词之前,不可以说A is ample.
an office complex with ample parking
这个词还可以用于幽默的说女性的身材很胖:a woman with an ample figure
considerable (a.): 大量的,不要想当然得把这个词的意思想象成和考虑有关。这个词和足够的有些区别,但再次强调它和足够的意思并不矛盾,他们之间的关系很像necessary和important,在考试这种主要是考察考生语言和理解能力的测试中,一般来说我们不需要区分他们之间的细小的逻辑差别(负
< issues of considerable importance
< We've saved a considerable amount of money.
15.战争,军事,military, army , battle(field),armed 使用武器的forces武力暴力,attack袭击攻
击,combat搏斗,conflict冲突战斗,crusade斗争,war, the services海陆军三军,
armed forces: 武装部队/力量arm本意是胳膊的,动词的意思是装备的意思(equip),所以armed解释为武装的
< Many of the gangs are armed to the teeth (=carrying a lot of weapons). 武装到牙齿,这个说
