1. apologize to sb. for sth = say sorry to sb. for sth                为某事向某人道歉
2. be satisfied with = be pleased with                            对……感到满意
3. consist of = be made up of                                由……组成
4. get ready for = prepare for                                为……做准备
5. in order to = so as to = in order that = so that                    为了
6. keep in touch (with) = communicate (with)                    保持联系
7. make a decision to do = decide to do = make up one’s mind to do    决定做某事
8. be different from = not the same as                            与……不同
9. be full of = be filled with = be crowded with                    充满
10. be keen on = be interested in = be fond of = show interest in        高兴,对……感兴趣
11. care for = look after = take care of                            照顾
12. rely on = depend on                                        依靠
13. hear from = get/ receive a letter from                        收到某人的来信
14. lose one’s life = die = be dead                                去世
15. think about = dream of                                    梦想
16.altogether = in all                                        总共
17. for the time being = at present = now = nowadays                现在
18. stop doing = give up doing                                停止做某事
19. start = set out = set off                                    出发
20. come to an end = be over                                    结束
21. go to …in a hurry = hurry to…                                匆忙做某事
22. immediately = at once = right now = right away                立刻、马上
23. not…any longer = no longer                                再也不
24. return    = give back                                        还给
25. prefer …to… = would rather…than… =         更喜欢……
27. …high = …in height                                        ……高
28. be bad for = be harmful to = do harm to                        对……有害
29. each other = one another                                    互相
30. review = go over                                        复习
31. take place = be held = happen                                发生、举行           
32. have a good time = enjoy oneself                            过得愉快
33. be busy with sth. = be busy doing sth.                        忙于做某事
34. mustn’t = be not allowed to                                不被允许
35. no less than = at least                                    至少
36. escape = run away                                        逃跑
37.is over sixty = in one’s sixties                                在某人60多岁的时候
38. take charge of = be in charge of = be responsible for            负责
39. on the phone = by phone                                    打电话
40. by oneself    = on one’s own=alone                            独自、亲自
41. come true = be realized                                    实现
42. realize = be aware of = know                                意识到、知道
43. do sb. a favour = help sb.=give sb. a hand                    帮助某人
44. deal with = do with                                        处理
45. make fun of = play a trick on = make jokes about                戏弄某人
46. be careful with = with great care                            小心
47. delay = put off                                            推迟
48. earn money = make a living                                谋生
49. from then on = after that                                    之后
50. go in for = take part in = join in                            参加
51. have the same opinion with sb = agree with sb                同意某人的观点
52. prevent… from = keep/ stop… from                        阻止……做某事
53. at last    = in the end = finally                                最后
54. in one’s opinion = sb think                                某人认为
55. be against = be not in favour of                            反对
56. expect to do = look forward to doing                        祈期待做某事
57. lose one’s way = can’t find the way to sp                        迷路
58. here and there = everywhere                                到处
59. It is known by everyone = It is common knowledge            众所周知
60. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. = offer sb sth = offer sth to sb    提供某人某物
61. throughout = all over                                        到处
62. not fashionable = out of date                                过时
63. lose her temper = get angry                                生气
64. lie = be located in/on/at                                    坐落
65. walk to sp = go to sp on foot                                步行去某去
66. borrow sth. from sb = lend sth. to sb                        借某人某物
67. do well in = be good at                                    擅长于
68. over = more than                                        超过
69. escape = run away                                        脱跑
70. stop working = go wrong                                    出错
71. arrive at/ in a place= reach sp = get to sp                  到达某地
72.too/ also=. as well= as well as                  也,还,和
73. be able to = It’s possible to do = sb can                    能够做……
74. break down = go wrong = be wrong = be dead                  损坏,出故障
75. break into = get in…by force                              闯入
76. complain about= make a complaint about                      抱怨投诉
77. deal with= solve= work out                                  处理解决
78. instead of= take the place of                              代替,取代
79. stand for= refer to                                          代表、指的是
80. stay up= do sth until very late/ midnight                      熬夜
81.consider…= think over                                      仔细考虑
82.see off = say goodbye at sp                                  送行   
83.be independent= depend/ rely on oneself                      独立,靠自己
