科目名称及代码:综合知识 811
Section A: Linguistics (60 points)
I. Translate the following linguistic terms into English. (5 points, 1 point each)
II. Define FIVE of the following terms, giving examples if necessary. (10 points,2 points each )
1. Displacement
2. Back clipping
3. Minimal pair
4.Morphological rule
5. Perlocutionary act
6. Sociolinguistics
7. Subordinate construction
III. Fill in each blank with a suitable term, with some of the initial letters given.
(10 points, 1 point each)
农业大学专业1. D___________ refers to an area of human activity in which one particular
speech variety or a combination of several speech varieties is regularly used,for instance, situations in which the persons talking to one another are members of the family, e.g. mother and children.
2. B ___________is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed
by combing the meanings and sounds of two words, one of the which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms, like brunch.
3. H___________ structure is the sentence structure that group words into structural
constituents and shows the syntactic category of each structural constituent, such as NP, VP and PP.
4. M__________ is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of
words, and the rules by which words are formed.
5. C _________are those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to
some future course of action.
6. T___________ theory is a theory about trace left by movement. This theory
assumes that a moved constituent leaves behind a phonologically null element in its original site.
7.P___________ are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state and are not
verifiable, in other words, they are utterances that perform an act.
8. I___________ is the language system of an individual as expressed their way he
or she speaks or writes within the overall system of a particular language.
9. S___________ is the study of meaning communicated through language. The
basic task is to show how people communicate meanings with pieces of language.
10. A _________ phonetics studies the movement of the vocal organs of producing
the sounds of speech.
IV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (15 points,1.5 points each )
1. ()Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refers to the fact
that language has two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the
system of meanings.
2. ()Saussurs’s exposition of synchronic analysis led to the school of historical
3. ()Chomsky’s concept of linguistic performance is similar to Saussure’s
concept of parole, while his use of linguistic competence is somewhat
different from Saussure’s langue.
4. ()If language learners are provided with sufficient and the right kind of
language exposure and chances to interact with language input, they will
acquire the native-like competence in the target language.
5. ()Syntactic category refers to all phrasal syntactic categories such as NP,VP,
and PP, and word-level syntactic categories that serve as heads of phrasal syntactic categories such as N and V.
6. ()Competence and performance refer respectively to a language user’s
underlying knowledge about the system of rules and the actual use of language in concrete situation.
7. ()Two sentences using the same words may mean quite differently.
8. ()Hyponymy is a matter of class membership, so it is the same as meronymy.
9. ()Inviting, suggesting, warning, ordering are instances of commissives.
10. ()The right ear advantage(REA)is true to no matter whether people have
the left hemispheric dominance for speech or the less common right hemispheric dominance for speech.
V. Choose FIVE of the following questions to answer. (20 points,4 points each)
1. Who put forward the concept of langue and parole? What is the difference
between them?
2. To what extent is phonology related to phonetics and how do they differ?
3. Decide which way of word formation is used to form the following words.
Motel lase ROM mew/miaow
4. What is word? What is lexicon? What is lexeme? What is vocabulary?
5. Can you make some comments on IC analysis?
6. What is X-bar theory?
7. What is discourse analysis?
Section B: Translation (60 points)
1.Translate the following into Chinese (30 points)
The sublime paradox of the spiritual life is repeated in all true development of personal gift and power. In order to find his life a man must first lose it; in order to keep his soul a man must first give it. The beginning of all education is self-conscious; at the start every effect must be calculated, every skill, method, or dexterity carefully studied. Training involves a rigid account of oneself based on searching self-knowledge. To become an effective speaker one must know his defects of bearing, gesture, voice; one must bring his whole personality into clear light, and study it as if it were an external thing; one must become intensely self-conscious. The initiation to every art is through this door of rigid scrutiny of self and entire surrender of self to the discipline of minute study and exacting practice. The pianist knows the artistic value of every note, and strikes each note with carefully calculated effect. The artist gives himself up to a patient study of details, and is content with the monotony of laborious imitation; subjecting every element of material and manner to the most thorough analysis.
The first stage in the education of the true worker is self-conscious; the final stage is self-forgetful. No man can enter the final stage without passing through the initial stage; no man can enter the final stage without leaving the initial stage behind him. One must first develop intense self-consciousness, a
nd then one must be able to forget and obliterate himself. One must first accept the most exacting discipline of the school, and then one must forget that schools exist. The apprentice is the servant of detail; the master is the servant of the idea: the first accepts methods as if they were the finalities of art; the second uses them as mere instruments. Tennyson's attention was once called to certain very subtle vowel effects in one of his later poems; he promptly said that he had not thought of them. That was undoubtedly true, for he had become a master; but there was a time, in his days of apprenticeship, when he had studied the musical qualities and resources of words with the most searching intelligence. The transition from apprenticeship to mastery is accomplished when a man passes through self-consciousness into self-forgetfulness, when his knowledge and skill become so much a part of himself that they become instinctive. When the artist has gained, through calculation, study, and, practice, complete command of himself and his materials, he subordinates skill to insight, and makes his art the unconscious expression of his deepest nature. When this stage is reached the artist can pour his whole soul into his work almost instinctively; his skill and methods have become so completely a part of himself that he can use them almost without being conscious of them.
2.Translate the following into English. (30 points)
Section C: 中文写作(30 points)